2004-2005 Academic Year

To complete ME program each student has to fulfill the following academic requirements:

  1. One has to get 20.5 credits in total.
  2. One has to get 14.5 credits for the Obligatory Courses (for all students)

(see Table 1).

  1. One has to get not less than 1.5 credits for the General Fields (Table 2); some courses from at least three different General Fields have to be taken.
  2. Each student has to choose one out of three options:

A) to get 3.5 credits for the General Fields (Table 2), or

B) to get 2.5 credits for one of the Special Fields described in Tables 3-6, or

C) to get 2.5 credits for one of the Special Fields, described in Tables 7-8, and not less than 2.0 credits for the General Fields (Table 2)

  1. One has to write a term paper and Master Thesis.

Second year students have to announce their choices not later than November 5, 2004.

Table 1. Obligatory Courses for all students

No / Course / Credit
1 / Macroeconomics1-6 / 3.0
2 / Microeconomics 1-5 / 2.5
3 / Math. for economists / 1.0
4 / Probabilities / 0.5
5 / Math. Statistics / 0.5
6 / Game Theory / 1.0
7 / Econometrics1-4 / 2.0
8 / Hist. Of Econ. Thought / 1.0
9 / Research Seminar / 2.0
10 / English / 1.0
Total / 14.5

Table 2. General Fields and Field Courses

No / Field / Course / Teacher
1 / Development Economics / Growth and Development
Theory of Economic Reform / O. Moav
V. Polterovich
2 / Industrial Organization / Industrial Organization I
Industrial Organization II / O. Eismont
A. Bremzen
3 / International Economics / International Trade
Open Macroeconomics / V. Polterovich
R. Sosunov
4 / Labor Economics / Labor Economics I
Labor Economics II / R. Gronau
I. Denisova
5 / Public Economics / Public Economics I
Public Economics II / V. Makarov
L. Polishchuk

Table 3. Special Field: Finance

Special Obligatory Courses

No. / Course / Teacher
1. / Theory of Investment / A. Goriaev
2. / Applied Time Series Econometrics / S. Anatolyev
3. / Corporate finance / A.Goriaev
4. / Continuous Time Finance / C. Kaner
5 / International Finance / G. Ovcharova
6 / Advanced Asset Pricing / G. Ovcharova
7. / Empirics of Financial Markets / A. Goriaev
8 / Risk Management / A.Goriaev

Table 4. Special Field: Data Analysis

Special Obligatory Courses

No / Course / Teacher
1 / Applied Time Series Econometrics / S. Anatolyev
2 / Topics in Econometrics / S. Anatolyev
3 / Russia’s Financial System / E. Gurvich
4 / Transition / V. Popov
5 / Empirics of Financial Markets / A. Goriaev
6 /

Topics in Empirical Auctions

/ G. Kosenok
7 / Topics in Empirical IO / G. Kosenok

Table 5. Special Field: Economic Policy

Special Obligatory Courses

No / Course / Teacher
Special obligatory
1 / Public Economics I / V. Makarov
2 / Public Economics II / L. Polishchuk
3 / Theory of Economic Reform / V. Polterovich
4 / Transition / V. Popov
5 / Law and Economics / L. Polishchuk
6 / Regulation / O. Eismont
7 / Trade Policy / K.Yudaeva, N.Volchkova
8 / Antitrust / R. Pittman
9 / Russia’s Financial System / E. Gurvich

Table 6. Special Field: Industrial Organization and Trade

Special Obligatory Courses

No / Course / Teacher
1 / Industrial Organization I / O. Eismont
2 / Industrial Organization II / A. Bremzen
3 / Regulation / O. Eismont
4 / International Trade / V. Polterovich
5 / Contracts / S. Guriev
6 / Antitrust / R. Pittman
7 / Trade Policy / K. Yudaeva,
N. Volchkova
8 / Topics in Empirical IO / G. Kosenok

Table 7. Special Field: Advanced Microeconomics

Special Obligatory Courses

No / Course / Teacher
1 / Contracts / S. Guriev
2 / Topics in Empirical Auctions / G. Kosenok
3 / Behavioral Economics / A. Suvorov
4 / Law and Economics / L. Polishchuk
5 /

Economics of Corruption

/ M. Levin
6 / Topics in Game Theory / G. Kosenok

Table 8. Special Field: Advanced Macroeconomics

Special Obligatory Courses

No / Course / Teacher
1 / Monetary Theory / A.Deviatov
2 / Recursive Macroeconomics I / A. Deviatov
3 / Recursive Macroeconomics II / A. Deviatov
4 / Open Macroeconomics / A.Sosunov
5 / Natural Resources / O. Eismont
6 / Growth and Development / O. Moav