The IQD Team Conference Call
November 1, 2011
Transcript & Articles
"Joey, Vic, Diana, Tim, Debbie & Yukon"
As Always.... The Latest Iraq/Dinar Discussion and Analysis
Post & Pre RV
CC Replay Nov. 1, 2011
Replay # 760-569-7699 Pin 219055#
This is abbreviated information and the articles from the Call Last Night...Listen to theentire call above to hearall the News shared last night...... All about Iraq, The Dinar & The RV...
Tonights Theme: Don't Worry...BE HAPPY
Deb: Joey our theme for tonight is "DON'T WORRY...BE HAPPY"....What do you thinkof that?
Joey: That fits with the newstonight as well....Thanks 3 of our listeners, Tory, Ryan & Juneau for this GREAT article...
Iraq Defence & Security Summit 2011
InterContinental Hotel, Aphrodite Hills Resort, Cyprus - December 7/8 2011
About the Summit
A rare opportunity to engage with the new Iraqi Government and assist in their multi-billion dollar defence and security procurement program.
The Government of Iraq and the Iraq Program for Peace & Stability are pleased to announce the inaugural Iraq Defence and Security Summit 2011.The country of Iraq has suffered from years of under investment in these sector and have over the last eight years, received support from the US and coalition governments.
The focus of this summit is National Security and Defence Procurement and with new multi-billion dollar budgets in hand,the IraqiGovernment are intending to procure best in class products and solutions from the world’s leading suppliers.This is the first opportunity that global market leaders and suppliers from the defence and security sector will get to engage with the new Defence and Interior Ministries and their procurement teams since the election of the new coalition government.
This is a unique opportunity for your company to engage with the government officials on a one-one basis at the self contained luxury Aphrodite Hills resort on the beautiful Mediterranean island of Cyprus. Many companies realise the value of this opportunity to meet with the senior Government officials and decision makers in a safe environment to pursue business development from the huge opportunities in Iraq.
This landmark summit will bring together the key national decision makers led by the Iraqi Ministries and officials responsible for the country's defence, security, communications and technology infrastructure
Office of The Prime Minister
Iraq Security Council
Ministry of Defence
Ministry of Interior
Ministry of State for National Security Affairs
Ministry of Communications
Ministry of Science & Technology
Council of Representatives Defense and Security Committee
KRG Ministry of Interior
KRG Ministry of Peshmerga Affairs
Joey: They have their million dollar budget in hand.....going to buy the best of the best.....and the 1st inaugural Iraq Defence and Security Summit...the first opportunity that global market leaders and suppliers from the defence and security sector will get to engage with the new Defence and Interior Ministries ...being held on Dec. 7 & 8th..... Remember what happens on Dec. 6th guys the troops come home..
Joey: Thanks so much for this article guys this is a heartstopper for sure......
Political process is solid, MPs say
Many MPs of various political Blocsagreed on that the political process in the country is solid, and they ruled out any political collapse facing it.Jumaa MP 'Ebrahim, Iraqia bloc, said that current political situation reports progress in the right directionwith collaboration of all political parties, as he ruled out his bloc's withdrawal from the political process.
Another Iraqia bloc's MP Mohamed Alkhaledi said that Iraq sees different attitudes, andthat's a normal feature of any democratic country,particularly Iraq has so many partiesand Blocs in addition to its nascent experience at this field.
KRG Premier will head to the United States of America
A well- informed source , in a press statement said that the Prime Minister of Kurdistan Regional Government, Dr. Barham AhmedSalih, will headto the United States of America, on an official visit at an invitation extended to him by an American Conference about the changes that have occurred in the Arab world this year.
Dr. Salih , in a press statement said that , during the visit, he will meet with the U.S. Administration officials todiscuss with them situations in Iraq and Kurdistan Region , including the issue of U.S. withdrawal from Iraq at the end of this year 2011, and its effects on the security situation in Iraq in general, and the disputed areas in particular.
