Minnesota State University Moorhead
Student Senate Agenda
October 8th, 2015
- Call to Order
- 6:01 by President Duckworth
- Roll Call
- 15 present
- Approval of the Agenda
- Vice President Parks moved to approve the agenda, Senator Abegaz seconds
- Motion passes
- Approval of the Minutes
- Senator Slattery moved to approve the minutes, Senator Nelson seconds
- Motion passes
- Public Forum
- None
- Advisor Report
- Homecoming next week, 12-18
- Donate new toiletries, new toys, books or Rape and Abuse Center
- Take strengths quest and fill out liability form for Senate Retreat
- Thursday, Friday, and Saturday are Preview Day
- Possible students to attend MSUM will be on campus. Help them if they look lost.
- Academic Advising began Monday
- CareerX – CareerX is a mini-conference to help students move through career exploration and preparation, with topics such as personal branding, interviewing, how to make a good impression, and how to network. A networking social and dining etiquette dinner will conclude the event. See handout. Free but if register for etiquette dinner and don’t attend you will be charged a $10 fee.
- Continuing with the Social Change Model of Leadership, the third “C” in the individual values is commitment. This means having significant investment in an idea or person, both in terms of intensity and duration. Having the energy to serve the group and its goals. Commitment originates from within, but others can create an environment that supports an individual’s passions.
- Executive Reports
- Secretary
- Complete you office hours.
- Name plates will be complete by next week.
- Vice President
- Is in charge of bring food to the retreat.
- If you have any allergies or dietary restrictions contact Ms. Parks.
- President
- Committee on Committees will be completing the full list coming out next week.
- Student Senate Retreat
- Will start at 7:30pm on Friday, October 9
- Compete strengths quest
- Agenda has be posted for the group
- Homecoming Parade
- Meet at 9 on Oct.17
- Inform President or Vice President if you will be walking by next Wednesday.
- Candy will available to through at children.
- Committee Reports
- Legislative and Internal Affairs
- Adhoc was held this week.
- The handbook continues to be worked on and finished by tomorrow.
- Diversity
- Meet with Dr. Brown Chief Diversity Officer
- ODI concerns were discussed
- Women Center and Rainbow Dragon Center concerns
- Concern about liability issues were shown as to why the hours are shorter.
- Coordinator will be hired sometime this year.
- Focus groups will be held with two different sessions for students and faculty to attend.
- Concern that International students do not have a space lead to discussions about creating a space near Owens.
- Black, Asian, and Latinos may be placed in there own space.
- February 15 is faculty development day.
- Bookstore timeline for photo shoot has been requested.
- Meetings with Dr. Brown will happen monthly.
- Academic Affairs
- Senator Abegaz attended the Town Hall at the 3:00pm session
- Vice President Haller spoke.
- MSUM will be allowed to operate on a defecate.
- Reserves are strong.
- Presentation from Sean Manning about enrollment
- They are looking for a twins city recruiter
- Recruiting Adhoc will be coming up
- Campus Affairs
- Regular committee meetings will be on Monday at 5pm
- Senator O’Reily meet with Vice President Haller
- Meeting this afternoon about furniture for the CMU remodel was held.
- Tactical Agenda Items
- Committees Discussion and Appointments
- Appointments
- Muhammad Ejaz- Public Safety Director Search
- Senator Slattery moved to appoint Muhammad Ejaz to the Public Safety, Senator O’Riely seconded
- Motion passes
- Senator Bergman running for Treasurer
- Senator Hermann moved to suspend the rules, Senator Byler seconded
- Motion passes
- Senator O’Reily moved to appoint Chris Bergman to the Treasure without opposition, Senator Slattery seconded
- Motion passes
- Dylan Green- running for Off-Campus Senator
- Unanimous vote for approval
- Megan Warneke- running for Snarr Senator
- Unanimous vote for approval
Senator Abegaz moves to go into executive session, Senator Byler seconds
Senator Abegaz moves to withdraw his motion
- Removals
- Senator Danna Galeano
Removal hearing for Senator Danna Galeano will be added to the agenda next week.
- Senator Kevin Schwab
Removal hearing for Senator Kevin Schwab will be added to the agenda next week.
Senator Krueger moves to take a 5-minute recess, Proxy Noah seconds
Motion passes
- SABC Report
- Requested a grand total of $7280.00 for a total of eight students to proceed to a Conference in Atlanta, GA. This is an annual trip for this group, but they went to Washington last year. They requested 450 for tickets, 310 for registration, and 300 a day for hotel rooms. Last year they received a grand total of $2538 for 4 students. This year we decided to show that we still wanted to support them in their annual trip, but this was a lot of money to request. We decided to allocate $310 for registration per student for up to 8 students, as well as $350 per student for transportation cost. What this adds up to is $5,280. Yes this is more money compared to last year, but they have doubled their amount of students and have shown that they bring back to the school. The students will also be paying for their own public transportation while down there and to get to the airport. This will be taken out of the Academic Reserve fund.
Construction Management Society:
- This is another annual contest that this group participates in. This year they requested a grand total of $4,388. They will be going to Nebraska City, Nebraska and will be sending 12 students. They were requesting a total of $1,240 for transportation, $1,464 for lodging, $684 for meals, $800 for registration, and $200 in other expenses. The other expense was in order to purchase colored ink for their printers they need to bring down to the competition to look professional. Last year they went to the same place and brought the same amount of people and only requested $2,951.60. The biggest difference this year is that there is a female participating this year. This requires that she be allowed her own room, which increased their amount of funding. We as a group felt that we weren’t going to pay for the meals this time either, but we also felt that paying for the other expense was not fair either. We also wanted to try and lower the amount to make it fairer. What we decided to do was motion for a grand total of $3,140 for the use of transportation, registration, and lodging. The reasons why we felt this was fair was because we do have to be accommodating for bringing a female this year, as well as showing that we support them in this as well. They have always done really well in this competition, placing every year since 2006, and they have always brought things back from this competition. This also allows them the opportunity to network with some of the bigger construction companies in the area allowing for greater chances of job placement, which always looks good for our school. This was also decided to be taken out of the Academic Reserve.
- Senator Hermann moves to approve the SABC recommendation, Senator Byler seconds
- Motion Passes
- What we are at now:
General = $77,176
Academic = $35,442
Post season= $10,000
Big Reserve = $100,848
- Potential Ad-Hoc Topics
- Communication Resolution has gone through the police and procedures of Senate, University, and State. Encourages Senators to take a look at the information in the Senate Office.
- Cascading Messages
- Adjournment
- Senator Bergman moves to adjourn the meeting, Vice President Parks seconds
- Motion passes