2015 New York ICHRIE Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

November 9, 2015

Meeting called to order by President @ 9:05am. All exec committee mbrs present and accounted for.

Wanda update: Secretary to work with chapter changes in the By-laws to create & disband chapters.Mentoring: primary goal to connect new mbrs with seasoned mbrs. Focus on networking and connecting to SIGs. Use these people for long-term potential for review of dossiers for P&T.

Wanda: add my initial comments. Sheryl's support.People eating alone...purpose of mentoring program.

Mokie: welcoming to new people. People interested in working with candidates towards P&T. Perhaps first time is to get new mbrs engaged.Also someone to explain all aspects of ICHRIE and what one can do. PRACTICE YOUR HOSPITALITY!!!

Maureen: initial proposals too deep. Need a one pg. Use SIGs as a way of connecting with sr faculty in one's area/discipline.

Martin: Good intentions by Godwin-Charles, but it's too complex. ID people who want to help people. Many people find ICHRIE very intimidating.

Can we add teaching & research interests into the membership registration form?

Maureen: each Federation could have a dinner sign-up sheets. We could also pick different restaurants & events with sign-ups. Have Federations introduce new mbrs during their meeting.

Kathy: "No one eats alone". Can have the dinner sign-up sheet at the registration desk. Ensure people understand the cost of dinner. Ensure that each dinner/event has a facilitator, who is a seasoned ICHRIE mbr. Perhaps start with the membership & networking committees as spearheading this charge.

Sheryl: media wall. Her desire to use Twitter & posting media notes, etc. Social media remaining up-to-date.

ACTION ITEMS: Need a 1pg document to ID how moving forward with the mentoring program. Sheryl, Wanda, & Godwin-Charles to work on this.

Work with GC to open up about what the real desired outcomes are. Need to have this document for review, approval, & vote at January meeting.

Kathy/ED update:Ways to partner with MFHA to bring benefits to our mbrs. SmartBrief: MFHLA does cultural SmartBriefs. Doesn't cost ICHRIE anything. We don't give out our database. Another communication & technology piece for our mbrs. SmartBrief would come out 2x/wk. We'll also customize the SmartBrief as well with a note from Kathy.

Potentially a long-term partnership to establish opptys for institutional members to benefit from MFHA expertise. Emily will not be returning from maternity leave. Recruiting for a conference & networking coordinator.

Martin: Baltimore is the site for 2017. Palm Springs is the site for 2018. EuroCHRIE visit was good, but no recognition of Kathy's presence. EuroCHRIE has a conference committee & the EuroCHRIE Board, which can create some commo challenges. Perhaps have a slot in the AGM (annual general mtg) to do an update, share information, etc. Can also have Kathy speak somewhere.

Kathy: Have a discussion at the Jan Board mtg about a standardized format for annual mtgs. It should be a component of each mtg (EuroCHRIE & APAC-CHRIE). There's also an oppty to have a booth at each conference. Have CEO speak at each mtg. Establish this as a protocol.

Martin recommends that Kathy reach out to the conference planning committees at EuroCHRIE & APAC-CHRIE. Get approval and vote on including this as standing protocol at the Jan ICHRIE Board mtg.

Maureen: working on global conference; conference call with George Fenich. Formal format for information on committee members. Perhaps create a form for committee chairs that would contain list of committee mtgs.

Martin update:Feasibility of the global conference-speaking with former Pres Council. George Fenich forming a committee: Lisa McThomas. Group interested in making this happen. Interview stage seeking information from a variety of constituencies (Fed Pres, head office, etc>). Will have a report in the May mtg, and a recommendation at July mtg for moving forward.

Nominations & awards committee: Mokie mentioned that By-laws indicate that 2 & 4 yr reps to the nominating committee. Supposed to be the immediate past Pres of Federations are supposed to comprise this committee. Now has a committee that is working well. Membership represents all of the committees. Exploring the open positions for the Board. Open: VP (4-yr schools), Dir of Research, Dir of Mbrship, Treasurer, IndustrySvcs. List of nominees polled committee.

VP: Stephanie Hein, Amit, Vickie Nair. Stephanie & Amit. Accept these two for nominations.

Dir of Research: Qu Xiao, Joe Chin, Manhas, Marianna Sigala, Vick Nair. Mariana, Qu had highest vote. Marianna currently an editor of ICHRIE journal.

By-laws indicate that to be qualified cannot be a current editor of ICHRIE journal at the time of the nomination. Amit's role approved by the Board.Part of the agreement with Penn St. Thus, Qu & Vick Nair as candidates.

Treasurer: One nominee Toni Ripetti. Have to be a Federation officer and have serviced on ICHRIE finance committee. By-laws state that need two people to run for the position. Martin has exhausted the efforts. Moving forward with Toni.

