"Love Notes" Newletter 38A - Merry Christmas 2005! / Larry Wasserman
Dec 24, 200507:51 PST
Dear Friends and Ministry Partners,
We hope that your celebration of the Birth of Jesus has been a joyful
experience. We have already encouraged you to visit our dear friends at
your local nursing homes, but now we would like you to consider our
elderly saints who have been impacted by the recent hurricanes.
One of the areas that received the most damage has been in the Waveland
MS vicinity. Through a NC friend, we have received information about
the two churches in that area that are serving as collection and service
points for assistance. A lot of the elderly residents have lost their
long cherished homes and have been displaced in single wide travel
trailers, having lost most all of their personal treasures like photos
and Family Bibles. We are asking that you prayerfully consider mailing
some much needed resources to the churches listed below and to designate
them for the elderly. They could be items like warm clothing,
devotionals and Bibles, personal need items, and possible just a small
Christmas gift or card. These people need both our prayers and help.
There is one couple in particular, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Wilson, who are in
their 80's, who now live in a small trailer after their home was
destroyed. They said that they can cope because it is not as bad as the
"Great Depression" that they survived. We have photos of them and their
old and new homes that we could forward to you by email.
Here is the information where items could be sent:
Rev. Frederic Fields
Greater Mt. Zion AME Church
16223 Third St.
Pearlington, MS 39572
Church Phone: 228-533-9976
Cell Phone: 985-502-3175; 504-314-5690
Rev. Richard F. Handy
Pearlington & Clermont Harbor United Methodist Churches
7501 Canton Drive
Biloxi, MS 39532
Phone: Cell: 228-990-1116; Home: 228-392-0008
We would like to make you aware that we will be moving our Newletter
Service from Topica to Associate.com/We Love God.com This is a
Christian based service used by many ministries and has no commerical
aspects to it. You will receive an invitation from them to sign up for
our "Love Notes" Newsletter. We would really apreciate it if you would
take the time to re-subscribe so the transition will be smooth.
Wishing you all God's Very Best for the year to come!
"Love Note" Newsletter #37 - Merry CHRISTmas 2005 / Larry Wasserman
Dec 09, 200505:26 PST
Dear Friends & Ministry Partners,
Sandy & I hope that you and your families are experiencing many
blessings during this Special Holiday Season.
Christmas is a time of giving and showing God's love to others. What a
better time to focus on our needy friends in the nursing home
environment. At this time of year they are experiencing both loneliness
and depression. We have a Special Christmas Page
that will help you in planning your visits around the Christmas period.
While it is true that many groups and entertainers make the rounds
during the holidays, it is the simple things from people, who see them
regularly and care for them individually, that mean the most to the
residents. For many, we are the only family they have. Won't you
consider to bring each one a small gift and a card, give them a hug or a
kiss, and tell them that Jesus loves them and so do you!
You may want to printout the Christmas Card we are giving to the
residents along with a small gift:
We have used the "Is Someone Smiling?" Devotional in our scheduled
visits to the nursing home. We would like to challenge you to try
printing out extra copies of this inspiring message and giving them to
those people you meet in your everyday travels between now and New
Years. We have seen some amazing things happen when we did!
[HTML - Web Page]:
[DOC-Microsoft Word]:
[PDF-Adobe Acrobat]:
Note: You will need Adobe® Acrobat® Reader™ to read and print the PDF
file. It is available at no cost at their "Down load Site".
At this extremely busy time of the year, we would like to invite you to
take a peaceful journey with this Flash Web Presentation from "The Daily
Many of our web pages display this daily encouraging and inspiring
message from their web site.
On our web site is the verse, "A generous man will prosper; he who
refreshes others will himself be refreshed." - Proverbs 11:25
This Proverb again rings true when we were humbled by sharing Christmas
at the nursing home. This is a great time to give cards
and gifts, sing carols, but most of all just to be there for the
residents during what can be the loneliest time of the year. A
handshake, a hug, or a kiss coveys Christian Love in a very special way.
We would really like to encourage you to reach out to someone in need
during this Holiday Season and experience the love that comes back to
In closing, we would like to again share some special Original Christmas
Art that we received in another ministry setting called "A Way in a
At this special time, Sandy and I would like to wish you a most Blessed
Christmas and much Peace, Love, and Joy for the New Year.
We are truly thankful for all your thoughts and prayers during our
adjustment to our move to North Carolina. It did make a difference!
"Love Note" Newsletter #36 - November 2005 / Larry Wasserman
Nov 08, 200505:07 PST
Dear Friends & Ministry Partners,
As we approach this Thanksgiving Season, Sandy & I would like to express
our thankfulness to you for your prayers and support as we continue to
develop our ministry and relationships in the Raleigh area. We are
amazed every day as the Lord opens new doors for us. Please remember in
prayer our former neighbors in Florida who were hit hard by the last
Thanksgiving will be celebrated this year on Nov. 24, 2004. This is an
ideal time for a special program in your ministry. Please visit our
Special Thanksgiving Page for some Ideas, Links, and Resources.
Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to reach the hearts of the residents
and to express how thankful we are for them.
National Bible Week is celebrated the week following Thanksgiving. This
celebration is a great opportunity to follow up your Thanksgiving
Program with an emphasis on reading and understanding the Bible. Please
visit our National Bible Week Page for more information.
Also, you may want to explore their Daily Bible Reading Website during
this special time.
Florida friends and ministry partners, Lyn and Bill Roche, have a
devotional book called "Sharing the Care - When Someone You Love Resides
in an Adult Care Facility". This book is a must read for anyone with a
friend or relative in a healthcare facility. Also, we believe it will be
indispensable to those of us who minister there. Lyn and Bill have
combined their vast experience in Care Giving with their Christian love
and compassion for the confined elderly, to create a practical daily
guide that should benefit us all. You can contact them via their web
site at:
Please mention you learned of their book on the Faithful Friends
Do you know any residents who are legally blind and print-handicapped?
Audio Bibles for the Blind, a Division of Aurora Ministries, offers free
Audio Bibles for these special people. More information is at their web
We want to wish you all God's Very Best for your families and your
ministries during this Holiday Season.
"Love Notes Newsletter" #35-A -September 2005 / Larry Wasserman
Sep 18, 200512:18 PDT
Dear Friends and Ministry Partners,
We would like again to encourage you to pray for the sick, injured, and
relocated elderly that were a consequence of the Katrina Tragedy. Just
moving a nursing home resident to a new room can be traumatic, so one
can only imagine what they are going through. On our September 11th Page
are links for both the Red Cross and the Salvation Army.
We urge you to minister directly to the victims if they have been
relocated in your area. If you are located in the impact area of
Katrina, please contact us so we may coordinate donations and efforts
for the elderly refuges.
This article from The Raleigh News & Observer was a result of our
efforts to visit the displaced elderly in a local shelter:
Here are some links and resources we feel may be useful in this effort:
1.) Comfort and Peace from God's Word - Please feel free to print this
and use as a handout.
2.) The Gospel of John, NKJV - Download and print out:
3.) Hymn Based Sermonettes - This includes some Large Print Hymn Lyrics:
Although we believe the basic needs of the elderly refuges are being
met, we feel that there is an urgent need to provide them with the
Comfort and Peace of God's Love in any way we can. Please consider
responding to this situation.
May the Lord bless you, your family, and your ministry richly for you
concern for the confined elderly.
"Love Notes Newsletter" #35-September 2005 / Larry Wasserman
Sep 09, 200517:06 PDT
Dear Friends and Ministry Partners,
The Sunday following Labor Day has been designated National Grandparents
Day. This year it is celebrated on September 11, 2005. This is a great
time to promote your nursing home ministry and to celebrate the
wonderful grandparents at the facilities you visit. The recent events
with the Katrina Hurricane and the remembrance of the September 11
Tragedy make this Sunday a very special opportunity to share Christ's
Love with the residents.
Please visit our special National Grandparents Day Web Page.
We also suggest you revisit our September 11th Tribute Page for some
We would encourage you to pray for the sick, injured, and relocated
elderly that were a consequence of the storm. Just moving a nursing
home resident to a new room can be traumatic, so one can only imagine
what they are going through. On our September 11th Page are links for
both the Red Cross and the Salvation Army.We urge you to minister
directly to the victims if they have been relocated in your area.
We were again interviewed by George Carden of UNI News in regard to
National Grandparents Day. They do a short telephone interview and then
send "sound bites" to over 2,000 participating Christian Radio Stations.
We are very grateful to them for their continuing desire to promote
ministry to the confined elderly!
We would like to share a very valuable resource that was written by
some of our special friends, Lyn and Bill Roche. It is a Devotional
called "Sharing the Care" and is an excellent resource for anyone who is
a caregiver to the elderly, especially those in Care Facilities. We
highly recommend it to anyone involved with nursing home ministry. More
information is found at:
We would like to highlight some new North Carolina friends and ministry
partners, Tim & Laura Holt, of Highest Praise Tabernacle in Princeton,
NC. They have a heart for the elderly and have just enhanced their
Church Web Site:
We thank God for them both in their ministry at the church and the way
they serve Christ in their restaurant business.
God is continuing to use us in our jobs and ministries in spite of some
of the challenges of our relocation to NC, new jobs, church, friends ,
etc. It certaintly has given us a new prospective on later life
changes. God has kept His Promises and we feel His Blessings every day,
especially when we hug our beautiful grandchildern.