Khalid Shwani: There is an agreement to pass the bill on the amendment to President Talabani, the administrative border of the provinces covered by Article 140
Khalid Shwani Chairman of the Legal Committee in the Iraqi parliament said in a statement singled out the site "Khandan"President Talabani made a special project to the House of Representatives on the amendment of the administrative border of Iraq's provinces covered by Article140, including Kirkuk.
He Shwaniin the context of his statement that the project is to normalize the situation and comes in the context of Article 140 to bring changes to the administrative border caused by the former regime during the years of his reign, in the framework of the implementation of its objectives and policies of Arabization.
and about the city of Kirkuk, said President of the Legal Committee in the Iraqi Council of Representatives that the province and district withheld will be returned to the administrative border of Kirkuk, such as Kalar and Kifri and Chamchamal and Tuz, which caused the provinces of Sulaimaniya and Salahuddin and Diyala.
stressing that the project from the jurisdiction of the committees of the legal and regional parliamentary, and must work within the context of Article 140 of the Iraqi constitution to be ratified in parliament, and there is an agreement with the National Alliance to pass.
Joey: I like that.....shake your head Yes....sign right here....
Logistical: the rule of law will implement all the terms of Erbil Agreement with exception of NCSP Board
Baghdad (news) .. According to a member of coalition rule of law and MP / National Alliance / Saad Muttalibi that the rule of law committed to the implementation of the Convention Arbil, except for the National Council of the Supreme policies is obtained by difference.
Thelogistical in a statement (the Agency news) on Tuesday: the agreements that have been agreed upon we began implementation and ongoing implementation, except for the National Council of the Supreme policies due for the differences it, the Middle East region: that Allawi did not agree with the presidency of the Councilas new.
The Logistical: Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki is expected from the Iraqi List, the Group provides the names of candidates Department of Defense be able to manage the ministry.
This gathering pace warnings of the repercussions of the continued vacancy of the security ministries in light of reports about talks stalled political and lack of consensus on these positions, and with hints U.S. that the Iraqis have not been able to make important decisions and private security.
Joey: Thought about that sentence "As new" all day long...... as of right now.....very interesting way to phrase that sentence
We know Mr. Allawi is not really know why I think they didnt pass this yet....they told us the other night they are in a hurry to get that oil & gas law passed because time is running out and they dont have time to pass a new one...not in
dont have time to passa new one...
For Mr. Allawito actually get this position itrequires a constitution amendment for that to actually happen...might take a little while...... maybe that is what this rheurotic is all about....hmmm
They want this over with.....they need this over with.....If they want to attract investors they need prove how safe, stable & secure
they really are...
Baghdad and Erbil agree to resolve their negotiations on a draft law of oil and gas before the end of the year
Baghdad, October 31 / October (Rn) -The Iraqi government, Federal, Monday it had agreed with the delegation of the Kurdistan Regional Government to adopt the draft law of oil and gas provided by the government last February.
The chief advisers Ghadhban Fadel told the Kurdish news agency (Rn) that "the Iraqi government had agreed with the delegation of the Government of Arbil, the adoption of the draft law of oil and gas, government held last February and negotiation before the end of this year."
Yesterday ended the first three joint commissions formed between Baghdad and Erbil to resolve outstanding issues and raised the three reports to Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to consider it and make them his position.
The delegation arrived in Baghdad to a Kurdish negotiator on 24 this month, and meetings with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and Parliament Speaker Osama Najafi, and the delegation stressed the positive discussions held.
The three committees took it upon themselves to find solutions to file the disputed areas between Baghdad and the Kurdistan region, and the budget of the Kurdistan region guard "Peshmerga," and the law of oil and gas.
He added that "discussions with the delegation, the Government of Erbil focused on addressing the differences on the draft law of oil and gas end of the year and submitted to the House of Representatives to make the appropriate adjustments on it."
Plans to increase Iraq's oil exports during the next six years to 12 million barrels per day after obtaining the approval of the world's oil (OPEC)
For complete article click link below:
Joey: What have we read about this law over and over again...same dialogue....same law....words are the the same...
just amendments to it....was same as Last February
Don't you find it they are saying they had not really passed the law....
needed amendments to it
sent it off to the House to go ahead and make amendments to it
but havent agreed on it yet...... PLEASE....
