Cover Page
Undergraduate Research and Innovation
Phase-2: Track-1 Student Seed Grant and TechQuest Innovation Awards
Combined Proposal
Deadline: February 21, 2017
TechQuest Written Report: Maximum 5 pages plus 1 page for Prototype entrants.
Phase 2 Track Report/Proposal: no page limit.
(Submit the report(s)/proposal to )
Oral Presentation, March 21, 2017; 9.00 AM to 12.00 PM
Title of Project
Please Mark Type of Proposal Submission:
URI Phase-2 (Track-1: Technology/Product Development) AND TechQuest
TechQuest Innovation/Prototype Awards ONLY
Proposed by:
Student NameMajorAcademic StandingEmail
*Note for Combined Phase-2 Student Seed Grant and TechQuest Innovation Award Competition: Seniors are only eligible if they are a rising senior at the time of the application or have at least two full semesters to work on the project. Students are required to present the progress report and the final presentation to the board in the following semester(s).
*Note for TechQuest Innovation Award Competition ONLY: Seniors are only eligible for TechQuest Awards but students must be registered for Fall 2017 semester to receive summer stipend to pursue their project.
Advisor’s Name, Department, and Email:______
Signature of the Advisor ______
Date Submitted: ______
Combined Phase-2 Student Seed Grant and
TechQuest Innovation/Prototype Award Competition
This form should NOT be used for TechQuest ONLY reports.
(Use this form only if you have completed Phase 1 work, are now applying for Phase 2, and wish to compete in TechQuest)
TechQuest Written Report
- Problem Statement and Significance (What problem are you trying to address? Why is the problem important (scope, need, urgency? What are your goals to achieve a resolution of this problem?
- Innovation, Creativity and Patentability What is innovative, creative and insightful in your approach? How has your approach evolved over time? What existing patents may limit your freedom to practice or ability to seek a patent? If your project is a continuation of a previous project, what is your team’s unique contribution?
- Accomplishment and Challenges (Describe accomplishments of your team to date and the challenges you had to overcome. What challenges do you foresee in a successful conclusion of the project andhow will you meet them? )
- Market Research for Potential Impact (Have you conducted surveys with potential users or done other market research? What is your target market and size? How is your product or service better than your competitors? What is the value proposition for your approach to this problem? )
- Bridge to Commercialization:(What are the possible business strategies (including exit strategies) for your idea? How do costs associated with your strategy compare to alternatives?)
For TechQuest Innovation: Prototype Award, please add the following section:
Prototype (Describe how the prototype was made and financed? What were the challenges in making the prototype and how did they influence the project? )
Phase 1 Report (TechQuest format) & Phase-2 Proposal (below)
- Phase-2 Goals:Review the problem you are trying to solve and state your goals for thePhase-2 work. How are these goals related to Phase-1 goals?
- Phase-2 Plan and Methods:Provide a step-by-step plan to meet Phase-2 goals. Propose alternative steps to work around steps that may prove difficult. Describe the methods you will use to accomplish key steps in the plan.
- Phase-2 Deliverables:Describe the deliverables you expect to achieve in meeting Phase-2 goals and enabling follow on work? Provide a timeline for the deliverables.
- Resources and Budget Needed: Provide a budget and justification for supplies to pursue Phase-2 research and/or pursue market research and develop the next prototype. Budget is capped at $3,000.
Combined Phase-2 Student Seed Grant and
TechQuest Innovation/Prototype Award Competition
This form should NOT be used for TechQuest ONLY reports.
(Use this form only if you are applying for a direct Phase-2(no Phase-1 participation) and wish to compete in TechQuest)
Preliminary work to support Phase-2 Proposal (TechQuest format)
See TechQuest Written Report guidelines on p. 2.
Phase 2 Proposal
- Phase-2 Goals: State the problem you are trying to solve and your goals for Phase-2 work. How do these goals follow from your preliminary work (proof of concept, market assessment, application research to establish need, significance and basic approach)?
- Phase-2 Plan and Methods: Provide a step-by-step plan to meet Phase-2 goals. Propose alternative steps to work around steps that may prove difficult. Describe the methods you will use to accomplish key steps in the plan.
- Phase-2 Deliverables: Describe the deliverables you expect to achieve in meeting Phase-2 goals and enabling follow on work? Provide a time line for the deliverables.
- Resources and Budget Needed: Provide a budget and justification for supplies to pursue Phase-2 research and/or pursue market research and develop the next prototype. Budget is capped at $3,000.
TechQuest Innovation Award Competition ONLY
(Use this form only if you are applying for TechQuest Innovation/Prototype Award only)
TechQuest Written Report
See TechQuest Written Report guidelines on p. 2