Immanuel Christian Reformed Church

February 16, 2014


We’re glad that you joined us today, and we pray that you will experience a meaningful time of worship with us.

Guest mailboxes are located in the south entrance after the alphabetical list of members. Please pick up this information if you would like details on Immanuel’s ministries.

This morning Pastor Bob will conclude a series of messages, “Does God Still Heal?”. We will also celebrate the Lord’s Supper together.

Offerings: General Fund & Faith Promise Missionary Support

This evening Seminarian Shelby Gemmen will lead us in worship as we focus on Lord’s Day 49.

Offering: Guatemala Mission Trip



8:45AM Mary Jane Geers, Carla Dykstra

11:00AM (Infant) Anna De Young, Alexis Hoogeboom

(Toddler) Karla Veldink, Katie Bonner,

Joshua Veldink, Kyle Koenig,

Nicole Le Febre

5:30PM Tammi Victory, Tessa Van Dyken

Next Sunday:

8:45AM Dot Vruwink, Trevor Vedders

11:00AM (Infant) Mary Verkaik, Annalise Van Rijs

(Toddler) Michael Wigger, Jennifer Le Febre,

Michael Herweyer, Nic Van Rijs,

Morgan Ridder

5:30PM Gale Krikke, Allyssa Ver Merris


Today: (Calming the Storm)

11:00AM Sheri Breuker, Anna De Young, Dylan Hoogeboom

Next Sunday:

11:00AM Cheri Lutke, Shelli Bosma, Kyle Koenig


10:00AM Education Hour

6:30PM Crossroads Snack: Ymker/Vedders

Drink: Brower



12:00PM Seasoned Citizens Soup Buffet – FLC


6:30PM GEMS & Cadets


5:30PM Crossroads Activity – meet at church


8:45 & 11AM: A Light to the Nations – Part 1

Genesis 12:1-3

11AM: Baptism – Quinn Lanenga

Offerings: General Fund & Benevolent Fund

5:30PM: Pastor Bob

Offering: Other Way Ministries


Elder Rob Nesky

Duimstra, Dyk, Dykema families


10:00AM Education Hour

12:30PM Lunch with Trevor Rubingh

No E.T. meeting


We express our sympathy to Bryan & Sue Albers on the death of Bryan’s sister, Myra Van Mersbergen. May the Lord comfort and uphold them during this time of sorrow.

Please pray for pain relief for Louise Glass as she has developed shingles.

Pray for complete healing for Pam Vander Meer as she had surgery this past week for a broken wrist.

Del De Kleine – health difficulties

Joe Lems – severe back pain

Sharon Ondersma – M.S.

Pete Van Rijs – durable cancer remission

Brian Wigger – medication to shrink tumor

Capt Ron Thenn – Army

2nd Lt Stephan Thenn – Marines


Circle Letter A – Mission Committee Lunch

You are invited to join us for a light lunch next Sunday, February 23, following the 11AM service. Rev Trevor Rubingh will be with us and discuss a new ministry that’s beginning in Grand Rapids this summer.

We ask that if you plan to come, please circle Letter A in the Friendship Folder. Please also bring a salad, side dish, or dessert to share. Hot sandwiches will be provided.

Circle Letter B – Seasoned Citizens Soup Buffet

The “cabin fever” is setting in, but come to a soup buffet to kick off a new ministry this Tuesday, February 18, at 12PM. Enjoy some delicious homemade soups and great fellowship! Please circle Letter B in the Friendship Folder if you are attending.

Circle Letter C – New Members Class

Are you interested in finding out more information about becoming a professing Immanuel member? This 90-minute course, led by Pastor Bob, will familiarize you with the history of Immanuel church, current ministry opportunities, membership requirements and areas for service. This course is designed both for individuals interested in membership and current members interested in making public their profession of faith in Jesus Christ. A class will be available on Sunday, March 9, at 3PM. If you are interested in attending, please circle Letter C in the Friendship Folder.


Christian Education Assistance Program (CEAP) Enrollment

Enrollment for parents of children attending Christian day school, K-12, will take place today and on Sundays, February 23 and March 2 between the morning services. Look for Rob Plaisier in the church office area.

Immanuel will provide some tuition assistance to all families that choose to enroll their children in the CEAP. Additional levels of assistance are available from Immanuel, if needed.