Joey: They keep ramping up more and more oil and what does that do to their budget and economy?
Why is the HCL so important?
They need to mvoe forward...their economy is 90% oil....HCL is pretty darn important....
Hassan Jihad: all demands from Kurdistan to be implemented over the next few
Baghdad (newsletter). He lead the Kurdistan Alliance and coalition MP/Kurdistan/Hassan Jihad blocks,that all his demands in the coming period will be implemented, including the drafting of a law for the oil and gas through the political consensus.
Jihad said in a statement (for the news agency of news) Sunday:everyone is optimisticabout reaching the results through commissions formed between Governments and the federal region of Kurdistan, claimed the Kurdistan Allianceagreed items,to be implemented during the coming period, stating: the formulation of a draft law of oil and gas will be via political consensus and take notes of Kurdistan, as well as to the question of the territorial guard pesh will be resolved in future meetings.
Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and President of the Government of the Kurdistan region,underscored the commitment to the Constitution to resolve outstanding problems, during the meeting between the parties, which included research in the political situation in Iraq and Kurdistan and resolve outstanding issues between Kurdistan and Baghdad.
The Government said in a statement received by region (News):the two sides discussed steps to address outstanding issues between the two sides, and the role of the Al-Kurd and their participation in the political process, as well as talk about the need to preserve the democratic and constitutional system in Iraq.
Communique: Maliki stressed the importance of stable and democratic political system in Iraq./finished/7 l. m/
Joey: Sounds like they agreed on something doesnt it.....sound like they are signingsomething...I want those boys to sharpen their pencils and get this done...
Vic this one is for you......
Attorney Jubouri: Distribution of oil revenues would put particular strain on the shoulders of the citizens budget
Baghdad (news) ..
The House of Representatives when it voted on the budget for 2011 of $ 81.9 billion dollar deficit of $ 13.3 billion is covered by the amounts retained from the previous year's budget, borrowing internally and externally, while the operating expenses $ 56.4 billion, while the capital expenditures $ 25.4 billion based on the rate of 76.5 dollars per barrel of oil at a rate of 2.0002 million barrels a day, including 100 thousand barrels of Kurdistan. / ended / 8. j. n /
For complete article click link below:
Joey & Vic discuss thearticle above...... are they lying...... are they trying to rip the Iraqis off...figures dont jive....never been able to get the true numbers..listen to the recording for discussion
Joey: Listen to this next article and you tell me how important this is and how much money they are actually sticking in their pocket
per barrel of oil....I read today and went what the heck???
Oil oil starting to come on strong
After years of stagnant production, Iraq oil output is starting to increase.
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) --As the last remaining U.S. troops leave Iraq, oil production from the war-torn but oil rich nation is finally starting to ramp up.
Oil production in Iraq hovered around 2 million barrels a day for much of the post-U.S. invasion period.
But over the last year production jumped 13%, going from 2.3 to 2.6 million barrels a day, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Much of that increase has come in the last few months alone, and it's part of the reason why many analyst expect Saudi Arabia to soon cut oil output.
In fact, some analysts say that over the next few years Iraqi oil production could really balloon. The Iraqis may eventually produce as much oil as the Saudis.
But an increase in Iraqi oil production raises several issues, including what impact it may have on world oil prices and how all that oil money will get divided up.
A massive amount of oil: It's no secret that Iraq has a huge amount of oil in the ground. EIA estimates the country has the world's fourth-largest proven oil reserves, and even more may lie under the unexplored western desert.
Saudi oil production cut looms
A couple of years ago, the newly formed Iraqi government began awarding big contracts to the world's major oil companies in an effort to boost its nascent production.
The companiesthey selected came from all over the world -- including from all five permanent members of the United Nation's Security Council.
France's Total (TOT), England's BP (BP), China's CNPC, Russia's Lukoil and U.S.-based Exxon Mobil (XOM, Fortune 500) were all picked.
