Commish Corner – Youth - Spring Season– Week 4!

Top News and Questions

  1. From 4 to 2 teams left undefeated!
  2. 7-8: Vienna Dream
  3. 6-7: Vienna Wildcats
  4. 3-4: Knuckleheads
  5. 3-4: Thunder
  6. Some thrilling games this week!
  7. Lions take down the mighty REIGN in a surprise! The Lions played with real heart (see Wizard of Oz) against a significantly bigger team! But they made up for it with quickness and determination! Surely this would have been the Game of the Week if not for the Thunder/Knucklehead game!


Game of the Week –Thunder over Knuckleheads (26-25)

Wow, what an exciting game that ended at the buzzer with a classic play! The Knuckleheads led most of the way, and in fact were up by 26-21 with just 59 seconds left to play! But that’s when the excitement went to another level! Coach Dewayne (Mr. Calm) Nelson and his team (5-0) never gave up, even when it looked like it was over! But somehow they clawed back to 24-26 with just one second left! That’s when Thunder star Justin Fraser stepped to the line for two shots…

Watch the clock below!

Down 15-25 with 7:50 left in game…

.and they cut it to 21-25 with 59 seconds…

…and with 1 second left…Justin puts up the shot…

Legend of the Week –Justin Fraser (Thunder)

…and the rest is history! He sunk the first, and was going for the improbable tie, when the ball was off the mark. What usually would have ended in a loss, Justin got his own rebound, and without touching the ground, put it back up…and in for the win as the buzzer sounded!

Like son…like father (Justin’s dad Jarrod began playing in the Adult Legends inaugural season back in 2006, and was named Elite MVP)!

Other Action!

Face-off! / Intensity! / Big move!

The Top 20+ scorers for the week!

Team / Player / Points / Comments
Boys (Grades 5-6)>St. Mark Lions / Matthew Becht / 23 / Nice Game, Matthew!
Boys (Grades 5-6)>Little Giants / Maxwell Ward / 21
Boys (Grades 2-4)>Warriors / Luke Louis / 18
Boys (Grades 5-6)>Spartans / Darius Bryant / 18 / “I listened to my Dad!”
Boys (Grades 7-8)>REIGN / Will Bounds III / 15 / He played a great game, but his REIGN came up short!
Boys (Grades 2-4)>Knuckleheads / Jack Taylor / 14
Boys (Grades 5-6)>Little Giants / Maxwell Ward / 14
Boys (Grades 2-4)>Chantilly Lakers / Joseph Stupak / 13
Boys (Grades 7-8)>Glory Boys / Matthew Murray / 13
Boys (Grades 5-6)>Spartans / Jailyn Heard / 13
Boys (Grades 5-6)>St. Mark Lions / Matthew Becht / 12
Boys (Grades 2-4)>Thunder / Justin Fraser / 10 / LL of the Week!
Boys (Grades 5-6)>Jaws / Ricky Alonso / 9
Boys (Grades 7-8)>Glory Boys / Chris McHugh / 9
Boys (Grades 2-4)>Thunder / Aidan Myles / 8
Boys (Grades 5-6)>Vienna Wildcats / Bennett Jackins / 8
Boys (Grades 5-6)>Little Giants / Aria Ganji / 8
Boys (Grades 5-6)>Swaggers / Connor Quin / 7
Boys (Grades 5-6)>Swaggers / Jake Calhoun / 7
Boys (Grades 2-4)>Thunder / Addison Wallace / 7
Boys (Grades 2-4)>Flaming Cheese Monkeys / Jonathan Chen / 7
Boys (Grades 2-4)>Thunder / Aidan Myles / 7
Boys (Grades 7-8)>King Tuts / Dillon Weier / 7

Story by Anonymous.

Pictures courtesy “The Commish”