
Some of Anthony Reddie's books are listed below:

·  Nobodies to Somebodies: Practical Theology for Education and Liberation(Peterborough: Epworth Press, 2003)

·  Acting in Solidarity: Reflections in Critical Christianity, Darton,Longman & Todd Ltd (2005).

·  Dramatizing Theologies: A Participative Approach to Black God-Talk (Cross Cultural Theologies),Equinox Publishing (2006).

·  Black Theology in Transatlantic Dialogue(Black Religion / Womanist Thought / Social Justice),Palgrave Macmillan (2006).

·  Working Against The Grain(London: Equinox, 2008).

·  Is God Colour Blind?: Insights from Black Theology for Christian Ministry(London: SPCK, 2009).

·  Black Theology, Slavery and Contemporary Christianity,Ashgate (2010).

If you have trouble finding these books in your local bookshops you could try the following websites:

Bibliography for the Christ and Culture Conference 2011

·  Barton, MuktiRejection, Resistance and Resurrection: Speaking out on racism in the church(London: DLT, 2005)

·  Beckford, RobertJesus is Dread(London: DLT 1998)

·  Cone, James H.A Black Theologyof Liberation(Maryknoll, New York: Orbis books, 1stedition 1970 2ndedition 1990)

·  Douglas, Kelly BrownThe Black Christ(Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, 1994)

·  Felder, Cain HopeThe African Heritage Study Bible(Nashville, Tenn. The James C. Winston Publishing Company, 1993).

·  Grant, JacquelynWhite Women’s Christ and Black Women’s Jesus: Feminist Christology and Womanist Response: (Atlanta, Georgia, Scholar’s Press, 1989).

·  Herzog, William,The Parables as Subversive Speech, (Westminster John Knox, 2004)

·  Hood, Robert E.Must God Remain Greek?: Afro-Cultures and God-Talk(Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1990)

·  Hopkins, Dwight N.(Introducing) Black Theology of Liberation(Maryknoll, New York: Orbis book, 1999)

·  Jagessar, Michael N. & Reddie, Anthony G.Postcolonial Black British Theology(Peterborough: Epworth press, 2007)

·  Jagessar, Michael N. & Reddie, Anthony G.Black Theology in Britain: A Reader(London: Equinox, 2007)

·  Mitchem, Stephanie Y.Introducing Womanist Theology(Maryknoll, New York: Orbis, 2002)

·  Pinn, Anthony B.Terror and Triumph: The Nature of Black Religion(Minneapolis: Fortress press, 2003)

·  Reddie, Anthony G.Nobodies to Somebodies: Practical Theology for Education and Liberation(Peterborough: Epworth Press, 2003)

·  Reddie, Anthony G.Is God Colour Blind?: Insights from Black Theology for Christian Ministry(London: SPCK, 2009)

·  Reddie, Anthony G.Working Against The Grain(London: Equinox, 2008)

·  Sugirtharah, R.S.Voices From The Margins(New York/London: Orbis/SPCK, 1991),

·  Sugirtharah, R.S.The Post Colonial Bible(Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998)

·  Sugirtharah, R.S.The Bible and the Third World(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001)

·  Living Out Faith Website–