DATE: January 2017
1. / Current Points:
Accounts December 2016
Attached accounts summary shows a loss of £336.24 for the month. Points to note:
  • Squad income – similar to previous 2 months after various changes and moves within squads
  • Certain costs are estimated as awaiting actual invoices
  • NASL meet jointly held at Whittlesey cost us £91
  • Blocks have now been fully paid for at £11,796.72
  • Christmas bowling event net cost was £296.70
  • Level 1 coaches courses paid for Karl and Tim with a net cost of £228.84
  • Debtors – total due from members at 31.12.16 £958.42 with largest amounts being:
Joshua Oko £143.50 – March onwards but paid £102.50 in Nov and Dec
Katy Chilvers £129.10 – part Nov and Dec
James Stuart-Robson £128.00 – May onwards – emailed – to speak to shortly
Leadbeater £88.59 – disputed
Alex Constantin £52.75 Dec 16 not paid – emailed
Plus 19 other balance below £50 totalling £416.48
  • In the process of issuing statements to all members as at 31.12.16 asking for debts to be paid and if credits can be taken against ASA fees which are due shortly. If debts are not cleared by 28.2.17 I assume members will be asked not to swim?
  • ASA fee reminders – Barbara has sent me a list of fee by member – to confirm if she or Nicky are to send out reminders? Also to confirm the CAT 3 list is correct

2. / Previous Minutes:
Matters Arising
3. / Questions for the Committee:
Can we sell the old blocks – in balance sheet at written down value of £1,326 having originally cost £3,791 to buy?
Squad rates
Currently rates are
Learner 1(7 swimmers)£16.00
Learner 2(8 swimmers)£16.00
Learner 3(9 swimmers)£20.50
All three groups now swim in the learner pool for half an hour each on a Sunday evening. I think the difference in the Learner 3 rate arose when that group originally swam 40 minutes rather than 30. The apparent difference has been brought to my attention while chasing a debt in and a member questioning why the higher rate is payable for the same length of time. I have also discussed this with Mandy who does not see why the rates should now differ.
Note the other groups which pay £20.50 are the group that do half an hour widths in the main pool on a Saturday evening and the 2 groups (one Saturday and one Sunday) that swim half an hour lengths in the main pool ( a total of 32 in these groups)
We believe the One Life rates for a half an hour swimming lesson are a few pounds more than our £20.50 rate. I suggest that Learner 1 and 2 should both be increased from an agreed date to £20.50 BUTthink we need to be sure what is happening with these groups before asking members for more. Do committee agree and how should letter be worded.
4. / Any other business:
The Ball
Booked for 1/4/17 at Castle Sports Complex
Fixed costs per Nikki will be around £2,000 and ticket price has been set at £40
We need to sell around 100 tickets to break even.
Maximum capacity is 250 and Nikki is hoping we have 200 people
Ticket sales – can all committee approach all members to try and sell tickets asap
Nicky is hoping each committee member will sell a table of 10 tickets
Raffle prizes needed – good prizes to justify a £5 a ticket raffle ticket price – committee to help source prizes