Safety Contract & Class Agreement

Source: Flinn ScientificInstructor: Doğançay

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Source: Flinn ScientificInstructor: Doğançay


Science is a hands-on laboratory class. Youwill be doing many laboratory activitieswhich require the use of hazardouschemicals. Safety in the science classroom isthe #1 priority for students, teachers, andparents. To ensure a safe science classroom,a list of rules has been developed and providedto you in this student safety contract.These rules must be followed at all times.

Two copies of the contract are provided. Onecopy must be signed by both you and a parentor guardian before you can participate inthe laboratory. The second copy is to be keptin your science notebook as a constantreminder of the safety rules.


1. Conduct yourself in a responsible mannerat all times in the laboratory.

2. Follow all written and verbal instructionscarefully. If you do not understanda direction or part of a procedure, ask theinstructor before proceeding.

3. Never work alone. No student may workin the laboratory without an instructorpresent.

4. When first entering a science room, donot touch any equipment, chemicals, orother materials in the laboratory areauntil you are instructed to do so.

5. Do not eat food, drink beverages, orchew gum in the laboratory. Do not uselaboratory glassware as containers forfood or beverages.

6. Perform only those experiments authorizedby the instructor. Never do anythingin the laboratory that is not calledfor in the laboratory procedures or byyour instructor. Carefully follow allinstructions, both written and oral.Unauthorized experiments are prohibited.

7. Be prepared for your work in the laboratory.Read all procedures thoroughlybefore entering the laboratory.

8. Never fool around in the laboratory.Horseplay, practical jokes, and pranks are dangerous and prohibited.

9. Observe good housekeeping practices.Work areas should be kept clean and tidyat all times. Bring only your laboratoryinstructions, worksheets, and/or reportsto the work area. Other materials (books, purses, backpacks, etc.) should be storedin the classroom area.

10. Know the locations and operating proceduresof all safety equipment includingthe first aid kit, eyewash station, safetyshower, fire extinguisher, and fire blanket.Know where the fire alarm and theexits are located.

11. Always work in a well-ventilated area.Use the fume hood when working withvolatile substances or poisonous vapors.Never place your head into the fume hood.

12. Be alert and proceed with caution at alltimes in the laboratory. Notify theinstructor immediately of any unsafeconditions you observe.

13. Dispose of all chemical waste properly.Never mix chemicals in sink drains.Sinks are to be used only for water andthose solutions designated by theinstructor. Solid chemicals, metals,matches, filter paper, and all other insolublematerials are to be disposed of inthe proper waste containers, not in thesink. Check the label of all waste containerstwice before adding your chemicalwaste to the container.

14. Labels and equipment instructions mustbe read carefully before use. Set up anduse the prescribed apparatus as directedin the laboratory instructions or by yourinstructor.

15. Keep hands away from face, eyes,mouth and body while using chemicalsor preserved specimens. Wash yourhands with soap and water after performingall experiments. Clean all worksurfaces and apparatus at the end of theexperiment. Return all equipment cleanand in working order to the proper storagearea.

16. Experiments must be personally monitoredat all times. You will be assigned alaboratory station at which to work. Donot wander around the room, distractother students, or interfere with the laboratoryexperiments of others.

17. Students are never permitted in thescience storage rooms or preparationareas unless given specific permissionby their instructor.

18. Know what to do if there is a fire drillduring a laboratory period; containersmust be closed, gas valves turned off,fume hoods turned off, and any electricalequipment turned off.


19. Any time chemicals, heat, or glasswareare used, students will wear laboratorygoggles. There will be no exceptions tothis rule!

20. Dress properly during a laboratory activity.Long hair, dangling jewelry, andloose or baggy clothing are a hazard inthe laboratory. Long hair must be tiedback and dangling jewelry and loose orbaggy clothing must be secured. Shoesshould completely cover the foot.


21. Report any accident (spill, breakage,etc.) or injury (cut, burn, etc.) to theinstructor immediately, no matter howtrivial it may appear.

22. If you or your lab partner are hurt,immediately yell out “Code one, Codeone” to get the instructor’s attention.

23. If a chemical splashes in your eye(s) oron your skin, immediately flush withrunning water from the eyewash stationor safety shower for at least 20 minutes.Notify the instructor immediately.

24. When mercury thermometers are broken,mercury must not be touched.Notify the instructor immediately.


25. All chemicals in the laboratory are to beconsidered dangerous. Do not touch,taste, or smell any chemicals unlessspecifically instructed to do so. Theproper technique for smelling chemicalfumes will be demonstrated to you.

26. Check the label on chemical bottlestwice before removing any of the contents.Take only as much chemical asyou need.

27. Never return unused chemicals to theiroriginal containers.

28. Never use mouth suction to fill a pipet.Use a rubber bulb or pipet pump.

29. When transferring reagents from onecontainer to another, hold the containersaway from your body.

30. Acids must be handled with extremecare. You will be shown the propermethod for diluting strong acids. Alwaysadd acid to water, swirl or stir the solutionand be careful of the heat produced,particularly with sulfuric acid.

