LIBS 6135: Materials for Children
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LIBS 6135 Materials for Children (3s.h.)Evaluation, selection, and use of contemporary fiction, informational books, and other media for elementary through middle school age children in grades K-8. Prerequisites: Tier I (LIBS 6010, 6012, 6042) and Tier II (LIBS 6014, 6026, 6031) coursework should be complete or taking last Tier II course at same time. Students who are not seeking the MLS may have other perquisites specific to their degree or certification program.
Required Texts for LIBS 6135
Vardell, S. (2014). Children’s literature in action: A librarian’s guide. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited.
Additional fiction and nonfiction books are required for reading and the required reading quizzes. To limit book costs, students are encouraged to check for these books at their school or public library (or book store). Some public libraries may order these books through Interlibrary Loan. Books that are not available to students through libraries, Interlibrary Loan, and browsing in the bookstore will need to be purchased.
MLS Objective:
LIBS 6135 meet MLS Objective 4 to “Select, acquire, develop and manage collections to meet the lifelong learning needs of diverse groups in various formats and library settings.”
North Carolina Professional School Library Media Coordinator Standards
Standard 3. School library media coordinators implement a comprehensive 21st Century library media program.
3a: School library media coordinators develop a library collection that supports 21st Century teaching and learning
Standard 4. School library media coordinators demonstrate knowledge of learners and learning and promote effective instructional practices.
4b. School library media coordinators know the content appropriate to their teaching specialty.
4c. School library media coordinators promote reading as a foundational skill for learning.
Course Objectives:
1.Identify and evaluate the various genres and formats of children’s and tween literature and media to support the K-8 curriculum and promote lifelong reading, listening, and viewing.
2.Develop a collection of resources in multiple formats and languages to support reading for information, pleasure, and lifelong learning for children in grades PK-2, 3-5, and 6-8..
3.Using review sources, professional resources to select, read, and create an annotated list of titles for older children (grades 3-5) and tweens (grades 6-8) of a variety of genres on selective awards for books as well as authors and publishers of youth titles.
4.Locate sources for keeping current in the field of children’s/tween materials, such as continuing education opportunities, professional associations, listservs, and web sites that focus on children’s/tween books, software, videos, and online materials.
5.Locate, examine, and select appropriate magazines for children and tweens.
6.Create a short activity/lesson plan based on a digital children’s book.
ADA Compliance
East Carolina University seeks to fully comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Students requesting accommodation based on a covered disability must go to the Department for Disability Services, located in Brewster A-114, to verify the disability before any accommodations can occur. The telephone number is 252-328-6799.
Student support:
- Library Science program Website:
- Portfolio support:
- Contact Information Technology and Computing Services (ITCS) at if BB or other technology does not work properly. ITCS phone support is available 8 am to midnight by calling 252-328-9866 or 1-800-340-7081.
- For student advising, please contact your student advisor for general questions and access the Library Science Advising Center (LSAC) located in Backboard at
- To learn more about the Joyner Library, access the Online tutorials at
- To learn more about library services for distance education (DE) students, access the DE newsletter at DE students are entitled to free document delivery (i.e., books at Joyner are sent to your home at no cost to you) as well as a library card to access any of the libraries in the UNC university system.
Student Evaluation and Assignments
Complete directions for each assignment and due dates are available in the Blackboard portal for this class.
- Reading and Availability of Print (15 pts)
- Children’s Book Awards (15 pts)
- Collaborative ICDL Activity (25 pts)
- Notable Children’s Book Selection and Reading Promotion(artifact) (35 pts)
- Weekly blog posts/participation (10 pts)
Blog posts (10 points)
Weekly blog posts/participation
The weekly blog posts are a major assignment in this class.
Reading and Availability of Print (15 Points)
This is opportunity for you to look at what children are reading in your community and the importance of reading in communities around North Carolina.
Children’s Book Awards(15 points)
Selected books from Book awards websites will reviewed. Students are to review the most recent (2015, 2016, or 2017) awards.This is a collaborative assignment.
International Children’s Digital Library Activity Plan (25 points)
A collaborative activity plan (like a lesson plan) will be developed using a book or books from the IDCDL be creating an activity for a specific grade level, focusing on one or more of the digital books available on the ICDL. This is a collaborative assignment.
Notable Children’s Book Selection and Reading Promotion (35 points)
A collection of resources will be developed in multiple formats and languages to support reading for information, pleasure, and lifelong learning for children in grades PK-2, 3-5, and 6-8.
Final grades will be based on the following scale:
A 93-100 points. Student meets and exceeds course requirements.
B 86-92 points. Student adequately meets course requirements.
C 79-85 points. Minimally meets course requirements.
F Below 79 points.
I Incomplete (must be cleared in one (1) year after enrollement in course)
W Withdrawal from the course within the time period specified by the university. If you find it necessary to drop this course please follow the procedures In addition, inform your advisor, the instructor and the MLS office
Late Assignments
Students are required to abide by the university's academic integrity policy. Late assignments are unacceptable unless arrangements are made at least 48 hours prior to the deadline with the instructor. All assignments must be completed to pass the course. Simply handing in all assignments, however will not guarantee the student of a passing grade in the course