Human Resource Development

Module Code: HRM2502

Module Leader: Fatima Malik

Module Tutors: Fatima Malik; Susan Rabbitt

Assignment One:

Learning Outcomes / Learning Assessment
LO1: Demonstrate knowledge and
understanding of the major concepts and theoretical approaches of Human Resource Development / LA1: Be able to clarify and appraise the nature and role of Human Resource Development and apply appropriate models to specific issues.
LO2: Analyse and resolve issues relating to Human Resource Development / LA2: Be able to identify pertinent Human Resource Development issues, select an appropriate response and justify the reasoning for the response
LO3: Display skills of investigation, content and contextual analysis in relation to Human Resource Development issues / LA3: develop and structure an argument using appropriate sources of support.
LO4: Present analysis in an effective manner / LA4: Use Harvard convention to present academic essay, using a word processing package to achieve appropriate presentations

Brief for Assignment Two:

Using scholarly debates on learning theories, analyse how management can set about developing effective workplace learning and training and development interventions. Further justify your arguments using case study examples, outlining the challenges that management may experience in developing learning, training and development interventions and assessing the types of skills that are developed using these interventions.

Please note that it is acceptable for students to adopt either or both UK and global perspectives in answering this question. Please justify your answers using examples of case studies (obtained from academic text books and journal articles).

Secondary Research Level HE5 - It is expected that the Reference List for this essay will contain between ten and fifteen sources. The Reference List should therefore include a MINIMUM of two refereed academic journals and four academic books. All written work must be referenced using the Harvard System, full details of these will be discussed at seminars and tutorials and are additionally available from the Library website:=

Specific Assessment Criteria (for general assessment criteria please refer to page 10 of the Module Guide)

Assessment Criteria

70% + (I Class) Exceptional Quality

Virtually all of the relevant information/skills accurately deployed. Excellent andexceptional grasp of theoretical, conceptual, analytical and practical elements. Very effective integration of theory, practice and information in relation to the objectives of the assessment. Substantial evidence of originality and creativity as appropriate to the subject.

60 to 69% (IIi Class) Very Good Quality

Most of the relevant information/skills accurately deployed. Good grasp of theoretical, conceptual, analytical, practical elements. Effective integration of theory, practice and information in relation to the objectives of the assessment.Significant evidence of originality and creativity as appropriate to the subject.

50 to 59% (IIii Class) Good Quality

Some of the relevant information/skills accurately deployed. Adequate grasp of theoretical, conceptual, analytical and practical elements. Fair integration of theory, practice and information in relation to the objectives of the assessment. Some evidenceof originality and creativity as appropriate to the subject.

40 to 49% (III Class) Satisfactory Quality

Some omissions in the deployment of information/skills. Some grasp of theoretical, conceptual, analytical and practical elements. Limited integration of theory, practice and information in relation to the objectives of the assessment.Limited evidence of originality and creativity as appropriate to the subject.

35 to 39% Borderline Fail - Unsatisfactory Performance

Deficiencies or omissions in information, skills, theoretical, conceptual, practicalelements. Limited integration of these in relation to the assessed work's objectives..Some relevant content and marginal evidence of skills, knowledge or creativity which could, in the light of overall performance, constitute the basis for a pass grade in the examiners' judgement.

< 35% (Fail) Unsatisfactory Performance

Little evidence of the information, skills, theoretical, conceptual, analytical, creative or practical elements relevant to the assessment. Mainly irrelevant and/or incorrect information provided. Extremely limited evidence of understanding the requirements of the assessment.

Guidelines for the Preparation and Submission of Assignments

1.Assignments should be word-processed in Arial 12 point font, be double-spaced, on A4 size paper. Writing should appear on only one side of the paper. Each page should be numbered in the footer, numbering to be centred.

2.There should be a title page detailing the programme, module title, assignment title, student number, marking tutor and date of submission. Do not put your name on the assignment. It is good practice to put your student number in the top left hand side of the header of each page, and the date of submission in the top right.

3.Word Count. You are expected to revise and edit your assignment to remain within +/- 10% of the allocated word limit for that piece of work. In order to ensure that word counts can easily be checked you should include a note of the word count as identified by your word processing package. A deduction should be made from this figure for all tables, figures, quotations, appendices and references which DO NOT count towards the overall word limit.

Students who exceed a specified indicative word length for a written assignment will be subject to the following penalty system:

•Up to 10% over the specified indicative word length = no penalty

•10 – 20% over the specified indicative word length = 5 marks subtracted (However if the assignment would normally gain a pass mark, then the final mark will be not be less than 40%).

•More than 20% over the indicative word length = maximum 40%.

Assignments shorter than the indicative word length will not have marks deducted (even if these are more than 10% short). However, it is likely to be an exceptional piece of work that covers the assignment requirements fully in much less than the set word countless 10%.

All written work must be referenced using the Harvard System, full details of which are available from the Library website:

4. Unless otherwise notified by your module tutor, hard copies of assignments should be placed with a white general cover sheet, in the Assignment Post-box next to the Business School Office in room C2-13.

Please note that all assignments are date stamped by the School Office once they have been taken out of the post-box. It is this date stamp which is taken into account (rather than the date stamp which students make themselves on the general cover sheet).

Electronic copies of assignments should be submitted via “Turn-it-in” which is located on the module Moodle site. Please ensure you follow the instructions provided by your module tutor and on the assessment brief. This is a national system, so it is advisable to submit ahead of the deadline date.

Submission of assessments may be done on or before the published submission date. Assignments not available at this time will be considered late unless an extension has been previously agreed.

Students who fail to submit assessments by the specified date (without an extension being granted or without accepted Mitigating Circumstances) will be subject to the following penalties:

•Up to 5 calendar days late = 10 marks subtracted but if the assignment would normally gain a pass mark, then the final mark to be no lower than 40%.

•Up to 10 calendar days late = 20 marks subtracted but if the assignment would normally gain a pass mark, then the final mark to be no lower than 40%.

•More than 10 calendar days late = 1 mark awarded.

Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that the assignment is submitted in the format/s specified in the Module Guide or on the Assessment Brief.


5. An extension of up to 5 days after the assessment submission deadline may be granted by the Academic Co-coordinator in the case of exceptional and unforeseen circumstances. You should complete an Extension Request Form that is available from the School Office and attach documentary evidence of your circumstances, prior to the published submission deadline.

Requests for extensions for periods longer than 5 days must be made using the Mitigating Circumstances procedures.

Please see your Programme Handbook for further details.