FEBC Prayer Target

January 2018

Monday, January 1 – Please pray for God’s hand upon FEBC in 2018, as we seek to reach more people with the Good News, so that millions more will know and experience the incredible gift of salvation God offers all who believe in His Son. Thank you for being such wonderful ministry and prayer partners. May God richly bless you in the new year!

Tuesday, January 2- We thank God for the opportunities in the new year to launch more stations, initiate new languages and utilize current and emerging technologies to reach even more people. In 2017, we established 5 new stations and distributed thousands of radios and speaker boxes all for one purpose: to share the Gospel.

Wednesday, January 3 – Thousands of Eastern Ukrainians have fled to Slavyansk during the ongoing conflict, a city where FEBC launched a radio station. Please pray that our broadcasts will reach the hearts of many in Ukraine and offer them comfort and hope through Jesus Christ.

Thursday, January 4 – In Indonesia, the largest Muslim-dominant country in the world, FEBC’s broadcasts focus on family issues by promoting godly principles in a culturally relevant way. Pray for creativity and wisdom in sharing the Gospel. Pray, too, for our staff and all Christians living in Indonesia. Radical Muslims are pressuring officials to close churches and imprison pastors.

Friday, January 5 –Please pray for a popular program at FEBC-Russia called “Hope for the Heart,” narrated by Natalia, who helps listeners understand God’s love for them. Please pray that listeners will be open to hear and receive His love and be eager to learn more about God’s boundless love.

Saturday, January 6 – In Mongolia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, FEBC staff are part of the First Generation Church. Pray for these relatively new believers who serve as Christian pioneers in culturally Muslim nations. Pray, too, that the First Generation Church will grow in their understanding of the Bible. For many generations, the people in these countries followed Animism, Shamanism or Buddhism.

Sunday, January 7 – Your prayers and gifts make it possible for us to reach ethnic people groups like the Hmong. Recently, we received the following letter: “I accepted Jesus into my heart through your programs. I’m a leader at our church and teach the Word of God. But some of my relatives do not yet believe. Please pray for them. And pray, too, that we do not fall away from Jesus. Thank you, FEBC, for broadcasting to us daily; your programs help us remain strong in the Lord.”

Monday, January 8 – Praise God for a recent listener conference held in Pakistan for the purpose of “binding them together in the Lord.” Listeners came from 19 cities, and for the first time social media listeners attended. Praise God for the valuable time of fellowship that took place.

Tuesday, January 9 – Please continue to pray for healing and recovery for our director of Cambodia, Sopheary. Pray, too, for her family, as her health journey has been long and challenging. We thank God for His hand upon Sopheary and pray for resumed health.

Wednesday, January 10 – Pray for our team in Mongolia who currently oversee 10 stations. Unfortunately, anti-Western sentiments are increasing due to Russia's influence in Mongolia. Pray that people will respond to the Good News and not let politics cloud their judgement. A listener writes: "Your radio programs are an honest friend. I am being encouraged and supported through your messages.” Pray for our multi-station team, led by Batjargal, who are committed to sharing the Gospel in this remote nation.

Thursday, January 11- Praise God for the impact that our team in Malawi are having on hundreds of Yao. We’re also delighted that 20-60 baptisms are taking place monthly, all of them listeners who tune into our broadcasts.

Friday, January 12-. Praise God for the 4 new radio stations FEBC launched in Ukraine in 2017, reaching many who are struggling with the ongoing war and uncertainty in Eastern Ukraine. Pray that listeners will find a renewed sense of hope through their Heavenly Father.

Saturday, January 13 – New laws have just gone into effect in Vietnam governing religion, resulting in tighter controls and repression. Please pray that listeners will continue to grow in their faith through FEBC broadcasts and stand firm in Jesus Christ.

Sunday, January 14 – Praise God that thousands of people are currently enrolled in FEBC’s Bible Correspondence Course in Thailand. Pray that their studies will teach them much about the Bible, God and Jesus and lead them to faith in the Lord.