Plan to attend one of these meetings to get more information and to enroll your children. If you can't attend one of these meetings, please call Rob Plaisier (745-1647) to get an enrollment form and/or more information.

Committee Chairpersons

A reminder that all budget requests for the July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015 fiscal year are due on March 1, 2014. If you have any questions, please contact Rob Plaisier (745-1647).

K-5 Parents

If your child in grades K-5 plays an instrument or likes to sing and would be willing to participate in a church service, please let Lindsey Heuker know ( or 901-6511). Thanks!

Hand2Hand Ministry

We are again asking for soup and also 100% juice boxes this month. It is easy for us to pack and soup is great when it’s so cold out. Thank you so much for your faithful giving to this program as you are blessing these children!

Immanuel Derby Car Races

We are having all-church derby car races again this year on Saturday, March 1! Car kits can be purchased for $5; please contact Jeff Kooienga.

Classis Georgetown 25th Anniversary Celebration Service

The churches of Classis Georgetown are asked to join their sister churches in a celebration of a quarter century of ministry together. This Celebration Service will be held on Sunday, March 9, at 5:30PM in the auditorium at Fair Haven Ministries (2900 Baldwin Street in Hudsonville).

This service will be an opportunity for us to reflect on how God has worked through our churches in the past and where he’s leading us in the future. A band of Unity Christian alumni will be leading the singing, several classis pastors will be participating, and Rev. Joel Boot, the Executive Director of the CRCNA, will be preaching on “Provocative Christianity” from Hebrews 10:19-25. An offering will be received for both Calvin Theological Seminary and World Renew.

Let’s praise the Lord together for how he has continued to build his kingdom in Georgetown Township and beyond.

Audio Adrenaline & Kutless along with other popular artists are coming to Hudsonville!

Immanuel CRC is hosting the 2nd Annual "Immanuel Jam" on Sunday, March 16th, at Hudsonville Christian Middle School! The proceeds will go to raise money for our 2014 Guatemala Team & Hudsonville Christian Schools! Get more information and buy your tickets at: Contact Brittnee Blom or if you have any questions.

Donations Needed for Benefit Concert!

A variety of food and drink donations are needed to feed the bands, crew and volunteers at the Change a Life Concert in March. Please sign up to donate an item on the poster near the youth board and consider helping our 2014 Guatemala Vision Trip Team in this way! Most donations are due in the church kitchen by Thursday, March 13. Baked goods are due on Saturday morning, March 15. If you prefer to make a monetary donation to help with supplies for this event, please put cash or checks made out to Immanuel CRC in Tammy Wolter's mailbox. Thank you!

Tuition Assistance Program

For the upcoming school year, families who wish to apply for Level 2 tuition assistance from Immanuel will need to use the FACTS application format online via a confidential web site at

The required application information is easily accessible data from the 2013 tax return along with other basic information. Copies of confirming tax documents will be required to be sent to the FACTS center. The $30 application fee will be paid by the schools. Parents who have children in more than one participating school need only to fill out the application one time--the information will be available to the schools where their children attend and to Immanuel CRC.

The FACTS organization will analyze the information of each applicant. Through FACTS Immanuel CRC and participating schools have the ability to more evenly distribute available tuition assistance funds based upon factual information the families provide in the application. While the schools and Immanuel CRC will use the same information, the schools will distribute their funds after they know how much assistance Immanuel CRC will provide.

Please contact FACTS at (866) 315-9262 with any questions. The deadline for submitting this application is March 31, 2014. You may also contact Rob Plaisier (745-1647) with questions.

2014 CRC Yearbook

CRC yearbooks are available for $12.99/each; spiral bound - $14.99/each. If you would like a copy, please call the church office (669-9725) and we will order one for you.


GEMS & Moms Night

Our GEMS & Moms Night is this Wednesday, February 19, at 6:30PM. Get ready for a night of minute to win it! Can't wait to see you there. GEMS Leaders


Our next outing is this Friday, February 21! We are offering a night of paintball or cross-country skiing!

Paintball: meet at church at 5:30pm. $15 per person. We will go for frozen yogurt afterwards and be home by 9:30PM.

X-Ski: meet at church at 5:30pm and head to Pigeon Creek. Ski rental is $8 per person. Hot chocolate afterwards at Bloms house (return around 9:30pm).