Thank you all so much for for continued thoughts and prayers and we ask
for a special prayer for a faimly member that is struggling.
"Love Notes Newsletter" #34 - August 2005 / Larry Wasserman
Aug 20, 200514:36 PDT
Dear Friends and Ministry Partners, we are making some contacts with
local ministries and healthcare facilities here in North Carolina. We
ask for your continued prayers that we will follow the Lord's leading.
Sister Lois Wiederhoeft has started a Yahoo Discussion Group for those
of us that have Care Center Ministries. We would suggest you take a
look and join if you wish. We did along with several others.
Here is a poem we found on the Fellowship of Christian Poets Website
that we think may be useful:
There is a new website for a nursing home ministry in the Metro Denver
area called Forgotten Treasure, Inc. Take at look at the great work
they are doing.
Someone emailed us a touching nursing home related story about a wallet.
We have recently found some sources for the Zondervan Seniors Devotional
and have updated our web page.
Jerry & Dar Johnson have a nursing home ministry and web site called
Christian Concourse. They have some new materials available
such as Hymn Books and CD sets that should be of interest. There is
more information on their web site:
We hope that this summer has been a blessing for your families and your
ministries and that it was just a little cooler than here in Raleigh,
"Love Notes" Newletter 33 - July 2005 / Larry Wasserman
Jul 01, 200503:45 PDT
A Happy Fourth of July to all our friends, family, and ministry
We have just updated our web site for our special Fourth of July Page:
We hope this will help you in preparing for a presentation at the
facility you visit or maybe it will just be a little holiday
We are on our way up north to visit family and friends and to get much
needed R & R from our new daily routines in Raleigh, NC. Sandy and I
both find ourselves in the most challenging jobs of our careers and in
what will hopefully be our last.
We wish that you all have a wonder-full and safe Fourth of July Holiday.
Please continue to pray that we will go through this transition to the
glory of God! We would love to hear from any old friends or ministry
partners.Just visit our site and leave us a note!
"Love Notes" Newletter 32A - May- June 2005 / Larry Wasserman
Jun 12, 200508:38 PDT
Dear Friends and Ministry Partners,
We have just updated a very useful resource on our site, The Zondervan
Seniors Devotional Bible. It is a useful tool for anyone ministering to
the elderly, whether at home or at a care facility.
The web page is found at:
We have included several sources to locate a copy of this Bible, which
has been out of print for several years, and have a Sample Devotional
which we feel is quite powerful:
We have obtained a used copy of this Bible which we will add to our June
Monthly Drawing Award for our "Love Notes" subscribers.
Please continue to include us in your prayers as we reach out into our
new surroundings.
May the Lord continue to bless you all richly.
"Love Note" Newsletter #32 / Larry Wasserman
Jun 11, 200513:28 PDT
Dear Friends and Ministry Partners, we hope that celebrating National
Nursing Home Week and Mother's Day was a blessing to you and your
We want to express thanks to the three Agencies that utilized our
news releases on National Nursing Home Week.
1.) We were interviewed again by George Carden of UNI News. They do a
telephone interview and then send "sound bites" to over 2,000
participating Christian Radio Stations.
2.) Audrey Altman of WRMB Boynton Beach, FL gave us an informative
interview on this Moody Station.
3.) Our National Nursing Home Week Webpage was listed in the May Issue
of the Internet for Christians Newsletter. The Editor, Peggie Bohanan
of Peggies Place Website, says that this newsletter reaches about
100,000 email and online readers.
It is sponsored by the Gospel Communications Network, the most
visited ChristianWebsite on the Internet.
We are truly humbled at the way the Lord is multiplying our efforts in
providing ministry to the confined elderly. All the credit and glory go
to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Father's Day is celebrated this year on June 19, 2005. This is a great
time to celebrate the fathers at the facilities we visit. It would be a
great idea to take them a small gift, flower, or card. We have a special
Father's Day Webpage to assist you in your planning.
Of course, this is also a good time to remind them of the powerful and
unconditional love of their Heavenly Father. Print out the Father's Love
Letter and hand out to the residents.
Now is the time to enter our Monthly Drawing since activity is usually
very slow during the summer months. As always, if you are the winner
and are signed up for our newsletter, you will receive an extra bonus
item with your gift. You may register for the June Drawing on our home
As were are dealing with the reality of a new home, new jobs, friends,
church etc., we would ask for your prayers that we could keep our focus
toward heavenly goals, and that the transition in our new home state
would be a smooth one.
Thank you all for your prayers and support!
"Love Notes" Newsletter #31 - April 2005 / Larry Wasserman
Love Notes Newletter 38A - Merry Christmas 2005