Gate Entry: $10.00 per vehicle
All Class Entries: $3.00 - Ribbons to 3rd Place
Full Hunter, Hack, Breeds, Miniature/Small & Little Horse Working Hunter and No Coats program
All performances will be sent to RAS
9am Start – Gates open at 6am
Mudgee Showgrounds, Mudgee
HORSE SECTION – Regulations
Entry Fee $3
Entries Close On the day, ring entry tickets are available from the Ring Secretary's Office in the Pony Club Pavilion. Tickets are not refundable.
Chief Stewards – Vanessa Galloway-Smith – 0417 000 492
*All competition at this show is governed by these regulations and by the Agricultural Societies Council of NSW Rules for Discipline in Horse Sections at Shows which can be viewed at Should it become necessary for the ASC Disciplinary Committee to open an inquiry into any aspect of competition in this Horse Section, this Society will support any penalty imposed by that Committee as a result of the inquiry and will support penalties resulting from enquiries arising from Horse Sections at other NSW shows.
INDEMNITY AND WAIVER FORMS: The Horse Committee will take all care in managing the Section, but competitors taking part in this Horse Section do so at their own risk. Each adult competitor must, before competing, complete and sign a form indemnifying the Mudgee Show Society and waiving any claims against the Society for any injury sustained in competition or for loss or damage to the competitor’s property or damage caused by the competitor or his/her animal(s) at the Show. A similar form must also be completed and signed by a parent or guardian for each competitor who is under 18 years of age. ALSO, on each Waiver, each horse with which the competitor is involved in competition at the Show must be listed together with the Property Identification Code (PIC) of the property from which the horse came to the Show.
NO PIC numbers = no entry.
Refusal of Entry/Alteration of Schedule: The committee reserves the right to refuse an entry without assigning any reason for doing so and to alter the schedule to meet emerging circumstances.
Judge’s Decision/Discretion: The judge is empowered to withhold any or all prizes in any class where the exhibits are, in his/her opinion, unworthy of the prize, and at all times the judge's decision will be final. A judge has the discretion to ask that a led or performance exhibit and handler / rider / driver be ordered to leave the ring if he/she considers the animal is unfit, unruly and/or likely to cause an accident.
District/Local Classes: Horses and/or riders must have been resident for at least three months prior to the show within a 50 kilometre radius of the Showground.
Novice Hack, Galloway, Pony: A Novice has not won a First Place at any Show.
Show Hunters: Horses in these classes may not also compete in Ridden Hack, Galloway or Pony classes.
Ridden Hack, Galloway, Pony: Horses in these classes may not also compete in Show Hunter classes.
Stallions: Stallions must be wearing a bit at all times when being led and must be under the control of a person 17 years of age or older. They must be supervised at all times and securely fastened when tied to the outside of a truck or float. Stallions must be double tied at all times. Stallions may compete in designated Stallion Classes and Breed Classes only.
Lateness to the Ring: Competitors must be ready when called. Once judging has commenced, a competing horse shall not be led, ridden or driven into or out of the judging ring without the permission of the judge and/or the Ringmaster or Chief Steward.
Leaving The Ring: If a led horse should drag or escape its handler or a ridden or driven horse take control of or unseat its rider and leave the ring, it is usually disqualified from the class.
Horse Measuring: No official measuring will take place at the show, but, if a question about height arises, proof of height may be required. In the absence of proof, a decision will be at the absolute discretion of the Ring Master or Chief Steward.
Breed Registration: Registration documents for horses in breed classes must be produced when required by a Steward. Competitors must abide by the Rules and Regulations of their Breed Society.
Attire: Competitors must be appropriately attired for the competition in which they are competing.
Helmets: Every rider is encouraged to wear a safety helmet compliant with the current Australian Standard. Riders under 18 years must wear such a helmet.
Footwear: All competitors must wear appropriate footwear when leading or riding a horse. When riding, the footwear must enable removal of the foot from the stirrup.
Cruelty: Persons who are considered by the Ringmaster or Chief Steward to be abusive or cruel to a horse will be expelled from the ground. No horse will be permitted to compete if, in the opinion of the Ringmaster or Chief Steward, it is in poor health or condition.
Drugs: Drug testing may be carried out at this show.
Approaching Judges: No exhibitor or associate will initiate conversation with a judge on judging day, before, during or after judging except through the Ringmaster or Chief Steward.
Prohibited Relationship: No competitor will present for judging before a judge with whom he/she has a family relationship , has or has recently had a personal relationship or has had horse related business dealings during the past twelve months.
Coaching: Any person detected coaching a competitor while that competitor is being judged may be removed from the Showground.
Proper Conduct: Any exhibitor or associate who behaves offensively on the Showground will be expelled from the ground, may be banned from the show in future and may be banned by other Societies.
Protests: A protest or complaint against any exhibit or exhibitor may be lodged verbally with the Ringmaster or Chief Steward no later than ten minutes after the judging of the exhibit or exhibitor. The Ringmaster or Chief Steward must be provided with the exact nature of the complaint and act, if necessary, to maintain competitive fairness. The Ringmaster or Chief Steward may choose to refer the matter to the Protests Committee, which shall comprise the President of the Society, or a Vice President and two other members of the General Committee. A protest or complaint or an appeal against the decision of the Ringmaster or Chief Steward may be lodged in writing with the Secretary no later than 10 pm on the day of judging. Such protest, complaint or appeal shall be accompanied by a deposit of $50 which shall be forfeited if the protest, complaint or appeal proves to be frivolous or vexatious. A matter lodged this way shall be dealt with by the Protests Committee within 24 hours of lodgement and the decision of the Protest Committee shall be final. NB: No protest or complaint will be considered if it refers simply to a judge's decision.
Other Conditions
1. Intermediate is a horse or rider that has not won an individual ribbon in a Hack event at a Royal Show.
2. All dogs to be tied or on a leash
3. Competitors and Officials only in Judging ring.
Limited stable and yard accommodation is available. For bookings please contact the showground caretaker, Mr Ken Jeffery: 6372 3828. Camping is available at a charge of $22.00 per night with electricity (limited sites available), $15.00 per night without electricity. Yards are available for $10.00 per night, Stables are available for $20.00 per
n.e. — Not Exceeding
Hh — Hands high
RING 1 – Start 9am
1. Led Purbred Arab
2. Led Arabian Derivative Stallion or Colt
3. Led Arabian Derivative Mare or Filly n.e. 14hh
4. Led Arabian Derivative Mare or Filly over 14hh
5. Led Arabian Derivative Gelding n.e. 14hh
6. Led Arabian Derivative Gelding over 14hh
Champion and Reserve Champion Led Arab or Arabian Derivative (Winner is eligible Supreme Led Breed/Coloured Horse of Show)
7. Led Thoroughbred
8. Led ANSA
9. Led Warmblood
10. Led Quarter Horse
11. Led Paint Horse
12. Led Standard Bred
Champion and Reserve Champion Led Large Breed Horse (Winner is eligible Supreme Led Breed/Coloured Horse of Show)
13. Purbred Arab
14. Arabian Derivative Stallion or Colt
15. Arabian Derivative Mare or Filly n.e. 13hh
16. Arabian Derivative Mare or Filly over 13 & n.e. 14hh
17. Arabian Derivative Mare or Filly over 14hh
18. Arabian Derivative Gelding n.e. 13hh
19. Arabian Derivative Gelding over 13hh & n.e. 14hh
20. Arabian Derivative Gelding over 14hh
Champion and Reserve Champion Led Arab or Arabian Derivative
21. Ridden Thoroughbred
22. Ridden ANSA
23. Ridden Warmblood
24. Ridden Quarter Horse
25. Ridden Paint Horse
26. Ridden Standard Bred (Walk & Trot Class)
27. Ridden Standard Bred Open
Champion and Reserve Champion Ridden Large Breed Horse
28. Novice Adult Rider
29. Gent Rider 17 years and under 25
30. Gent Rider 25 years and under 40 years
31. Gent Rider over 40 years
32. Lady Rider 17 years and under 25
33. Lady Rider 25 years and under 40 years
34. Lady Rider over 40 years
Champion and Reserve Champion Adult Rider (Champion eligible for Supreme Rider of Show)
35. Novice Rider 13 years and under 17years
36. Boy Rider 13 years and under 15 years
37. Girl Rider 13 years and under 15 years
38. Boy Rider 15 years and under 17 years
39. Girl Rider 15 years and under 17 years
Champion and Reserve Champion Senior Child Rider (Champion eligible for Supreme Rider of Show)
40. Newcomer Hack (Winner is eligible to compete Best Newcomer of Show)
41. Novice Hack over 15hh
42. Intermediate Hack over 15hh
43. Open Hack over 15hh & n.e. 15.2hh
44. Open Hack over 15.2hh & n.e. 16hh
45. Open Hack over 16hh & n.e 16.2hh
46. Open Hack over 16.2hh
47. Open Hack over 15hh
48. Childs Hack over 15hh
49. Adults Hack over 15hh
Champion and Reserve Champion Hack (Champion for Supreme Hack of Show)
At complete of Ring 3
At completion of ring 1, 2, 4 the judging of
- SUPREME RIDER OF SHOW – Sponsored Mudgee Valley Hay
RING 2 – Start 9am
1. Led ASH Yearling any sex
2. Led ASH 2 yrs any sex
3. Led ASH 3 yrs any sex
4. Led ASH Mare 4 yrs and over
5. Led ASH Gelding 4yrs and over
6. Led ASH Stallion 4yrs and over
Champion & Reserve Champion Led Ash (Winner is eligible Supreme Led Breed/Coloured Horse of Show)
7. Led Palomino Stallion or Colt
8. Led Palomino Mare or Filly
9. Led Palomino Gelding
10. Led Buckskin Stallion or Colt
11. Led Buckskin Mare or Filly
12. Led Buckskin Gelding Led Pinto Any Sex
13. Led Appaloosa Any Sex
Champion and Reserve Champion Led Coloured Horse or Pony (Winner is eligible Supreme Led Breed/Coloured Horse of Show)
14. ASH Hack 3yrs and under
15. ASH Novice Hack
16. ASH Hack any sex
17. ASH Working 3yrs and under
18. ASH novice working
19. ASH open working
Champion & Reserve Champion Ash Ridden
20. Ridden Palomino
21. Ridden Pinto
22. Ridden Buckskin
23. Ridden Pinto Horse Any Sex
24. Ridden Appaloosa Horse Any Sex
Champion and Reserve Champion Ridden Coloured Horse or Pony
25. Newcomer Pony Hack (Winner is eligible to compete Best Newcomer of Show)
26. Leading rein Open Pony ne 12hh Rider 3 and under 8 Years
27. Novice Pony Hack
28. Intermediate Pony Hack
29. Open Pony n.e. 12hh
30. Open Pony over 12hh & n.e. 12.2hh
31. Open Pony over 12.2hh & n.e. 13hh
32. Open Pony over 13hh & n.e. 13.2
33. Open Pony over 13.2hh & n.e. 14hh
34. Open Pony n.e. 14hh
35. Childs Pony Hack
36. Adults Pony Hack
Champion and Reserve Champion Open Pony Hack (Champion eligible for Supreme Hack of Show)
37. Newcomer Galloway Hack (Winner is eligible to compete Best Newcomer of Show)
38. Novice Galloway Hack
39. Intermediate Galloway Hack
40. Lightweight Galloway over 14hh & n.e. 14.2hh
41. Lightweight Galloway over 14.2 & n.e. 15hh
42. Heavyweight Galloway over 14hh & n.e. 14.2hh
43. Heavyweight Galloway over 14.2 & n.e. 15hh
44. Open Galloway Hack over 14hh – n.e. 15hh
45. Childs Galloway Hack
46. Adults Galloway Hack
Champion and Reserve Champion Galloway Hack (Champion eligible for Supreme Hack of Show)
RING 3 – Start 9am
All Champions winners are eligible Supreme Led Breed/Coloured Horse of Show to be judged in Ring 1 at the complete of Ring 3 Events
1. Led Miniature Pony Stallion or Colt
2. Led Miniature Pony Mare or Filly
3. Led Miniature Pony Gelding
Champion and Reserve Champion Miniature Pony
4. Led Shetland Stallion or Colt
5. Led Shetland Mare or Filly
6. Led Shetland Gelding
Champion and Reserve Champion Led Shetland (Sashes kindly donated by NSW Branch the APSB)
7. Led ASP Stallion or Colt
8. Led ASP Mare or Filly
9. Led ASP Gelding
Champion and Reserve Champion Led ASP (Sashes kindly donated by Australian Saddle Pony Association)