Minutes for November 19, 2009
Approved: December 10, 2009
In Attendance
James Carstens, Charisse Chappell, Sandra Cohea-Weible, Ledesa Eddins, Jackie Maisel, Brittany Rub, Fatollah Salimian, Christine Smith, E. Eugene Williams (Chair).
Absent: Diane Illig, Deborah Mathews, Darrell Mullins, Dave Parker
Approval of the minutes:
Approval of the minutes for October 22, 2009 was postponed to the next Committee meeting.
1. Recorder
Fati Salimian recorded the minutes for today’s meeting
2. Comments from the Provost’s Office
No issues were introduced by the Provost’s Office. However, Sandra brought to the attention of the Committee an issue currently discussed at the Academic Policies Committee. One of the current graduation requirements is to complete at least 30 of the last 37 credit hours at SU. Implementation of this policy requires much labor and may not be easily put into effect via PeopleSoft.
After a brief discussion, the Committee members were in agreement that this stipulation should be eliminated if no justification in support of this requirement is found.
3. New Curriculum
Curriculum Packet #3 (POSC 205 Women in Politics) Unanimously approved pending “activity code” designation.
Curriculum Packet #4 (program name change, title change to MDTC 300, title change to MDTC 470) Unanimously approved
Curriculum Packet #5 (Change to Psychology Minor, Course change Psyc 322)
Unanimously approved
Curriculum Packet #6 (Course change Phil 304 & Phil 399) Unanimously approved
4. Fulton Enhanced Curriculum
5. Discussion of topics addressed by the UCC
6. Other Business
A question raised by Keith Bowers as to whether Independent Study courses and Internships should be augmented with an “enhancement component.”
After some discussion, it was determined that these are not enhanced courses and departments should decide whether number of hours assigned to these courses reflect the amount of work required of the students.
7. Meeting adjourned at 4:26 PM.
Next meeting of the UCC will be held on December 3rd at 3:30 PM.
Respectfully submitted: Fati Salimian