31. Handle flammable hazardous liquids overa pan to contain spills. Never dispenseflammable liquids anywhere near an openflame or source of heat.

32. Take great care when transporting acidsand other chemicals from one part of thelaboratory to another. Hold themsecurely and walk carefully.

33. Never remove chemicals or other materials from the laboratory area.



34. Carry glass tubing, especially longpieces, in a vertical position to minimizethe likelihood of breakage and injury.

35. Never handle broken glass with yourbare hands. Use a brush and dustpan toclean up broken glass. Place broken orwaste glassware in the designated glassdisposal container.

36. Inserting and removing glass tubingfrom rubber stoppers can be dangerous.Always lubricate glassware (tubing, thistletubes, thermometers, etc.) beforeattempting to insert it in a stopper.Always protect your hands with towelsor cotton gloves when inserting glasstubing into, or removing it from, a rubberstopper. If a piece of glassware becomes“frozen” in a stopper, take it to yourinstructor for removal.

37. Fill wash bottles only with distilledwater and use only as intended, e.g., rinsingglassware and equipment, or addingwater to a container.

38. When removing an electrical plug fromits socket, grasp the plug, not the electricalcord. Hands must be completely drybefore touching an electrical switch,plug, or outlet.

39. Examine glassware before each use.Never use chipped or cracked glassware.Never use dirty glassware.

40. Report damaged electrical equipmentimmediately. Look for things such asfrayed cords, exposed wires, and looseconnections. Do not use damaged electricalequipment.

41. If you do not understand how to use apiece of equipment, ask the instructor forhelp.

42. Do not immerse hot glassware in coldwater; it may shatter.


43. Exercise extreme caution when using agas burner. Take care that hair, clothingand hands are a safe distance from theflame at all times. Do not put any substanceinto the flame unless specificallyinstructed to do so. Never reach over anexposed flame. Light gas (or alcohol)burners only as instructed by the teacher.

44. Never leave a lit burner unattended.Never leave anything that is being heatedor is visibly reacting unattended. Alwaysturn the burner or hot plate off when notin use.

45. You will be instructed in the propermethod of heating and boiling liquids intest tubes. Do not point the open end ofa test tube being heated at yourself oranyone else.

46. Heated metals and glass remain veryhot for a long time. They should be setaside to cool and picked up with caution.Use tongs or heat-protectivegloves if necessary.

47. Never look into a container that is beingheated.

48. Do not place hot apparatus directly onthe laboratory desk. Always use an insulatingpad. Allow plenty of time for hotapparatus to cool before touching it.

49. When bending glass, allow time for theglass to cool before further handling. Hotand cold glass have the same visualappearance. Determine if an object is hotby bringing the back of your hand closeto it prior to grasping it.


50. Watching a demonstration or performing a laboratory exercise does not provide you with enough practical experience or background in hazardous chemicals and safety procedures to try out your own version at home. Unless you have been specifically told by your instructor that it is safe, you should never try out chemistry experiments from this course outside of the school’s academic setting.


  • Do you wear contact lenses?____YES ____NO
  • Are you color blind?____YES ____NO
  • Do you have allergies?____YES ____NO

If so, list specific allergies: ______




I, ______,(student’s name) have read and agreeto follow all of the safety rules setforth in this contract. I realize that I must obey these rules to insure myown safety, and that of my fellow studentsand instructors. I will cooperateto the fullest extent with my instructorand fellow students to maintain a safelab environment. I will also closelyfollow the oral and written instructionsprovided by the instructor. I am awarethat any violation of this safety contractthat results in unsafe conduct inthe laboratory or misbehavior on mypart, may result in being removedfrom the laboratory, detention, receivinga failing grade, and/or dismissalfrom the course.

Additionally, I have read and understand the course requirements (outlined in the course syllabus)and the academic honesty policy (outline in my NPHS agenda book).

Student Signature


Dear Parent or Guardian:

We feel that you should be informedregarding the school’s effort to createand maintain a safe science classroom/laboratory environment.With the cooperation of the instructors,parents, and students, a safetyinstruction program can eliminate,prevent, and correct possible hazards.You should be aware of the safetyinstructions your son/daughter willreceive before engaging in any laboratorywork. Please read the list of safetyrules above. No student will be permittedto perform laboratory activitiesunless this contract is signed by boththe student and parent/guardian and ison file with the teacher.

Your signature on this contract indicatesthat you have read this StudentSafety Contract, are aware of the measurestaken to insure the safety of yourson/daughter in the science laboratory, and will instruct your son/daughtero uphold his/her agreement to follow these rules and procedures inthe laboratory.

Additionally, I have read and understand the course requirements (outlined in the course syllabus)and the academic honesty policy (outline in my student’s NPHS agenda book).

Parent/Guardian Signature


Source: Flinn ScientificInstructor: Doğançay