News from the Nurse’s Office

Sharon Iaquinta, RN

Denise Mossey, RN


The follow screenings will be performed by the school nurses on the dates listed below. Please call during school hours if you have any questions about the screenings.

Grade 2: Vision & Hearing Screening – week of January 22nd – 26th, 2018

Grade 3: Vision & Hearing Screening – week of January 29th – February 2nd, 2018

Grade 4: Vision & BMI screening – week of February 5th - 9th, 2018

Grade 5: Postural Screening – January 16th – 19th, 2018 (notice sent home 12/6/2017)

Vision Screening – week of February 12th – 16th, 2018

Grade 6: Postural Screening – week of January 8th – 12th, 2018 (notice sent home 11/29/2017)


Grade 4: Fourth grade physical exams are due to the nurse’s office by December 21st, 2017, as required by Massachusetts State Law.

Grade 6: Before entering Grade 7, students are required by Massachusetts State Law to meet the following vaccine and physical exam requirements:

1)  A Tetanus Booster immunization, given within the past 5 years

2)  A second dose of the Varicella/Chicken Pox immunization

3)  A physical exam performed within one year of entry to Grade 7, so dated after 8/31/2017

Please submit this documentation to the school nurse as soon as possible. If you need to schedule an appointment for a physical, it would be best to call now since routine physicals are often scheduled months in advance.


This is the time of year when we see an increase in sickness throughout the school. From the common cold to the flu, strep throat, pneumonia, and the stomach bug; these illnesses spread more easily in the close confinement of the classroom. In order to prevent the spread of these common illnesses, and protect those students and their family members who may have weakened immune systems, please keep the following in mind before sending your child to school:

Fever: A fever can be a common symptom of a virus or bacterial infection. Children are likely to be contagious to others when they have a fever. If your child has a fever of 100.4 or greater, they must be fever free for 24 hours after their last dose of fever-reducing medication, before returning to school.

Vomiting/Diarrhea: If your child vomits or has diarrhea during the night or before school in the morning, please keep them home!! They must stay home and be symptom free for 24 hours after the last episode before returning to school.

Cough: It is common for a mild hacking cough to start after the first few days of a common cold. If your child has a mild cough, no fever, and otherwise feeling well, they should be fine at school. If the cough persists and becomes severe, with or without a fever, have your child checked by their medical provider, as a severe cough may be a sign of pneumonia or bronchitis.

Sore Throat: If your child has a mild sore throat, no fever and is otherwise feeling well, they are fine to attend school. A more significant sore throat may be strep throat, a contagious illness. Other symptoms include a fever, white spots in the back of the throat, headache and upset stomach. Untreated strep throat can lead to serious complications. If you suspect your child may have strep throat, have them checked by their medical provider. A child diagnosed with strep throat is no longer contagious and can return to school 24 hours after antibiotic treatment has been started.

You know your child better than anyone. If they are displaying symptoms that are concerning to you, consult with their medical provider. If you are unsure whether to send your child to school, consult with their medical provider or contact the school nurses. Good hand washing is encouraged to keep everyone at MSES healthy!!!!

Medication Order/Consent Forms:

If your child requires medication to be administered during school hours, a written authorization form needs to be completed by both the Parent and the pediatrician. A medication consent form may be requested from the Health Office. Please do not send students to school with medication in their backpack. All medication must be dropped off by a parent or guardian to the Health Office.