Anatomy and PhysiologySyllabus
Mrs. J. King
Phone: 843-326-7538 Room 118 1stperiod planning 8:00am
Course Description:
Anatomy and Physiology will focus on enabling students to develop understanding of the relationships between the structures and functions of the human body.
* This is a fast paced and rigorous science course requiring individual discipline to study and learn. Students will be EXPECTED to study daily without being asked in order to be able to keep up. Students signed up for this course should have passed Biology and Chemistry I and it is recommended with a C average or higher. This course builds on most topics covered during biology during the 10th grade year; those topics will not be reviewed.
Adjustments will be made to the sequence of course content as deemed necessary. Independent research may be required.
Sequence of Course Content:
Introduction to Anatomy & PhysiologyChapter 1
Histology & IntegumentaryChapters 4
Skeletal SystemChapter 5
Muscular SystemChapter 6
Nervous SystemChapter 7, 8
Endocrine SystemChapter 9
Circulatory SystemChapters 10-11
Lymphatic SystemChapter 12
Respiratory SystemChapter 13
Digestive SystemChapter 14
Urinary SystemChapter 15
Reproductive SystemChapter 16
Textbook: Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology (Marieb)
Materials (required): 3-ringed binder with loose leaf paper, dividers with tabs, blue or black pens, pencils, colored pencils, jump drive, ear buds,
*Coloring utensils are REQUIRED. There will be markers and colored pencils to use in class as long as students take care and clean up behind themselves. However, certain assignments will need to be completed at home so students need either markers, colored pencils or crayons to ensure they can complete the work.
Academic Requirements:
Notebooks: Students will maintain a working three-ringed notebook and a digital folder throughout the year. Notebooks should contain the course syllabus, safety rules, homework/class work, handouts, tests/quizzes, and other various assignments. Students will be held accountable for keeping their notebooks organized. There will be many handouts given throughout the course and a spiral notebook will be unacceptable for managing those papers. Notebook grades will count as test grades and not having a proper 3-ringed binder will result in a loss of points.
Assessments: Students will have tests and quizzes. Quizzes may be scheduled or unscheduled; all tests will be scheduled in advance. Tests may be cumulative!!Students that wait until the night before to study for anatomy tests and quizzes, you have been warned, that will absolutely not work in this class!
Work: It is your responsibility as the student to get and complete your assignments.
- Late work will NOT be accepted, no exceptions.
- Incomplete work will be half credit, no exceptions (if you do 75% of the work you still only get half credit…want full credit, do ALL the work)
- Lab work and graded classwork will count a letter grade off each day it is late. After 5 days late OR if the assignment is returned to students before you turn it in, a grade of 30% will be given if completed.
Make-up work must be completed within the time allotted as per the district rules and it is the student’s responsibility to check for missed work. As a senior, get used to this being your responsibility, no one in college or in life is going to check for you unless you become a rock star and hire a personal assistant.
Grade Scale:
A (90-100)
B (80-89)
C (70-79)
D (60-69)
The class grading weights are as follows:
Student work: homework/classwork/lab work: 50%
Assessments: tests/quizzes/projects/etc:50%
Final Grades will be computed as follows:
- 1stsemester40%Midterm = 10% of 1st semester average – cumulative!
- 2nd semester40%
- Final Exam20%Cumulative (covers EVERYTHING)
* Grades and attendance can be viewed at any time via Parent Portal.
* Seniors may exempt final exams if they meet the district requirements, so keep your grades up!
**Grades are a measurement of the student’s effort toward and understanding of the content. If the effort and understanding are minimal, then the expected grades should be low. It is up to the student what grades they EARN. This includes copying of other student's assignments. If you copy, then you aren’t learning or studying anything, so do not expect to do well on a test/quiz!
Classroom Discipline Policy:
Each student will be held accountable for his/her conduct. The following is a list of guidelines, consequences and rewards that will be adhered to.
Classroom Guidelines: I have the right to teach, you have the right to learn and NO ONE has the right to interfere!
- Be seated and prepared when the bell rings.
- Respect the rights, space, and property of others and yourself.