Other companies include Royal Dutch Shell (RDSA), Occidental (OXY, Fortune 500), Marathon (MRO, Fortune 500), Norway's Statoil, Angola's Sonangol, and the oil service firms Baker Hughes (BHI, Fortune 500), Halliburton (HAL, Fortune 500) and Schlumberger (SLB).
The Iraqis were savvy in their negotiations.Normally, when firms develop oil fields the terms of the deal give companies ownership over a certain percentage of the yet-to-be-tapped oil.
But with the Iraqi deal, most firms don't actually own any of the oil. They are instead paid a service fee on each barrel that they pump.
The return on their investment is still attractive -- the energy research firm EPRINC estimated it at 15%. But it means they can't claim as much of the oil as an asset on their balance sheets, which can hurt their stock price.
It also means that over 90% of the oil revenue the fields generate will stay in Iraq.
"The service fee is tiny compared to the revenue from this oil," said , Amy Myers Jaffe, a fellow in energy studies at the James A. Baker III
For complete article click link below:
Joey & Vic: Long Discussion about the oil and the statements made in this article
Joey: Everybody seems to be rushing over to Iraq for investment...want to share some articles about govt...the laws and
what needs to be done over theirto make it environmentally friendly for investment
Prime Minister Maliki's call to change the economic laws1.11.2011 | (Voice of Iraq) - Add comments - Alsumaria News / Baghdad, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, Tuesday,to change all economic legislation and laws to fit the Iraq went to a market economy,emphasizing the need for the existence of laws guaranteeing all companies that wish to invest in the country.Maliki said during the opening session of the 38 normal to the Baghdad International Fair, attended by "Alsumaria News", "Iraq Mthaiat the economic and procedural all to embrace anyone who wants to invest in Iraq and make friends with all countries of the world," noting that "the opening of the exhibition in this issue many companies and countries demonstrates the interaction and the increased investment activity in the country. " Maliki said that "Iraq's economy was holistic, and we need to change all economic legislation and laws as theyare not suited to the changes that occurred in Iraq and go to a market economy," stressing "the need for Iraq to the laws ofguarantor for all companies that want to invest in it." Al-Maliki opened the Baghdad International Fair, "an important message by bringing foreign investment and is an indicator of political stability in Iraq," stressing that "Iraq is still amend the law stands in the way offoreign companies as well as to provide all guarantees, and this is what we have already achieved through the Investment Law 2006 and amended in 2010. " The Ministry of Commerce, announced (28 September 2011), that more than500 companies worldwide,will participate in the session 38 to the Baghdad International Fair, indicating that they tend to develop the exhibition through investment because of "lack of financial allocations." parliament passed, in October of 2006 investment law, which it was said at the time that he would open the doors to foreign investment because of introducing a lot of facilities to foreign investors, and equated the Iraqi investors and foreign, in each of privileges with the exception of own the property the project, and the text in paragraph 11 thatit can be to the foreign investor to lease the land for 50 years, renewable only that he is not entitled to possession.It is incumbent upon investors to submit their projects for the National Commission for Investment or the Investment Commission of the region or province for investment licenses and can apply investment license to the Department of the window one developed by the National Investment Commission andauthorized to inform the investor's decision to the final in 45 days in order to eliminate administrative redtape in the granting of investment licenses.The Economic Committee in the House of Representatives, the committee in (4 August 2011), that the law investment need some adjustments in line with the nature guide the economy in Iraq, and in affirming that the bank guarantees one of the problems that hamper overall foreign investment in the country, and described the Iraqi banks being like the offices of banking. The Iraqi government has made in (April 25, 2010) , in collaboration with experts from the United Nations projects for economic reform includes the restructuring of the Iraqi economy in accordance with the requirements of the transition from the general economy centrally planned economy to a private market to ensure the expansion of the productive base of the Iraqi economy by adopting the mechanism of free market and the organization of your prices, foreign and domestic trade.
The IQD Team Conference Call
