New Members Evening

Guidance notes for induction of new members to Regents Canoe Club, suggested group size of 4 session leaders and 15-18 new members. Session leaders should be dressed as new members would be (no dry tops etc)

Sections in italics are an overview of the aims of each section of the session

Activity / Comments / Timings
Introduction / Welcome to Regents & introduce session leaders - explain aims of session:
·  Introduction to club and site
·  Basic safety information
·  Some basic paddling skills to get new members started
·  Anyone wanting to join can hand in form and pay before getting on water / 15 Mins
Welcome to Regents / About Regents:
·  Regents is a paddlesport club with focus on white water for anyone over 18
·  Twice weekly canal sessions (Monday 6.30-8.30pm, Thursday 7-9pm.), fortnightly pool sessions
·  More info on website
·  Site shared with IBC, we try and avoid any session overlap
·  Mention that participants should ask any questions throughout the evening
Conditions of Membership (refer to membership form):
·  Paddling is an assumed risk sport
·  Weil’s disease risks, symptoms and preventative measures (covering cuts – before they come to the club, but plasters available as a last resort & washing hands)
·  Medical conditions – draw attention to membership form and give examples e.g. asthma, epilepsy, dislocations. Highlight it is their individual’s responsibility to tell us, not the other way round
Lastly - Paddling is a wet sport, need for water confidence, remind people they will be getting wet tonight!
Take forms & Get changed / Anyone wanting to continue with session must now join – this is the only route to membership. Membership is only available to those that now do the wet session
·  Collect completed membership forms and full payment ensuring they have been filled in correctly – pass on to committee member
·  Explain what people should wear - suitable footwear, synthetic tops/trousers not heavy cotton or jeans
·  Show changing areas and lockers and direct people to change and meet again in 5 minutes / 10 Mins
Prepare to get on the water (i) / Explain next part of session and go round circle with names and reason for joining, including:
·  Signing on and off the water
·  Buoyancy Aids
·  Choosing boats and paddles
·  Session will be using kayaks, rather than open boats / 20 Mins
Prepare to get on the water (ii) / Split into three groups for BAs, boats and paddles and go through names within sub group – when all done, re-group again (TBC)
BA Group
·  Explain IBC / Regents policy re wearing BAs on pontoon and water
·  Show where Regents BAs are kept and show correct fitting – participants to buddy check
·  Spraydecks – explain use, show where kept and mention capsize test in pool – spraydecks will not be used during this session - unless someone has done a capsize test with spraydeck or demonstrated they have appropriate skill/experience they should not use one
·  Helmets are available for use – explain reason why (people throwing things) and where kept
Boats Group
·  Explain boats currently available for use on canal sessions (WW kayaks, open boats, playboats etc)
·  This session using WW kayaks from cage
·  Manual Handling – straight back, bend knees, demonstrate carrying between two and carrying alone correctly. Members must ask for help if needed
·  Boat sizes – briefly how to select boat, discuss, demonstrate and check fittings
·  Put chosen boats to one side so not taken by another member
Paddles Group
·  Explain where canoe and kayak paddles are stored
·  This session using kayak paddles
·  Select paddles – check for any left handers
·  Introduce duty person and explain role (to act as a focal point for club sessions)
·  All members do a duty - generally once a year
·  Show signing in book, explain importance of signing in and especially off and paddling pass the first lock
·  Ensure they sign in – they are members now!
·  Talk about risks of lone paddling & paddling in darkness and cold – advise novice paddlers to stay within basin and in sight of pontoon. Use bank opposite club to highlight how high sided the canal is in places
Regroup when everyone ready
Getting on the water (i) / Explain next part of session
·  How to safely get in and out of a kayak
·  Groups will get on water and cover some key skills / 10 Mins
Getting on the water (ii) / Depending on how previous section goes either as one group or still in sub groups -
·  Gather on pontoon behind barge with some but not all boats (max. 6)
·  Coach to demonstrate safely getting into kayak with assistance from bank and then stay on water for safety cover
·  Explain what to do if anyone falls in – leave any kit and swim to the side – listen out for any instructions
·  Explain and demonstrate on the pontoon how to exit capsized boat - tuck forwards and push boat away with hands
·  Other two coaches manage participants getting into water and staying within slalom area for now – participants to assist each other (TBC)
·  Once all on water split into three groups as before if not already
On Water / ·  Each coach to take group to working area
·  Recap names and explain session will cover forward paddling, reverse paddling and stopping
·  Introduce first stroke using demonstration and explanation - three key points for each stroke listed below for reference
·  Allow group to practice within defined area and offer guidance and correction
·  Regroup and summarise key points and observations
·  Repeat for backwards paddling and stopping
·  For each element try to introduce a game or competition – ie who can paddle forwards the furthest using four strokes
Forward Paddling / Reverse Paddling / Stopping
1.Correct grip
2.Blade in by toes, out by hips
3.Look where you want to go / 1.Blade in by hips, out by knees
2.Push alongside boat
3.Look behind
4.Use back of blade / Paddle forward then back paddle
·  Regroup and encourage participants to demonstrate what they’ve learned to each other
·  Return to slalom area / 30 Mins
Wet Exits / ·  Raft up
·  Explain that the group will all perform a wet exit and swim to side – taking their kit if able (not all at same time)
·  Highlight that by doing this, they are one step towards using a spraydeck – once they’ve done a test in the pool
·  Coach to demonstrate, taking kit to pontoon, getting out with assistance from duty member or ladder (if available) and safely removing kit from water – knees bent back straight
·  Coach and duty member to demonstrate emptying boat safely
·  Coaches in boats to manage wet exits from group and provide safety support (2 people at a time)
·  All participants to be encouraged to do wet exit, but not compulsory
·  Coach on bank and duty member to assist getting swimmers out of canal using BA straps
·  Participants to be encouraged remain on pontoon and help each other, then put kit away as directed / 20 Mins
Out of water / ·  Ensure all kit is put away
·  Participants to sign off water and get changed out of wet clothes as quickly as possible
·  Remind group to wash hands with soap, especially before eating or drinking
·  Regroup for de-brief in 5 minutes / 10 Mins
De-brief & what next / Re-group once everyone changed and ensure all kit is put away correctly
Things to mention:
·  Did everyone enjoy the session – any comments or questions?
·  What to do next (all details are on the website)…
·  Paddle on canal – remember BA, signing on and off, stay within basin
·  Pool sessions – Britannia Leisure Centre, £5 to attend, two helpers at each session, can do spraydeck tests, but no formal coaching
·  Training – BCU star tests, IWWK, open boating etc.
·  Trips & equipment hire – information on website
·  Communications – NfC, Newsletter, Website, Committee, Other members, Pub
·  Recommend participants to keep in touch with each other and make a point of coming down and paddling together
·  Pub – Members often meet after a session in the Prince of Wales / 5 Mins