Industry services: Industry mbrs vote on this position. Brooke Luedke agreed to run again. Michelle from Sodexo not interested. Melissa Sterling nominated by Dennis Reynolds, but not a member of ICHRIE. Both put forward as nominees.

Member services: Michael Collins, Eric Brown, Don Schoftstall, Manhas. Eric Brown & Don Schoftstall are nominees.

Next steps: Martin lets nominees know of their selection. Martin gets continued willingness to move forward, platform statement, letter of institutional support, picture, to Amy. Need to get this information to Amy by 1 Jan.

Martin recommending that we get position statements from nomination candidates as part of the selection process. There isn't currently a call to the membership alerting of open positions. Kathy shared that doing an open call is challenging, due to the qualifications. Kathy would like to see a grooming process for those who we (the Board) to ID candidates who could be candidates for these positions. Maureen also shared that this could be a key component/role of the new mentoring program.

Mokie: how do we know who's interested & qualified to run for these positions? Martin solicited nominees from the nominating committee, & then Martin contacted potential candidates.

Martin working with Don to support SESCA Fed mtg.

Martin clarified that his nominating committee can also serve as the awards committee. Kathy indicated that there's a link on the website that clearly outlines the criteria for each of the awards. An electronic form needs to be completed, which goes to Martin (recent past-Pres). The call for nominees for awards comes from the ICHRIE office, with link to the webpage that outlines awards, & past winners. No one on Board & awards committee can be nominated.

Maureen report: What's happening with STR & market competition. Steve is working with Melissa. Doing a similar competition for ESD institutions, and awarded at summer conference. Steve would also like to do a similar competition with EuroCHRIE & APAC-CHRIE. Our goal is to tie this benefit to ESD institutions, so want to keep this exclusive to ESD. Concern was expressed that ICHRIE Board would really like this to be an ESD-institution only competition. We need to share this information with both EuroCHRIE & APAC-CHRIE. Recommended that Maureen contact both EuroCHRIE & APAC-CHRIE to share the desired outcomes of this being an ESD-institution only competition. Maureen can also talk to Steve about keeping this an ESD-institution only competition.

Martin shared that the key is to share the benefits of ESD for each institutional member, and promote the value for the undergrad students. Maureen pointed out that it really isn't promoted in EuroCHRIE & APAC-CHRIE. We're now going to move forward with the themed Communique.

Nick is working on the technology. Need to create a sub-committee to address mechanisms to communicate amongst members (research, teaching, & SIGs). Need insight about what is needed for what the website should include. Nick provided a list of the functionalities. Need to include these in the budget as well. 1) videos & 2) website functionality.

Mokie working with Kathy on the strategic plan framework. Great stuff in strategic plan, but need a more realistic timeline with specific ownership for completing the work. Need deadlines for each tactical component with assigned people for each action item. Strategic planning committee is comprised of the VPs of the Federations. Potentially need a membership marketing campaign plan. Chat with Michael O'Fallon about this as well. Goal to start the Jan mtg with the strategic plan timeline and accountability. Nick & Michael agreed to work together on the IT specs.

The Communique goals seem to be in place. Potentially moving forward with the three videos, but need to fine-tune & standardize the criteria for the videos.

Stephanie: should we re-envision the structure of the meeting to facilitate these intentional conversations about these critical topics/items. If reports are not submitted, then unable to discuss in mtg. Create a deadline for submitting reports. Must stick to this deadline. Perhaps bring back the Board recommendation form. Mokie commented that the report is just FYI. If people have an item requiring a vote, then this form needed to be submitted.

Mokie (VP): Marriott in favor of taking over the ESD breakfast. Marriott had an oppty to speak at the breakfast. Asked if Marriott had someone who would like or be willing to sit on the strategic planning committee. Stacy Vedeen will follow up.

Kathy pointed out that the ICHRIE Board needs to have a strategic discussion about how we'd like industry engaged with the ESD breakfast. There is potential a way to have industry sponsor this breakfast for exclusively for an enhanced investment. Marriott would like to have control of programming, but this needs to be a strategic discussion amongst the Board.

Stephanie update: Sept financials- exceeded revenue in membership, website &publications. Behind in conference & administration.Under budget in membership, conference, & website expenses.Over budget in publications, governance, administration.

Overall under-budget in net surplus. Financial investment committee: investments made. $100K from Future Fund invested & $25K ICHRIE operating funds. 80% towards Future Fund & 20% into ICHRIE for disbursement. Kathy stays constant as a signee.

Working on the budget.Very active finance committee, who reviewed the budget.Focusing on membership retention, & new mbrs.Desire to push top institutions to sponsor faculty & doc students moving forward.

Everyone interested to see how the new event mgt company will operate in the upcoming conference.

