Operating Reliability Subcommittee
November13, 2014 | 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. CST
Web: | Access: 5247004 | Security: 097745
Conference: 1-866-740-1260; Access Code: 5247004; Security Code: 097745
Introductions and Chair’s Remarks
NERC Antitrust Compliance Guidelines and Public Announcement
1.Administrative Matters
- Arrangements – Secretary
- Announcement of Quorum – Secretary
- Operating Reliability Subcommittee Roster*
- Parliamentary Procedures* – Secretary
- Balancing Authority-to-Reliability Coordinator Mapping* – Secretary
- Future Meetings – Secretary
i.February 10–11, 2015 – Tampa, FL (hosted by FRCC)
ii.May 5 – 6, 2015 – Austin, TX (hosted by ERCOT)
iii.Schedule future meetings
2.Meeting Minutes* – Approve – Chair Wise
a.Minutes of September9, 2014 Operating Reliability Subcommittee Meeting
3.Reliability Plans* – Chair Wise
a.Periodic Review of Reliability Plans
- Guideline for Approving Regional and Reliability Coordinator Reliability Plans*
b.New or Revised Reliability Plans for Endorsement
- SPP Reliability Plan
- AESO Reliability Plan
4.Operations Review* – All
a.Operations Review
b.Use of Proxy Flowgates
5.Interconnection Frequency Monitoring*
a.Frequency Monitor Reports and Frequency Excursions
- Eastern –Chair Wise
- ERCOT – Jimmy Hartmann
- Western – Michelle Mizumori
- Quebec – Richard Mailhot
6.AECI’s Reliability Concerns in the Palmyra, Missouri Area – Jeff Harrison
7.Essential Reliability Services Task Force – Dave Devereaux
Objective: Review and discuss recent ERSTF activities.Background: The OC and PC approved the scope of the ERSTF at their March 2014 meetings.The ERSTF has a multi-faceted purpose that includes developing a technical foundation of Essential Reliability Services (ERS); educating and informing industry, regulators, and the public about ERS; developing an approach for tracking and trending ERS; formulating recommendations to ensure the complete suite of ERS are provided and available; and providing guidance necessary for operating a reliable grid. On October 17, 2014 the Operating Committee endorsed the ERSTF’s “A Concept Paper on Essential Reliability Services that Characterizes Bulk Power System Reliability.”
The ERSTF met on October29-30, 2014 in Atlanta, GA. Additional information related to the task force is available at ERSTF.
Presentation: No / Duration: 15 minutes / Background Item: None
8.Status Report of the IDC Association – Don Shipley
9.GridEx III – Chair Wise
Objective: Review and discuss the coordination of activities between the CIPC Grid Exercise Working Group and the ORS.Background: At its September 2014 meeting, several reliability coordinators on the ORS volunteered to support the Grid Exercise Working Group. GridEx III is scheduled for November 18-19, 2015.
Presentation: No / Duration: 15 minutes / Background Items: None
10.Geomagnetic Disturbance Reference Document* – Mike McMullen
11.Project 2014-03 (Revisions to TOP and IRO Standards) – Vice Chair Senkowicz
Objective: Review and discuss proposed revisions to TOP and IRO Reliability Standards.Background: The primary goal of Project 2014-03 (Revisions to TOP/IRO Reliability Standards) is to address the concerns identified in the FERC NOPR proposing to remand IRO standards developed in Project 2006-06 (Reliability Coordination) and TOP standards developed in Project 2007-03 (Real-time Operations). On April 16, 2013, NERC submitted two petitions requesting Commission approval of TOP and IRO standards. One petitionaddresses three revised TOP Reliability Standards: TOP-001-2 (Transmission Operations), TOP-002-3 (Operations Planning), TOP-003-2 (Operational Reliability Data), and one Protection Systems (PRC) Reliability Standard, PRC-001-2 (System Protection Coordination) (collectively, the “TOP Standards”) to replace the eight currently-effective TOP standards. The second petition addresses four revised IRO Reliability Standards: IRO-001-3 (Responsibilities and Authorities), IRO-002-3 (Analysis Tools), IRO-005-4 (Current Day Operations), and IRO-014-2 (Coordination Among Reliability Coordinators) (collectively, the “IRO Standards”) to replace six currently-effective IRO standards.
On November 21, 2013, the Commission issued a NOPR proposing to remand these TOP and IRO Standards, stating that NERC “has removed critical reliability aspects that are included in the currently-effective standards without adequately addressing these aspects in the proposed standards.” For example, the Commission cites the fact that the proposed TOP Standards do not require Transmission Operators to plan and operate within all System Operating Limits (“SOLs”), which is a requirement in the currently effective standards.
Project 2014-03 Background Information
Presentation: Yes / Duration: 10 minutes / Background Items: None
12.NERC Bulk Power Situation Awareness Update – Sam Chanoski
a.Reliability Coordinator Hotline – Addition of NOAA’s SWPC
b.RCIS Audible Alarm Problem
c.Updating RCIS User Accounts
d.Communication of Time Sensitive Information to RCs
13.Status Report – Net Actual and Net Scheduled Interchange – Michelle Mizumori and Mike McMullen
Objective: The Operating Committee requested that the Operating Reliability Subcommittee find volunteer reliability coordinators in the Eastern and Western Interconnections to create proposed procedures and technology solutions that would create an error checking matrix of BA interchange data for their respective Interconnections. This project would have BAs share ICCP data with one Reliability Coordinator in their respective Interconnection. The RC would develop an error-checking matrix that could be reviewed if frequency was significantly off-schedule and the underlying cause is not known. The matrix could also be used if a BA's EMS were down as it would provide an alternate ACE calculation for the impacted RC and BA. BAs would share ICCP net interchange actual (by neighbor) and net interchange scheduled (total) data with the designated RC in their respective Interconnection and that the designated RC develop an error checking matrix.Presentation: No / Duration: 15 minutes / Background Item: No
14.Draft Reliability Guideline: Reliability Coordinator – BA/TO/TOP Communication: Real-Time Reliability Tools Degradation* –Vice Chair Senkowicz
Objective: At its June 2013 meeting the Operating Committeetasked the ORS with developing a reliability guideline thataddresses monitoring system contingencies with or without real‐time contingency analysis and thenotification of neighboring entities upon loss of or degradation of reliability tool functionality.Presentation: No / Duration: 30 minutes / Background Item: Draft Reliability Guideline: RCs – BAs – TOPs Communication: Loss of Real-Time Reliability Tools Capability / Loss of Equipment Significantly Affecting ICCP Data
15.Energy Emergency Alert Level 3 Reports – Chair Wise
Objective: The ORS reviews recent Energy Emergency Alert Level 3 reports at each of its meetings.Background: There have not been any EEA Level 3 events since the last subcommittee meeting.
Presentation: No / Duration: 10 minutes / Background Item: None
16.Data Exchange Working Group Status Report – Keith Mitchell
a.Discussion – NERCnet Project
Objective: The DEWG will provide a summary of working group activities, including a summary of activities related to the NERCnet project and the formation of the Eastern Interconnection Data Sharing Network.Presentation: Yes / Duration: 15 minutes / Background Item: None
17.Telecommunications Working Group Status Report – Clifton Johnson
*Background materials included.
Operating Reliability Subcommittee Meeting Agenda – November13, 2014