Lesson Plan

Instructor(s): Mr. Tyler

School: Burgettstown Elementary

Grade: 3-6

Teaching Episode Focus:Team Games

PDE H/PE Standard(s) 10.3.9D, 10.5.9B,10.5.9F

Location of learning environment: gymnasium

Equipment:2 Basketballs, 2 Cones, Pennies, cd player, foam soccer ball

Teaching Style(s): Command, Task, Guided Discovery


A1. Given a class session, students will demonstrate safety and responsibility to self and others by following all class rules according to established protocols throughout the entire session. 10.3.9D

P2. Given a practice session, students will demonstrate fitness capabilities by performing the stations set up by the teacher according to all critical elements. 10.5.9F

C3. Given an explanation and demonstration, the students demonstrate an understanding of cooperative games by correctly responding to questions posed by the teacher with 100% accuracy. 10.5.9B

P4. Given a practice session, the students will create strategies and engage in the cooperative game “Army Ball” according to all critical elements. 10.5.9F

C5. Given a question and answer session, the students will show an understanding of this lesson’s content and concepts by correctly answering the questions with 100% accuracy. 10.5.9B


Transition: The students will enter the gymnasium and jog in their own space.

A1. Given a class session, students will demonstrate safety and responsibility to self and others by following all class rules according to established protocols throughout the entire session.

Safety Concerns

  • Shoes are tied
  • Keep hands and feet to self
  • When I blow the whistle stop and listen.
  • Neglect to listen will result in time out.
  • Respect others in class by being helpful and kind.
  • Remember the ready position when the teacher is talking:

Quiet hands, quiet mouth, look at teacher

Are there any questions about safety?

Transition: Students will break into groups and move to a fitness station.

P2. Given a practice session, students will demonstrate fitness capabilities by performing the stations set up by the teacher according to all critical elements. 10.5.9F

Time: 5 min. Warm Up Activity: Fitness

1.- Windmills

2.- Shoot Hoops

3.- Jump-ropes

4.- Push Ups

5.- Stretching

6.-Sit Ups

7.-Jumping Jacks


After all eight stations are completed, the teacher will instruct students to clean up their area and sit in a circle on the floor.

Skill Development

Transition: Students return to center of gym and sit in the ready position to prepare for the teacher’s explanation of the rules and guidelines of army ball.

Time: 8 minutes

C3. Given an explanation and demonstration, the students demonstrate an understanding of cooperative games by correctly responding to questions posed by the teacher with 100% accuracy. 10.5.9B

Critical Elements:

  • Two teams must defend their goal.
  • If the ball is on the ground, you must use your feet to get the ball to your hands.
  • Once in your hands you can pass the ball.
  • You can not move if you have possession with the ball.
  • If your team has ball the object is to hit the basketball off of the cone in the opposing team’s goal box.
  • The goal box is created by the red paint of the basketball court.
  • Only the goalie is allowed inside the red paint.
  • If the ball is knocked off of the cone, the team gets a point.

If you have the ball in your hands, can you move? (No)

Can I shoot the ball inside the red? (No)

Who do I pass the ball to in order to get a better shot at scoring? (An open teammate)

Transition:The teacher will pick the teams, pass out the pennies, and the game will begin.

P4. Given a practice session, the students will create strategies and engage in the cooperative game “Army Ball” according to all critical elements. 10.5.9F

Students will play the game for the duration of the period.

Transition: Students return pennies to the box and line up on the line ready to leave for class.


  1. Remark on effort and listening skills
  2. Question and answer:

C5. Given a question and answer session, the students will show an understanding of this lesson’s content and concepts by correctly answering the questions with 100% accuracy. 10.5.9B

What Strategies did you use? (open answers)

Did you spend more time on offense or defense…? (open answers)


Smith, Jeff. "Outdoor Pursuits." Slippery RockUniversity. PE 172 Introduction to Outdoor Pursuits and Adventure/New Games Activities, . May 2005.