Dear Eighth Graders and Families,

We are pleased to offer our annual four-day, three-night excursion to the Outer Banks, North Carolina. This unique opportunity for hands-on history, geography, math, science, and language arts will support work in all curriculum areas. We will leave Piedmont the morning of Tuesday, March 20th on chartered buses and return to school on the evening ofFriday, March 23rd. Students will experience Chapel Hill, Historic Hope Plantation, the NC Aquarium,Jennette’s Pier, the Cape Hatteras and Bodie Island Lighthouses, Fort Raleigh, the Elizabeth II at Roanoke Island Park, the Wright Brothers Memorial, Jockey’s Ridge, and a number of North Carolina’s other important sights. Transportation, meals, site fees, and hotel rooms (4 students per room) are included in the $375.00 trip price. Students may wish to bringmoney for souvenirs.


In order to ensure the safety, health, and happiness of all participants, the following guidelines were developed and sent home in the 8th grade welcome letter at the beginning of the year:

Any 2 ISS’s or 1 OSS assigned from October 6th through March 19th failure to complete and submit community project process journals and presentation by February 14th, will disqualify students from the Outer Banks Field Trip.

Students must be clear of any financial obligations to attend field trips and participate in end-of-year activities. Examples of financial obligations include cafeteria balances, media center fines for lost/overdue books, unreturned athletic or musical equipment, or unreturned/damaged textbooks at the end of the year.

The Permission Slip and Emergency Information Form should be returned no later than Friday, November 3rd.

The cost of the Outer Banks trip is $375.00. The payment schedule is below. We also appreciate donations toward scholarships.

The preferred payment method is the on-line payment system at bit.ly/PiedmontPay. Cash/money order payments will also be accepted at school during morning homeroom time.

Outer Banks Payment #1: $125 online– Friday, November 3rd

Outer Banks Payment #2: $125 online – Friday, January 19th

Outer Banks Payment #3: $125 online– Friday, February 16th

Students who have not returned the signed permission slip by Friday, November 3rd and paid the $125.00 deposit will not be going on the trip. Similarly, payments will not be refunded after February 16thfor students who are removed from the trip due to the guidelines listed above or by family choice.

If you have ANY financial concerns (submitting payments on different dates, spreading out payments, or a request for scholarship assistance) YOU MUST submit a written letter or email with your child’s name, your name, your specific concern, your specific request, and your home and cell phone number on or before November 3rd.

More information on back


All CMS policies are in effect from our departure until our return (24 hours a day). This includes the policy and procedures regarding prescription and non-prescription medication. In order to help protect your child’s health, yourconsent and written authorization from a licensed healthcare provider are required when it is necessary for your child to receive either prescription or non-prescription medicines while on the Outer Banks field trip. The appropriate forms should be printed out from the CMS website ( and submitted to Nurse Gina Mallay in the front office by Friday, February 23rd.

“Medical Authorization for CMS Students” (required for all medicines)

“Authorization for Self-Medication by CMS Students”(Optional: only applies to certain types of medicines/situations as outlined on the document)

Contact Nurse Gina Mallay by email ()or through the school office with any questions or concerns.


If you would like to chaperone this trip, you must be a registered volunteer in the CMS volunteer system. Chaperones do not have to pay, but it is a very significant time and energy commitment. Although it will involve non-stop responsibilities, it is also a very fun, educational, and rewarding trip. At this point, we are especially in need of MALE CHAPERONES! If you are interested in chaperoning, PLEASE go to the following link and register -

We are looking forward to an exciting and educational experience for our students. Please feel free to contact your child’s homeroom teacher if you have any questions or concerns.



I hereby grant permission to Piedmont IB Middle School and its authorized representatives to proceed with any needed medical or minor surgical treatment, x-ray examination, and immunization for the below named individual. In the event of serious illness, the need for major surgery, or significant accidental injury, I understand that an attempt will be made by the attending physician to contact me in the most expedient manner possible. If the physician is unable to contact me, the treatment necessary for the best interest of the below named individual may be given.

I hereby release Piedmont Middle School, its authorized representatives, and any attending physicians or surgeons from any and all damages for injuries sustained by my child while participating in this school-sponsored activity to theOuter Banks, North Carolina,Tuesday, March 20th to Friday, March 23rd. I do hereby agree to hold harmless any and all of the above from any and all damage, which they may suffer as a result of injuries sustained by my child while participating in the field trip.


PRINT Student Name Homeroom Teacher

Is the student allergic to any medications?_____ Yes_____ No

If yes, list medications: ______

Is the student allergic to any foods or other items?_____ Yes_____ No

If yes, please list: ______

Does student have any restrictions to activity?_____ Yes_____ No

If yes, please describe. ______

Medical Insurer______

Policy Number______

PRINT Parent Name______


Home Phone Daytime Phone

Emergency Contact______


Home Phone Daytime Phone


Parent Signature Date

** See reverse side for meal information. **

***** Meal Information *****

No action is necessary on this page if your child has an unrestricted diet!


We will eat breakfast at the hotel. The breakfast will be served buffet-style and will include vegetarian/vegan options.

  • Vegan Breakfast Option: Please check here ______if your child will be eating the vegan options so we may order appropriate quantities.


We will eat one lunch at a fast food restaurant. Students will place their own order and pay using cash we will provide out of the trip fee.

The other lunches will be delivered “on location” to our group. The standard lunches are:

* Chick-fil-A sandwich (cooked in peanut oil), chips, cookie, drink

* Sub sandwich (turkey with cheese), chips, cookie, drink

* Chicken tenders (not cooked in peanut oil) with chips, sides, drink

  • Vegetarian Option: We can special-order vegetarian for the three lunches instead of the items listed above. Please check here ______if your child would prefer vegetarian each day instead of the lunches listed above.
  • Vegan Option: We can special-order vegan for the three lunches instead of the items listed above. Please check here ______if your child would prefer vegan each day instead of the lunches listed above.
  • It is likely that the vegetarian/vegan option will be a salad. Please check here ______if your child would prefer to get a vegetarian/vegan sandwich instead of a salad if we are able to order them.
  • Chick-fil-A Peanut Oil Concern: Chick-fil-A cooks their traditional chicken sandwich in peanut oil. Please check here ______if this is an allergy concern for your child, and a grilled chicken wrap will be substituted for your child for this lunch.


We will eat dinner at the hotel. The dinner will be served buffet-style and will include vegetarian/vegan options. The main courses for the three dinners are expected to be taco bar, spaghetti with tomato sauce (with and without meat), and pizza (cheese, pepperoni, and vegan). Salad will be available with dinner.

  • Vegetarian Dinner Option: Please check here ______if your child will be eating the vegetarian options so we may order appropriate quantities.
  • Vegan Dinner Option: Please check here ______if your child will be eating the vegan options so we may order appropriate quantities.

Dietary Restrictions (other than vegan/vegetarian):

Please note here if your child has other dietary restrictions other than vegan/vegetarian that would prevent them from being able to eat the meal options offered above:

_____ Gluten-Free _____ Other: ______

Email address for staff to contact you regarding options: ______

Westrongly recommend that students who have dietary restrictions bring extra snacks which work well for them!