Wright’s Weekly Reader

2010-2011 School Year~Open House Edition


Dear Family,

Welcome to our kindergarten classroom! My name is Mrs. Ashley Wright and I will be your child’s teacher this year. Ms. Donna Brooks will also be helping us throughout this school year. I have lots of fun learning activities lined up this year. This is the first edition of the “Wright’s Weekly Reader” newsletter for the 2010-2011 school year. Look for them in your child’s weekly Friday folder. They will let you everything that is going on in our classroom and the school! Let me start by telling you a little about what to expect this year:

School closes at 12:45 on the first day! Please make arrangements for your child on that day, to arrive home or at their daycare place at this earlier time.

School will not be in session on Monday, September 6th, for Labor Day.

Please make sure that your child, Ms. Donna and I know how they are to get home from school, especially the first day. If you are going to bring them to school on the first day and they will ride a bus home, please tell me what bus they need to ride. If you do not know, you can call the Board of Education at 526-5624. They can find out your bus number for you. Then call the school to let us know at 526-3361. The earlier in the day you can call, the better it is. This will make the first day go easier if we all know how your child will get home.

The first day of school will not run on schedule. When you arrive at school, you may want to tour the room with your child. Please help them locate their locker and table, and bathroom if needed. Your child’s name will need to be on their mat and extra change of clothes with a permanent marker. Make sure that you leave all the papers filled out with me. If you cannot have all the papers filled out before you leave school, YOU MUST leave an emergency number with me. For those children who may have tears on the first day of school, please make sure that Ms. Donna or I are aware of your child’s tears and then leave quickly. I promise to get hold of someone if we cannot get your child calmed down and comfortable quickly.

Our school day begins at 8:00. The school serves breakfast for any student who wishes to eat. (Check with the front office for prices). If you normally drop off your child at school, please make sure that they arrive in plenty of time to eat breakfast, if desired, and have time to get down to the room and get their things put away and be at their table before the announcements come on at 8:00.

Your child will have PE during the week. On those days, please send your child to school in appropriate clothing and shoes (tennis shoes ONLY).

Attendance is an important aspect of school. Your child needs to be here each and every day of school to learn at their top potential. If your child must miss school, you need to: (1) Call the school at 526-3361 to notify them of your child’s absence and the reason why. (2) Then it is also necessary to send a written note with your child when they return to school. (3) If they have been to the doctor, please send a doctor’s statement with them. **Please do not call for missed assignments.** If a student is absent and if considered excused by the front office, they will be allowed to make up the work they have missed. They need to complete and return theses assignments to school within one week or grades will become a “0” in the grade book.

Friday Folders: Each Friday your child will bring home a Friday folder with a newsletter, important notices, and all their work for that week. Please review and clean out their folder. Please sign and return empty on Monday mornings.

Parents are always welcome in our room! Anytime you have a question or comment about your child, please send me an email (), a note, or a phone call. Although it is difficult for me to talk with you during the school day, I will be glad to set up a time to meet with you if necessary.

Please check out our classroom website: click on MES, Teacher Webpages, and then Ashley Wright- Kindergarten. I try to update this frequently.

Criminal Background Check ~For any adult who wishes to help out in the classroom, school building, OR go on a field trip with a class, it is Board Policy to complete and pass a criminal check. This is strictly enforced. These are free and are done through the Board of Education, 526-5624. Papers will be sent home if you are interested. If you are one of these parents please get this done as soon as possible.

In order to get reduced or free lunch, you must fill out the proper form each school year. Your child will need to bring their lunch money in a sealed bag or envelope with their name on the outside. The best way is to send money with your child to put in their account in the lunchroom. PLEASE HELP YOUR CHILD LEARN THEIR LUNCH #!

We will be enjoying a quick and healthy snack daily. Snack, milk and coke break are all combined into one monthly total. We find this to be much easier for everyone! Snack is always $4 a month, and milk is $.30 a day. So…we total that all up for you and put the amount due on the newsletter in the Friday folder. It is always due by the first day of the month because we have to go buy the snacks.This year I am offering another choice. You may send in a snack/drink with your child each day instead of paying the monthly fee.

~FYI- August total will be $9.00.

Check Policy—You can write checks as long as they are made to-MorgantownElementary School. There is a $25 fee on returned checks.

Behavior Management. We will be using green and red sticks. If your child receives three green sticks in one day then they will get a treat out of the treat box. Green sticks are given when I catch students following classroom and school rules! If your child receives three red sticks in one day then they will be issued a yellow discipline card with a parent call, email, note, or sent to the principal. Red sticks are issued when the student is caught breaking one of the classroom or school rules. Here are the classroom rules:

Supply list ~Your child should have received a supply list in the letter they received from me in the mail. Please make sure your child’s name is on the supplies. Here is the supply list:

  • coloring pencils
  • colored markers
  • 2 clear glue sticks
  • white Elmer’s glue
  • one pocket folder
  • one Kindergarten writing tablet
  • One pencil box
  • One quart size Ziploc baggies- girls
  • One gallon size Ziploc baggies- boys
  • Box of tissues
  • One roll of paper towels
  • Composition notebook
  • Play dough
  • Clear or mesh backpack
  • Vinyl mat (traditional red and blue due to limited space room please) with your child’s name on it.
  • Change of clothes in a plastic bag marked with your child’s name

**Please NO trapper keepers, click pencils, or purses.**

The beginning of the school year brings lots of papers for grown-ups to fill out and sign. I ask for your patience as the school and I take care of these matters as quickly as possible. I am so excited about being your child’s teacher this year. I am sure that we can be a successful team in helping your child be the best student they can be!

Yours in Education,

Mrs. Ashley Wright, Kindergarten Teacher

Mrs. Donna Brooks, Paraeducator