Monday, January 15 – Praise God for the generous gifts of supporters who made it possible to purchase and distribute over 14,500 radios in 2017, to people who would otherwise not be able to afford one of their own. In Mongolia alone, FEBC distributed 5,000 radios, reaching a large number of people, many of whom are nomads with no other way to tune into FEBC.

Tuesday, January 16 –Please pray for the safety and wisdom of our engineers and riggers, as they maintain FEBC’s transmitters and shortwave towers in Bocaue and Iba, Philippines.

Wednesday, January 17 – Our team in Myanmar not only focuses on reaching non-believers, but also Christian listeners, by helping them connect to other ministries to support them on their faith journey. Pray that God will guide our staff and bless our listeners who tune in.

Thursday, January 18 –Please pray for churches and their pastors who partner with FEBC. While the radio ministry delivers the Good News to large numbers of listeners, churches are called on to provide fellowship and discipleship to many who are eager to grow in their newfound faith.

Friday, January 19- Praise God that the recent launch of a new Web/App radio station in Hong Kong was wonderfully successful with younger generations. On its first day, there were over 1,000 apps downloaded and people listened to our programs. Pray for wisdom as the Hong Kong team deals with pressure from Chinese leadership feeling threatened by the growing number of Chinese Christians.

Saturday, January 20 –For 15 years, North Korea has been considered the most oppressive nation in the world for Christians. Pray that our broadcasts will reach even more people in this isolated country that offers hope that only God can deliver. Pray for FEBC’s current efforts to raise funds to build an AM radio station in South Korea with the specific purpose of reaching more people in North Korea. Pray that lives will be changed by listening to the Gospel and people will find hope in Jesus Christ.

Sunday, January 21 – Thank God for our Kazakh programming team who are growing and broadcasting the Good News in Kazakhstan. Pray for Nurlan and Ruslan, our leaders in this Central Asian country.

Monday, January 22 – Praise God that FEBC’s radio programs have been influencing many lives in Pakistan. It has had a positive effect on how Christians are perceived in this Muslim nation. Pray for our new director, Saleem, and his staff, and all Christians, struggling with increased violent attacks against them.

Tuesday, January 23 –Praise God for lives being changed in Russia. After finding our programs online, Lola wrote: “As I listened to your broadcasts, my life began to change. You actually care about me!” Please pray that Lola will continue to listen and grow in her faith in Christ.

Wednesday, January 24 –Pray for Dr. Jurie and his staff in Pretoria, South Africa, as they promote the radio ministry and help facilitate radio work in other African countries.

Thursday, January 25 - Praise God for FEBC-Korea’s 13 radio stations reaching millions with the Gospel every day, including listeners in Japan, Russia, China and North Korea.

Friday, January 26 – Praise God for a listener from India who recently wrote: “I’m an elderly lady and find it difficult to commute to church every Sunday. But I have a good time with the Lord when I listen to your programs such as “Worship Time.” It allows me to worship God right here in my house. Thank you for this program!”

Saturday, January 27 – Please pray for our ethnic broadcasters who produce daily programs in 83 languages every day, reaching millions upon millions of listeners, many of whom live in remote areas of the world.

Sunday, January 28- Please pray for the rural church in Cambodia, as many areas of this Southeast Asian nation remain unreached. Pray for our relay station that reaches into Kampong Thom, where 180,000 residents live. Pray that they will tune into FEBC and hear the Good News of Jesus.

Monday, January 29 – Pray for our team in Japan, where no religious radio stations are allowed. FEBC broadcasts into Japan are broadcast from South Korea. Pray for our staff who respond to hundreds of listener letters a month.

Tuesday, January 30- Thailand is a complex religious culture that includes spirit appeasement, the occult and Buddhism. Pray for Thai Christians to express their faith while retaining their culture in God-honoring ways.

Wednesday, January 31- Pray for our International Service Team, who oversee station maintenance in numerous countries, as well as IT. Pray for safety in travel and wisdom in all their work.