Dates: October 1-2; 5-9

Magazine Lessons: The Dentist/ An Appointment With the Dentist/

All About Brazil/ Traveling/ Travel Tips

Activity Focus: Reading Comprehension/ Read the Letter/ Find Someone Who!

Teeth and Travel

Part 1: Multiple Choice. Choose the correct answer for each question. Use the information from the conversations in your magazine.


October 1

  1. Where is Pam going in 10 minutes?

(A) the airport

(B) the hospital

(C) the dentist’s office

(D) the doctor’s office

2.When does Pam get a new toothbrush?

(A)every month

(B) every three months

(C)every six months

(D) every nine months

October 2

3.What dentist is Tom going to see?

(A)Pam’s dentist(B) Jack’s dentist

(C) Emma’s dentist(D) Amy’s dentist

4. What is true about Jack?

(A)He is afraid of doctors.

(B)His relative is a dentist.

(C)He goes to the dentist on Friday.

(D)He went to the dentist three years ago.

October 5

5. Where are Jack and his family going?

(A)Brazil(B) Bangkok

(C) Egypt(D) New York

6.What can Jack do on his trip?

(A)visit the rainforest

(B)enjoy the beaches

(C)eat at a nice restaurant

(D)all of the above

October 6

  1. What did Jack buy?

(A) a bag(B) a toothbrush

(C) a backpack(D) a travel guide

  1. What do Jack and his brothers need to do?

(A) get pictures(B) get passports

(C) exchange money(D) buy tickets

October 7

9. What can you do before your flight?

(A)check-in online

(B)mail your luggage

(C)choose your seats

(D)A and C

  1. Why does Jack like aisle seats?

(A)They are better for his back.

(B)He can watch more movies.

(C)He can get up and move around.

(D)Window seats make him feel sick.

October 8

  1. Amy is reading about ___.

(A)international travel tips

(B) fashion advertisements

(C) the best places for vacation

(D) local entertainment in Brazil

October 9

12. Emma wants to go to ___.

(A)Italy(B) Brazil

(C) Florida(D) Africa


Part 2: Read the Letter. Read the letter and then fill in the blanks. Choose the correct word and write it in the blank.

Dear Winnie,

How was your (1)______(flight, airport)? Did the airplane arrive safely? Where did you sit? Did you have a (2)______(luggage, window) seat or aisle seat?

Everything is fine here, but I’m having some problems with my (3)______(teeth, toothbrush). So I have to make a (4)______(travel, dentist) appointment. I woke up in the middle of the night with a terrible (5)______(painful, toothache). The next day, it hurt to (6)______(brush, relax) my teeth.

Well, I have some good news. Next year, I am going to (7)______ (Italy, international) to study. This is a country I have always wanted to visit. And, I have always wanted to be a(n) (8)______ (international, online) student. But I’m kind of (9)______ (relax, afraid) to live in a foreign country. Do you have any (10)______ (tips, parts) for me? You have lived in many different countries. So I’m sure you can give me good (11)______(tape, advice).

I can’t wait to hear more about your trip. I hope you (12)______(have a good time/take a picture)!


Part 3: Find Someone Who! Find someone who can say “yes” to each statement. Let that person sign his or her name in the space on the right.

Find someone who…

  1. wants to be a dentist.

  1. has a toothache.

  1. gets a new toothbrush every three months.

  1. is notafraid to speak English with others.

5. wants to travel.
6. goes on a lot of trips with their family.
7. likes to go to the beach.
8. does not like to fly.
9. has a passport.
10. has been to Europe.