Unit 2 Daily Plans
ENGL 101, Section 010
Heather Jennings
Date / Time / ActivitiesF
9/12 / 8:40 / Welcome class. Unit 1 Projects Due. Exchange Unit 1 Projects for candy!
Make sure students put projects on desk at front of class before class starts.
Remind them about Mike Mattison and our field trip today.
8:41 / Read “From the Outside In” pages 1-2 and discuss
1)In what ways did the author use language differently in different situations?
2)You may not speak black English, or another language, but in what ways do you use different language in different situations? In what situations do you tailor your language to the audience or to the situation? What about to express strong emotions?
3)What are differences between the language of a poem, a newspaper article, a scholarly article?
8:50 / Pass out Unit 2 Sheet and Review
8:55 / Review homework assignment – Mini Exploration
9:00-9:30 / Introduce Mike Mattison from the WritingCenter.
Mike’s presentation
VisitWritingCenter, my office.
Stuff to Bring:
Unit 2 Sheets
Stapler / Notes:
Date / Time / Activities
9/15 / 8:40 / Welcome class.
8:41 / Build on Mini-Exploration: Have each student give a type of writing they encountered and list on Word Document that will evolve into our class Genre Encyclopedia.
Discuss how students grouped these genres.
What is a genre?
Write definition of genre at top of Genre Encyclopedia.
8:50 / Genre Exercise
1)Divide class into groups of 3.
2)Hand out 6-7 genre types printed at top of page.
3)(10 minutes)Underneath on page, each group writes out what genre they think it is. Based on the sample and your knowledge of the genre, list its characteristics, purpose, audience, format requirements.
4)(7 minutes) Pass the genre to 2nd group which will edit the 1st group’s page.
5)(7 minutes) Pass the genre to 3rd group which will also edit.
9:20 / Based on group work, start class genre encyclopedia using Word document.
9:27 / Hand out homework: Give each student three more genres that they must define. Due Wednesday.
Stuff to Bring:
Genre exercise: 7 samples of genres.
Homework: sheets w/ three genres listed on them. / Notes:
Date / Time / Activities
9/17 / 8:40 / Welcome class.
8:40 / Grammar Jam. Get examples from students’ Unit 1 projects.
8:50 / Divide students into pairs and have them review their genre definitions.
9:00 / Regroup. Add new genres to encyclopedia.
Discuss: In which rhetorical situations would these genres be used? What are audience expectations for these genres?
9:25 / Homework: Research a club on campus and complete Exploration #1 due Monday.
Homework: Read Case Study WC, WL 159 due Friday
Stuff to Bring:
Examples of their grammar mistakes to work on! / Notes:
Date / Time / Activities
9/19 / 8:40 / Questions on Exploration #1? Grammar Jam
8:50 / Free write on Case Study reading.
9:00 / Discuss the Case Study reading. What was the effect of reading in four different genres? What did each add? What were the strengths and weaknesses of each. List each type on whiteboard and list characteristics underneath.
Link to unit 2 project.
9:10 / Review in detail Unit 2 Project expectations.
9:20 / Brainstorm ideas for the life experience you want to write about in three genres. Will need to settle on this by Monday.
Consider which genres you may want to write in. List pros and cons of each. Which are you most comfortable writing in? Which not so much? .
9:27 / Remind of Exploration #1 due Monday
Stuff to Bring:
Bring Grammar examples / Notes:
Date / Time / Activities
9/22 / 8:40 / Exploration #1 due at beginning of class.
8:45 / Ruth Anna’s creative writing exercise with movie excerpt. Goal: Work on description, plot, and dialogue.
Stuff to Bring:
Film clip for students to watch and use. / Notes:
Date / Time / Activities
9/24 / 8:40 / Exploration #2: Life Experience you want to write about in three different genres!
Students can finish outside of class if they need.
Stuff to Bring:
8-box sheets for students to draw in / Notes:
Date / Time / Activities
9/26 / 8:40 / Welcome class. (Collect any Exploration #2’s).
8:40 / Grammar Jam
8:50 / Freewrite: What genres do you think you will write in for your Unit Project? Start some drafts!
9:00 / Discuss annotated bibliographies for genre samples. Use Case Study pieces as examples.
9:15 / More freewriting: Using strategies we have talked about in class, start on drafts of one or more genres in which you would like to write.
9:27 / Assignment: Start collecting samples of the genres you are going to write in.
Stuff to Bring:
Material for Grammar Jam.
Annotated bibliography requirements. / Notes:
Date / Time / Activities
9/29 / 8:40 / Library Time: Leave end of class for research, checking out books.
Assignment: Write draft of three annotated entries and email to yourself, save on Google docs, or bring a flash drive. Bring 9 samples to class Wednesday.
Stuff to Bring: / Notes:
Date / Time / Activities
10/1 / 8:40 / COMPUTER LAB CLASS! Welcome class.
8:40 / Freewrite: Write about an experience in two genres.
8:55 / Review annotated bibliography format.
In-class drafts of annotated bibliographies. Exchange with partner and discuss revisions.
9:00 / Review annotated bibliography format. Answer questions. Work on all nine bibliography entries in class.
9:25 / Assignment:Read When All Writing is Creative.
Assignment: Six annotated entries due Monday.
Stuff to Bring: / Notes:
Date / Time / Activities
10/3 / 8:40 / Welcome class.
8:40 / Remind students of annotated bibliographies due Monday.
Work on drafts of genres.
8:43 / Exploration #3: When All Writing is Creative. Respond in two genres.
Homework: Work on Unit Project 2
Stuff to Bring: / Notes:
Date / Time / Activities
10/6 / 8:40 / Possible Ideas:
Mini-conferences? Work on your writing? Questions students may have for me? Discuss what the analytical part of the project should look like? Another genre exercise? Freewrite: What is a rhetorical situation you will face in your life? What choices might you make in that situation? What have you learned from this unit that you could apply to that situation?
Stuff to Bring: / Notes:
Date / Time / Activities
10/8 / 8:40 / Draft Workshop – Genre Writing
Stuff to Bring: / Notes:
Date / Time / Activities
10/10 / 8:40 / Draft Workshop – Analysis (Use same groups from Wednesday)
9:25 / Unit 2 Projects due Monday.
Stuff to Bring: / Notes: