“Together we explore, discover, achieve and grow: developing outstanding practice”

Curriculum Subject and colour code / Science

/ Geography

/ Art and Design

/ Religious Education

/ History

/ Design and Technology

/ Music

/ Physical education

/ Computing

Characteristic Of Effective Learning / Thinking Creatively and Critically / Engagement, Enjoyment and Exploration / Attention and Thinking Creatively / Motivation, self-esteem and thinking / Engagement , Motivation and Exploration / Attention and Thinking Creatively / Thinking Creatively, Engagement, Attention and Enjoyment / Motivation, Attention and Self Esteem / Attention , Enjoyment and Thinking Critically
Understanding the World / Year 1 (NC)
Pupils should be taught about: / Year 2 (NC)
Pupils should be taught about:
Technology – Early Learning
Children recognise that a range of technology is used in places such as homes and schools.
They select and use technology for particular purposes. / ●Give simple instructions to everyday devices to make things happen
●Make choices to control simple models or simulations
●Solve a problem using ICT
●Discuss and share how and when they use ICT in everyday life.
●Complete simple tasks on a computer by following instructions
●Show an awareness of information in different formats
●Make decisions about whether or not statements or images found online are likely to be true
●Identify different devices that can go online, and separate those that do not.
●Understand rules around e-safety and know who to tell if something concerns them online.
●Explain that images give information. Say what a pictogram is showing them.
●Put data into a program (pictogram). Sort objects and pictures in lists or simple table / ●Recognise what algorithims are, how they are implemented as programs on digital devices, and that programs execute by following a sequence of instructions.
●Write and test simple programmes
●Use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programmes
●Explain why digital folders are used
●Organise work into digital folders
●Recognise common uses of ICT beyond school
●Organise, store, manipulate and retrieve data in a range of digital formats
●Identify obviously false information in a variety of contexts. Identify personal information that should be kept private.
●Communicate safely, respecting and considering other people’s feelings online.
●Explain how a branching diagram or tree works
●Place objects and pictures in a list or a simple table. Make a simple Y/N tree diagram to sort information
COEL links - Bronze
I take risks, engage in new activities and learn from ‘trial and error’.
I pay attention to details.
When I meet a goal I am satisfied.
I test my ideas to see if they were correct or not.
I plan how I will solve problem and I make decisions. / COEL - Silver
I can find and use resources and tools to help me explore.
I can work with others as part of a group, letting them have turns and ideas too.
I work with other as part of a group.
I can find ways to continue paying attention.
I can use questions to find out and explore.
I can use different ways to learn - reasoning and problem solving. / COEL - Gold
I know that mistakes are part of learning and enjoy reflecting on them.
I can quickly repair and recover from difficulties and know that I can do something if I keep trying.
I can help with roles and responsibilities to help others over time.
I can learn from others and apply that to my own innovative idea.
Carry out an enquiry by exploring different events, phenomenon and experiences.
I can apply different sorts of thinking to different sorts of situations.
Science Knowledge and Understanding
EYFS – SPECIFIC AREA OF LEARNING:Understanding of the World / Y1 (NC) Pupils should be taught to: / Y2 (NC) Pupils should be taught to:
The World – Early Learning Goal
Children know about similarities and differences in relations to places, objects, materials and living things. They talk about the features of their own immediate environment and how environments might vary from one another. They make observations of animals and plants and explain why some things occur, and talk about changes. / Plants
Identify and name a variety of common wild and garden plants, including deciduous and evergreen trees
Identify and describe the basic structureof a variety of common flowering plants,including trees
Animals including Humans
Identify and name a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and
Identify and name a variety of common animalsthat are carnivorous, herbivores and omnivores
Describe and compare the structure of a variety of common animals (fish, amphibians, reptiles,
Birds and mammals, including pets)
Identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body
is associated with each sense.
Everyday Materials
Distinguish between an object and the material from which it is made
Identify and name a variety of everyday materials, including wood, plastic, glass, metal, water and rock
Describe the simple physical properties of a variety of everyday materials
Compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of their simple physical properties
Seasonal Changes
Observe changes across the four seasons
Observe and describe weather associated with the seasons and how the day length varies / Living Things and their Habitats
Explore and compare the differences between things that are living, dead, and things that have never been alive
Identify that most living things live in habitats to which they are suited and describe how different habitats provide for the basic needs of different kinds of animals and plants, and how they depend on each other
Identify and name a variety of plants and animals in their habitats, including micro-habitats
Describe how animals obtain their food from plants and other animals, using the idea of a simple food chain, and identify and name different sources of food
Observe and describe how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants
Find out and describe how plants need water, light and a suitable temperature to grow and say healthy
Animals including Humans
Notice that animals, including humans, have offspring which grow into adults
Find out about and describe the basic needs of animals, including humans, for survival (water, food and air)
Describe the importance for humans of exercise, eating the right amounts of different types of food, and hygiene
Use of everyday materials
Identify and compare the suitability of a variety of everyday materials, including wood, metal, plastic, glass, brick, rock, paper and cardboard for particular uses
Find out how the shapes of solid objects made from some materials can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching
COEL - Bronze
I am curious about objects, events and people.
I use my senses to explore the world around me.
I engage in open ended activities.
I take risks, engage in new activities and learn from ‘trial and error’ / COEL - Silver
I can find and use resources and tools to help me explore.
I can use my previous experiences to explain new activities.
I can start activities and complete them after a longer period of ti
I am positive about new experiences.
I can find ways to continue paying attention. / COEL - Gold
I am able to research and find out more on my own through pleasure of learning.
I can lead others and help others in my group, others enjoy getting help from me.
I can take open ended ideas from adults around me and make and explain my own ideas around them.
I am able to sustain interest in learning over a whole learning sequence.
I know that mistakes are a part of learning and enjoy reflecting on them.
RECEPTION Understanding of the World / YEARS 1 AND 2
The World – Early Learning Goal
Children know about similarities and differences in relations to places, objects, materials and living things. They talk about the features of their own immediate environment and how environments might vary from one another. They make observations of animals and plants and explain why some things occur, and talk about changes. / During years 1 and 2, pupils should be taught to use the following practical scientific methods, processes and skills through teaching of the programme of study content: (Science 1 Knowledge and Understanding)
●Asking simple questions and recognising that they can be answered in different ways
●Observing closely, using simple equipment
●Performing simple tests
●Identifying and clarifying
●Using their observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions
●Gathering and recording data to help in answering questions
I can focus on an activity for a period of time.
I can talk about what I know to myself and others.
I find ways to solve problems.
I notice patterns and make links between experiences. / I can encourage others to try and achieve.
I can tell you about my ideas and share them.
I can adapt my idea and make it better.
I can use a range of tools and resources.
I can observe and explain in words and pictures.
I can work with another and explain my ideas.
I can think of ways to help others achieve. / I can quickly repair and recover from difficulties and know that I can do something if I keep trying.
I can focus on something for a long time and recall many details.
I can find ways to recall information by making notes/pictures.
I can help with roles and responsibilities to help others over times.
I can learn from others and apply that to my own innovative idea.
I can apply different sorts of thinking to different situations.
I can take on different learning styles and know which I am good at and which I need support with.
Religious Education
Foundation Stage / Approach:
children begin to explore the world of religion and beliefs in terms of special people, special books, times, places and objects, and by visiting places of worship.
Children listen to and talk about, stories which may raise puzzling and interesting questions – including religious stories.
They are introduced to specialist words and use their senses in exploring religious beliefs, practises and forms of expression.
Breadth of study
Introducing Christianity as the ‘heritage religion’ of the country and the one that most influences school and community life. Building on religions and beliefs represented among the pupils e.g. different Christian denominations, world religions, other religious beliefs or worldviews such as Humanism, so the experiences and interests of children can be used as starting points for learning and teaching. Sampling from major religions, outside the children’s experience, in order to extend their knowledge and understanding.
KS1 / Year 1 & 2
Investigating Christianity / Y2 (subject to change)
Introducing one other principal religion
Judaism – covering at least areas of study 1-3 / Y1 & 2
Encountering examples from other principal religions, other religious beliefs and worldview.
Areas of Study
1.Beliefs and questions / 2.Belonging / 3.Expressions of Belief / 4. Inspiration, influence and the impact of belief / 5. Teachings and Authority / 6.Ethics and Relationship
God, the natural world, human beings and significant figures and the world. / Where and how people belong and why belonging is important Family Community / Rituals and practices. How and why some people pray or meditate, and what happens in a place of worship. What celebrations are important in religions and worldviews and why How symbols and artefacts are used to express beliefs, including religious meaning and why they are used / Leaders and teachers who have an influence on others locally, nationally and globally in religions and world views and why / How and why some stories and books are sacred and important / As covered through the area of study
COEL Bronze
I pretend with objects
I represent experience when playing
I am curious about objects, events and people / COEL Silver
I have a growing awareness of the wider world
I can pretend to be others in play and include others within that
I can work with others in a group- taking it in turns to share ideas
I can focus on something for a longer time and recall the main points
I can observe and explain in words and pictures / COEL Gold
I act and think with respect , kindness and fairness to other people
I can consider beliefs and attitudes that differ to mine
I relish experiencing new sights, places and people beyond the familiar
I use these experiences to shape my broader views
Geography Curriculum
EYFS – SPECIFIC AREA OF LEARNING:Understanding of the World / Y1 (NC) Pupils should be taught to: / Y2 (NC) Pupils should be taught to:
The World – Early Learning Goal
●Children know about similarities and differences in relations to places, objects, materials and living things. They talk about the features of their own immediate environment and how environments might vary from one another. They make observations of animals and plants and explain why some things occur, and talk about changes. / ●Use the correct terms for simple geographical features in the local environment
●Name and locate the four countries of the UK on a map or globe
●Find and name some continents on a world map
●Describe how pollution (eg litter) affects the local environment
●Describe in simple terms how wind or water has affected the geography of an area
●Answer simple questions regarding straight forward geographical patterns (eg what are the busiest times at the park?)
●Name the four seasons and describe typical weather conditions for each of them
●Identify the similarities and differences between the local environment and one other place
●Explain what changes are taking place in the local environment
●Ask and repond to questions about places/environments / ●Describe and compare physical human features seen in their local environment and other places in the world
●Name and locate the capital cities of the UK and its surrounding seas
●Name and locate the world’s continents and oceans on a world map or globe
●Suggest ways of improving the local environment
●Describe how a physical or human process has changed an aspect of an environment (eg the local environment)
●Explain simple patterns and offer an explanation (eg count traffic and suggest reasons for why the flow changes at different times)
●Locate hot and cold areas of the world in relation to the Equator and the North and South Poles and explain how the weather affects these areas.
●Descibe and compare the physical similarities/differences between an area in the UK and one of a contrasting non-European country
●Explain how a place has changed over time
●Use given information and observations to ask and respond to questions about the environment, recognising how people affect this.
COEL Bronze
●I find some things fascinating
●I notice patterns and make links between experiences
●I make predictions
●I plan how I will solve problems and I make decisions / COEL Silver
●I have a growing respect for a wider world
●I have learnt more complex words to describe the world around me and I use them in extended sentences
●I can observe and explain in words and pictures
●I can use questions to find out and explore
●I can work with another and explain my ideas / COEL Gold
●I relish experiencing new sights, places and people beyond the familiar
●I enjoy these new experiences and use them to shape my own broader views
●I can focus on something for a long time and recall many details
●I I can find ways to recall information by making notes/pictures
●I carry out enquiry by exploring different events, phenomenon hi Catherine!! and experiences
History Curriculum
Understanding the World / Year 1 (NC)
Pupils should be taught about: / Year 2 (NC)
Pupils should be taught about:
People and Communities – Early Learning Goal
Children talk about past and present events in their own lives and in the lives of family members.
They know that other children don’t always enjoy the same things, and are sensitive to this.
They know about similarities and differences between themselves and others, and among families, communities and traditions. / ●Begin to describe similarities and differences between historical artefacts and pictures
●Use simple vocabulary to describe passing of time (eg now, then, long ago, before and after)
●Begin to order artefacts and pictures from significantly different time periods
●Sequence the story of a significant historical figure
●Describe, in simple terms, the importance of a local place or landmark
●Compare own life and interests now with their babyhood (eg clothes, toys, food, size, abilities), recalling a significant memory from the past
●Describe, in simple terms, why a significant individual acted the way they did
●Ask and respond to simple questions about the past, using sources of information
●Retell a sory or significant event from their own past
●Use simple source material (eg photographs) to answer questions about an event beyond living memory /
  • Descibe how their own life is different from past generations of their own family
  • Use further terms associated with the pat (eg year, decade and century)
  • Order events in a period of history studied and begin to recall the dates of important festivals or celebrations
  • Use the stories of famous historical figures to compare aspects of life in different times
  • Describe how people, places and events in their own locality have changed over time
  • Describe changes in the local area during their own lifetime and that of their parents and grandparents
  • Begin to understand cause and effect by looking at a significant individual’s actions and what happened as a result
  • Ask and answer questions about a range of historical sources
  • Show increased knowledge and and understanding of events beyond living memeory through simple recording, using text and drawings
  • Build a ‘bigger picture’ of a historical period, using a range of source material

COEL links - Bronze
●I pay attention to details
●I can talk about what I know to myself and others
●I am beginning to learn new words and use them
●I am curious about objects, events and people
●I pretend with objects
●I can find enjoyment in learning at home and school
●I notice patterns and make links between experience / COEL links - Silver
●I can use my previous experiences to explain new activities
●I can work with others as part of a group
●I have learnt more complex words to describe the world around me and I use them in extended sentences
●I can focus on something for a longer time and recall main points
●I can observe and explain in words and pictures
●I can work with another and explain my ideas / COEL links - Gold
  • I can lead others and help others in my group
  • I am able to sustain interest in learning over a whole learning experiences
  • I can recall details quickly and also later on but remembering, rehearsing
  • I can use different ways to learn - memory, reasoning, problem solving