WorldSoft to EnterpriseOne 8.9 Migration Plan
Our client Wish to replace the existing WorldSoftware(A7.3) to EnterpriseOne 8.9. This migration will leave the AS400 back and move completely to EnterpriseOne 8.9 (MS SQL)-Intel platform. Which means, AS400 will be discontinued.
· WorldSoftware Current version: A 7.3 Cum 0012
· OS/400: V4R2
JDEdwards has not defined any structure way to proceed with this migration However, the direct migration from WorldSoftware to ERP 8.0 will convert JDE A 7.3 to ERP 8.01 with AS400 as Enterprise server. (Ref: Migration from WorldSoftware A7_3 to ERP 8_0 Guide AS400)
I have defined my approach in this migration document. (Self explanatory steps). The ides is to follow the co-existence path until world A7.3 Data source will come close to EnterpriseOne 8.9 Data Source.( Which includes Data Dictionary). And take a deviation to install Enterprise One on intel platform.
· Install the deployment server
· Load EnterpriseOne 8.9 Libraries and Central objects
· Create Migration Plan
· Run Installation Workbench
· Copy data using R98403 (from DB2/400 to SQL(intel)
· Run Table conversions
· Run Data Dictionary Synchronization2
· Install Enterprise Server3
1. Assuming ERP 8.0 migration process is similar to EnterpriseOne 8.9 Migration.
2. DD needs to be created on the enterprise server first before the data transfer- How to do ??
3. Define Enterprise server in Intel with existing WorldSoftware running in production – Need to explore
PPhase I - Preparations
1. Review and clean world software libraries
2. Review and clean-up AS400 for disk space requirement
- Current Disk Size = 29 GB
- Estimated CLTDTA &CLTCOM size=9 GB
- Disk Utilization
3. Apply Cum PTF on AS400(If any)
- Current AS400 Level V4R2
4. Apply Cum PTF on JDE WorldSoft(If any)
- WorldSoft Current Level A7.3 Cum 0012
- Do we require Cum 0013 PTF before conversion??
Phase II – WorldSoft & OneWorld Co-existence
1. Create Alternate Environment:
- A. Currently we have the following libraries in the As400
- To Create alternate Environment
- Any more Libraries required to create an test environment ??
2. Check JDE Data area in the alternative environment
- Need to change QJDF data Area to point to correct libraries for the alternative environment.
3. Remove Trigger Program
- Do the WorldSoft database contained triggers program ??
4. Ensure that all post install jobs if we did not upgraded and completed
- Cum 0012 post jobs have been completed. This may not be required if we not upgrade to cum 0013 ??
5. Apply the Co- existence PTF(A73PC000X3)
- Ref to PTF install work book up to phase 4 creating files
6. Move Generic Text files to data Libraries
- Ref to the list of control files and data files
7. Apply Download software updates 5766945 and 5192591
- Could not be downloaded, we have to order from JDE
- Need to explore KG for details.
8. Distribution flexible files:
- F43199, F42199, F42119, F42019
-Description of the flex flies conversion and rebuild could not be found in the knowledge garden.
9. Complete post install special for jobs co-existence:
- Run all special jobs(if this is the first co-existence PTF)
- Option 14 on the menu G97UX3 that call G0332. G0332 is required if world A/R users intend to shift to one world A/R
10. Verify Triggers
- Use DSPFD to see the triggers in the tables
11. Back-up Libraries
- Back up data libraries and common Libraries
12. Install EnterpriseOne 8.9
13. Verify Location of the generic txt files
14. Verify file triggers Again
15. Verify there are no duplicate files in the environments
1. Install ERP 8 on the deployment server
- Configure Deployment server
- Install and configure FTP
- Install EnterpriseOne 8.9 Objects
- Install Alternate Language
2. Execute Pre-Migration Steps
- Create EnterpriseOne 8.9 migration data Source in the deployment server
- Requires latest planner ESU
- ESU associated with SAR 5983000 ( See best practice) download from update center in KG
************ AS4000 is this Required ************
3. Install EnterpriseOne 8.9 As400 Libraries
4. Load EnterpriseOne 8.9 center objects in DB2/400
************ AS4000 is this Required ************
5. Create migration plan in the deployment server
- Plan description
- Location information
- Deployment server information
- Enterprise server information
- Enterprise server data source information
- Machine server types
- Define data server
- Define java server
- Define windows terminal server
- Setting-up environment
- Setting-up environment data sources
- Adding remote locations
- Finales the plan
6. Running installation workbench
- Verify language code character set
- Testing long file names
- Selecting Attended/Unattended workbench mode
- Selecting teat breaks in unattended workbench mode
- Running installation workbench
- Configuring locations
- Configuring data sources
- Configuring Environments
- Configuring Machines
7. Use R98403 to move bulk data from DB2(OS/400) to SQL Server(WIN)
- Check R98403 for errors
8. Manually run conversion program for A/R
- Running table conversions
- Verify table conversion
- Configuring the package
- Configuring remote locations
- Finishing installation workbench
Note: Apply Downloaded ESUs to All Pathcodes
9. Data Dictionary synchronization
- RUN R98722C
- RUN R98722T
- RUN R960004 UDC Merge and UBE Manually
- RUN R960004 (Language data)
- RUN R9698711 Environment validation
Phase IV – Install enterprise server
1. Configure enterprise sever
2. Installation EnterpriseOne 8.9 on the enterprise server
3. verify installation
4. Execute Port-Test check list
5. Start EnterpriseOne 8.9 enterprise server
6. Set-up Printer on EnterpriseOne 8.9 Server
7. Copy language specs to enterprise server
8. Configure and install workstations
9. Installing EnterpriseOne 8.9 inactive mode
10. Installing EnterpriseOne 8.9 silent mode
11. manual table conversion
Phase V – Upgrading to Production Environment – GO LIVE
• Complete the “Pre-Migration Steps” for the Production environment
• Create a Migration Upgrade Plan for Production
• Copy Central Objects and Versions from CRP to PROD
• Copy Control Tables from CRP to PROD
• Copy Deployment Server directories from CRP to PROD
• Copy Enterprise Server directories from CRP to PROD
• Copy Packages from CRP to PROD
· Run the Migration Upgrade Installation Plan for Production
· Update Object Librarian records from CRP to PROD
· Deploy a Production package
· Run the Manual Table Conversions for Production
Phase VI – Turn off World software
Phase VII – Post installation
ü Cleanup and stabilize the system
Reference Guide:
Minimum Technical Requirements Doc:
Getting ready
ü Get latest SAR/ESU/UPDATES for EnterpriseOne 8.9 installation
ü All Updates and SARs for A/R conversions and financial integrities, must be applied. Refer to documents OFN-00-0052, WFN-01-0007 and WST-00-0091.
ü Check for latest SPC for Windows 2003 server
ü Check FTP and Client access/400 version and release
ü How different EnterpriseOne 8.9 migration to ERP 8.0 migration.