Higher Ground

Regular Higher Ground classes resume next Sunday, February 23. Grades 6-9 and 11-12 will meet in the same rooms as the fall session.

Please note: Tenth grade will now meet in the large classroom across the hall from the fireside room downstairs. Please contact Lindsey Heuker with any questions ( or 901-6511).

Camp Roger Save-the-Date

Our Crossroads winter retreat to Camp Roger will be on March 21-23. Please save the date!!


Corners Offering

February – Family Life Center of Allendale

February 9, 2014

General Fund $9,960

Level 3 Tuition Assistance 1,394

West Side Christian School 155

General Fund Year-to-Date

Received $339,127

Budget goal 370,971

Over (Under) (31,844)

Budget received –91%

Fiscal year – July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014

To fulfill our General Fund budget,

an average weekly offering of $11,593 is necessary.

Please tithe in faith and as your response to God’s blessings.


February 16, 2014


Remember in prayer and with a card this week our shut-ins:

Lula Ringerwole, Henrietta Meinema


Pray for God’s strength to be with the many persecuted Christians in Estonia.


Pray for God’s blessing and protection this week on our Custodian, Jim Stech.


Pray for Revs Linda & Trevor Rubingh and their work with Home Missions in New Jersey.


Pray for these young adults and remember them with a note or card:

Kevin Sytsma, Cassandra Ter Avest, Scott Van Wylen


Pray for God’s blessing on our Crossroads students.


Ask God to bless the civil and church leaders of our city and the residents of your street.

Denominational Prayer Line: 1-888-CRC-PRAY


Unity Christian High School is presenting Ronald Dahl’s Willy Wonka, based on the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Performances are Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, March 6, 7, and 8, at 7PM, Allendale Public High School Auditorium. The $5 tickets are available in the school office (8AM – 3:30PM) beginning Monday, February 17.

Unity Christian High School will be hosting orientation evenings for 8th graders and parents on February 19. These evenings are especially planned for 8th graders and their parents to check out Unity as they make plans for high school. Call Unity at 669-1820 during any school day to reserve an evening.

The Hudsonville Christian School Auction is just one week away! We extend to our friends in the HCS community a warm invitation to our auction this Saturday, February 22, at the HCS Elementary. Silent bidding begins at 4:15pm for hundreds of gift certificates, craft items, Buy-A-Line items, Teacher Donations, and many other physical items. Dinner will be available from 5:00-7:00pm. The exciting Live Auction begins at 6:15pm. We welcome donations of baked goods and desserts for our dessert room and bake sale (may bring to school on Friday, 2/21/14 until 8PM or Saturday from 1-4pm). Thank you for praying for this special event and for supporting our school. Visit for more information and pictures.

Are you ready for a mid winter break? The Christian Reformed Conference Grounds would love to host you in one of our beautiful cottages. Whether it's a family weekend get-away, date night with your spouse, girls night out, scrapbooking party, or just some quiet time snuggled up in front of the fireplace with a good book, please give us a call! We have many cottage openingsthe rest ofFebruary, March and April.For more details call us at 616-842-4478.

Exciting Volunteer Opportunities Available! Are you looking for a way to invest in your community in 2014? Love INC has many openings for volunteers in the following areas: Love’s Treasures Resale Shoppe (prep area, display area, clothing, floral); The Outback; The appliance repair shop, The Sorting Warehouse (where all our donations are received); and Transportation. You may choose either a half day or full day of volunteering; training is always provided. If you are interested in learning more about this fun and fulfilling opportunity, please contact Corrie at or 662-3300 ext 118.

Join Volunteers In Service in an exciting evening with Mike Yankoski, author of the powerful book "Under the Overpass." Mike will share of his experiences of living on the streets in six different cities over five months. His story is powerful and his message is a direct call to Christians and our response to people who are living on the margins. Plan on attending on Thursday, March 20 at 7pm at Providence Christian Reformed Church in Grand Rapids. For more information please visit the VIS website at RSVP at No fee to attend. Free will offering taken to support the ministry of Volunteers In Service.

College seniors or seminary ready students who are professing members of one of the churches of Classis Georgetown, pursuing ministry in the Christian Reformed Church, and in need of financial assistance are invited to apply for financial aid for the 2014-15 school year. Please contact Rev Tim Holwerda, , 4958 Bauer Rd. Hudsonville MI 49426 or call 669 1061. Applications will be accepted until February 21, 2014.