Maureen's request for the $2K has been included in the budget. Pulled more of the Board dinners into governance to get a clearer idea of these costs. Board dinner at the conference is sponsored, so that is left in conference. Trying to create more transparency to understand the costs of Board F&B dinners at Board mtgs.

Funding of the Alligator Hour isn't included in the budget. Nick wanted sponsorship of this, but the Board denied this request. Didn't want to create disparity amongst the other Federations. If a Federation wants to hold an Alligator Hour, they need to cover these costs internally in the Federation. Federation balances indicate they can cover these costs.

Current budget doesn't cover Internet costs for Skyping people into the Jan Board mtg. This cost will be $1200/day for the Jan mtg.

Recommend people who can't attend give someone their proxy. No lunch or coffee at the NYC Executive Board mtg.

Rachel Chen has a request submitted for a budget item. Desires box lunches for the Career Academy. Box lunches cost more than plated & buffet. Recommend that Rachel find a sponsor for the lunch. ICHRIE staff or Stephanie & Kathy will inform Rachel about the costs, and the need to find a sponsor for the Career Academy luncheon.

APAC-CHRIE has an emerging nations list that requires approval. Concern about the countries on this list and the financial impact. Emerging nations membership is $50. This list should not exceed 20% of a Federation's membership. Emerging nation members cannot vote.

By-laws doesn't specify that Federations need to have 100 voting members. Initially intended to be a trial program.Also available SESCA due to the Caribbean. APAC-CHRIE is the only Federation that has promoted this, but appears to be at their maximum representation of emerging nations.

Kathy is recommending we table this vote until January to review the submitted list. EuroCHRIE wants to update their list as well. Kathy also recommends that we hold to our practice of reviewing and submitting updated lists for approval in the July meeting. There was discussion again about which list to use. Recommend the three affected Federations work together to decide which list to use.

Stephanie presented the budget that was approved to move forward, & moved to vote on the ICHRIE budget. Martin seconded. All in favor.

Bob Bosselman's Future Fund email.Struggling with the Future Fund committee. Three items: sponsor the best paper at the Grad conference with an ICHRIE, same with covering the costs of one member from emerging nation at EuroCHRIE & APAC-CHRIE. Future Fund is an endowment fund that accumulated funds. Provides non-operational support for products & services that benefit the membership. Future Fund pays the prize money for the Knowledge Matters simulation challenge. These recommendations is a good use of these funds. Bob is also concerned about succession planning...who will be his backfill. Stephanie pointed out that we need to do an electronic vote for the approval of Future Funds for the grad conference.

Kathy pointed out that this is another example of how to use the mentoring program. Having extremely difficult time recruiting members for the Future Fund committee. Full board needs to approve this request/proposal. The executive board agrees to put this proposal and vote to the full board in the Jan mtg.

New biz: Rachel Chen would like to change the programming for the Career Academy. Recommending 8-noon (Research & Teaching Academies) and then a sponsored lunch (which is solicited by Rachel). Leadership Academy scheduled 1-5 after the Deans & Directors mtg. New member reception proposed 5-6, and then the opening general session begins @ 6. All support this proposal.

Membership list sent 2x/yr. APAC-CHRIE would like profile information.

ICHRIE provides contact information. Concerns about the accuracy of the information, but members have the opportunity to change their information at will. ICHRIE needs to maintain its opt out commitment for members. We cannot share information that members would desire we not send. Premium membership institutions list is published in the Communique. Three members can get membership from their institution's premium membership. April & Oct are the times these lists are shared with the Federations. Federations can also contact the ICHRIE office for an updated list whenever they'd like. Federations can also get this list off the Internet/website.

Mokie moved that we support ICHRIE's current practice of providing membership contact information, not profile information twice a year. Martin seconded. All in favor.

Discussion: Rachel is requesting that materials for the Career Academy events be provided electronically. The key is getting the materials by a deadline that would allow the ICHRIE office to provide a link. This will require clear communication with participants that these materials will be delivered electronically. This is also in alignment with the ICHRIE strategic plan.

Rachel needs to chat with Sheryl to submit roundtable discussions that she wants. This will go through the process. Rachel would like to have the content of general sessions & keynotes available. We need to address the issues with the ICHRIE app.

Annette Graham: NE Federation would like to recognize people in their Federation. They'd like to videotape this and post it to their Federation link on the ICHRIE website. They would like the guidelines for these videos as well. Kathy asked Annette to share the deadline by which they need these criteria & guidelines.

Kathy noted that 2016 is the 70th anniversary. What kind of special logo, events, etc. might we want to engage in for this celebration.

Martin moved that we adjourn. Stephanie seconded. All in favor.Mtg adjourned by President @ 1:18pm.

2015 November Executive Committee Meeting MinutesPage 1