Ephrata Baseball Association Board Meeting

/ December 4, 2016
6:00 pm
EBA Academy
300 Chestnut St
Ephrata, PA

Meeting called by:

/ President – Paul Gockley /

Type of meeting:

/ Regular Board Meeting

Attendees: Chris Dydo, Brad Murphy, Ken Boley, Len Embiscuso, Steve Savage, Mike Reading, Ric Bromirski, Karen Buckwalter

Guest(s): Chad Ochs, Mike Muhr, Tony Andrews


Agenda item: Previous Meeting Minutes Approval


Presenter: Paul Gockley


·  By unanimous consent, October 23, 2016 EBA Board meeting minutes were approved as presented.


Action items


Person responsible



None required

Agenda item: Treasurer’s Report


Presenter: Mike Reading


·  Financial statements and yearend tax filings were shared and reviewed.


·  Checking account balance was $19,882.52 as of 12/2/16.
·  Insurance policy ($5580) will be renewed.

Action items

/ /

Person responsible



EBA yearend tax statements filed / Mike R. / 12/31/16
/ / /

Agenda item: LL President


Presenter: Paul Gockley


·  The EBA concussion policy was reviewed as well as the proper protocol for potential concussion situations.


·  The Board approved that coaches, beginning with the 2017 seasons, will be required to complete the Concussion Protocol Certification program. Completed certifications will be returned to League Directors who then forward the certificates to the Safety Officer for reference. EBA will share, at 2017 parent’s meetings, the need for a physician’s note releasing concussed players and reinstating their eligibility to participate in the sport.

Action items


Person responsible



None re

·  Concussion policy added to EBA website





Agenda item: EPBA Director


Presenter: Len Embiscuso


·  LCYBL will be experiencing some age/birthday eligibility changes for 2017 (refer to LCYBL website for details)

·  LCYBL is scheduled to vote on changes to the guidelines of how players are eligible and assigned to playing fields and teams based on their home address.

·  First round of evaluations went very smoothly; second round will be held 12/10/16.


·  LCYBL has voted to increase the umpire fee to $55 per game.

Action items


Person responsible



·  None required

Agenda item: Public Relations Director


Presenter: Brad Murphy


·  Spring registration #’s of the meeting: (14U = 12, 12U = 44, 10U = 33, Coach Pitch = 9, Rookie = 4)

·  The fall surveys have been returned (20% response rate) and compiled.

·  Brad shared that he is exploring other registration programs which would provide a potential savings as well improved efficiency and ease in programming. The leading option is Blue Sombrero (owned by Dick’s Sporting Goods).


·  The Board authorized Brad to continue researching registration program alternatives with the intention of having a new program active for the summer of 2017.

Action items


Person responsible



·  Email Adrian about potential tech student to help with EBA site
·  Evaluation results emailed to Len Brad / Brad / 12/17/16

Agenda item: Fields & Facilities


Presenter: Paul Gockley


·  EBA maintaining focus of Facility usage for baseball related activities as a priority.

·  Continuing the wood wall onto the Facilities southeast wall. This would cover the current damage, prevent further damage, improve visibility for drills, and enable the banners to be raised on the wall.


·  The Board authorized Chad to explore wood costs for the wall project.

Action items


Person responsible



·  Post Academy House rules





Agenda item: Uniforms & Equipment


Presenter: Steve Savage / Karen Buckwalter


·  Len’s company (Christian’s Fitness Factory) has donated fitness sled to the EBA facility.

·  Spring 2017 uniform pant prices will remain the same, belts will increase .25¢

·  Black belts will be used for all 2017 teams.

·  Option of having the Ephrata “E” on all team hats instead of the MLB team logos as in years passed. Adjustable hats will be used for all in-house teams and section 1, 2, and 3 league teams will have the choice of adjustable or fitted hats.


·  Paul will change the Kwik storage key holders on the contract.

·  Steve S. will reach out to Steve R. for his Kwik storage key

·  Steve S. is compiling the list of needed items to refill equipment bags and will share the list and pricing at the next meeting.

Action items

·  Check with Jeremy about using Ephrata “E” hats for LL teams /

Person responsible

Karen /



New Business &Other Information

·  Discussion on June 10, 2017-- 12U, Section 2 tournament at Roland Park in support of the Akron Lions Club

o  A challenge would be presented for travel teams due to their playoff schedules

o  There is a possibility of holding an “in-house tournament/championship” that day

§  This discussion will be continued at the January meeting when Jeremy is present

·  Discussion on holding a meet the coaches’ night as suggested by Chad Ochs. The meeting would serve as an opportunity to meet coaches, prior to the first practice, and have the EBA Board share critical updates and information. Areas to be included:

o  Safety Director (concussion policy and guidelines)

o  Fund Raising Efforts

o  Equipment Requirements

o  Volunteer Opportunities

·  The “2nd Annual 10U Pre-Season Tournament” is in the planning stages by Tony Andrews. It will take place once again at Clay fields.

·  The Board approved the repair or purchase of a new television for the Facility team room.

By unanimous consent, the meeting adjourned at 7:47PM

Next Board meeting will be Sunday January 22, 2017 at 6pm at the EBA facility.

Respectfully submitted by your secretary,

Chris Dydo