- Be accountable for your actions and behaviors.
- Do not enter the laboratory area without permission.
- Follow all other school and district rules.
Classroom Consequences:
- First time - a warning.
- Second time - a detention and parent contact.
- Third time - an office referral.
*I reserve the right to skip any steps deemed appropriate based on the severity/frequency of the infraction.
* Good news letters and phone calls to parents
* Stickers, candy, school supplies
* Student activities such as videos, review games and extra labs
* Star student board - for making A's on tests
* Choosing your own seats in class (this is a privilege and can be revoked at any time deemed necessary)
Classroom Procedures:
- Assignments:
- All homework assignments should be completed before coming to class and students will be instructed how to turn those assignments in daily.
- Cheating will not be tolerated and will result in severe consequences. Be prepared to tell your parents yourself of your choice to cheat!! Keep in mind, the consequence for cheating in college is automatic expulsion!
- What constitutes cheating? Here are some examples: copying someone else’s work or answers, asking someone else to give you the answers, doing the work for someone else, etc…
- Cheating is intentional LYING / DECEPTION / FRAUD which makes it morally wrong.
- Learning is your responsibility, don’t blame others if you didn’t study or do your work.
- When you enter the room before the bell, be seated and begin working immediately on the assignment. If you aren’t ready to sit, stay out of the classroom!
- Ask for help if you need it! Don’t wait until the day before a test to ask for help, tell me immediately and we will work out a schedule for tutoring.
- Absences, Tardiness, and Hall Passes: School policies will be followed with respect to these procedures. If you are not in your seat when the bell rings, you are tardy!
- Restroom procedures: school hall pass procedures apply; once all hall passes are used, a referral from the office is required to return to class.
- Be prepared for class before the bell.
- If you forget your book, this will be forgiven once or twice. Continued failure to bring books to class will result in consequences. I do not loan out books!And most assignments cannot be completed without assistance of the diagrams in the book.
- The district is providing laptop computers to students so any assignment via computer is the students’ responsibility. I will not print paper copies of assignments completed on computers, nor will I accept paper copies of assignments completed on computers. Schoology is the learning management system that will be used through out the year for these assignments. Students must login and check posted updates and assignments daily. Failure to maintain passwords and login information will result in consequences. Students are to bring MacBook computers to class EVERY DAY! Students that do not have computers in class may receive a 0 for certain assignments, quizzes or tests. Make ups will not be given for the reason of not bringing computers to class. There will also be consequences for not keeping up with passwords and logins.
- Do not go into the lab and/or touch any lab equipment/materials unless told to do so.
- When working in groups, keep voices at a minimum and all group members are required to participate. Any group members that choose not to participate in group activities, assignments, labs, etc…will receive a grade of 0 and/or office referral.
- Anatomy is hard because of the amount of content covered, when I give you time to review, study, work, etc…in class, it is expected that you participate and take advantage of the time. I would also suggest creating study groups outside of class when possible. “Senioritis” is a dangerous disease in this class.
- Constant nagging/whining about assignments/procedures, will not be tolerated. There will be many times in life that you will be asked to do things you don’t really want to do. An employer is not likely to keep an employee that complains about everything. The complaining and whining makes employers think you don’t like the job so they are inclined to replace you with someone that does like it. Complaining/whining disrupts class and will be considered disrespectful.
- Lack of planning on your part will NOT constitute an emergency on mine.
- If I can’t sleep, then neither can you!
- There will be SILENCE during a test/quiz; no communication of any kind is allowed. Failure to comply will result in a zero! You have been warned!
- Do not ask the following 2 questions:
- Is this graded? A: Does it matter if it is graded? Wouldn’t you do your best regardless?
- Is this right? A: If I tell you, then you don’t have to think any more. I want you to think until you are confident in your own answer. I won’t hold your hand; it’s time to be independent learners.
- Do your OWN work. Copying is cheating and it won’t help you pass my test/quizzes. Your assignments are your opportunities to practice/study so just do it.
*Do not blame your teachers for YOUR shortcomings…if YOU choose not to study/do your own work, then YOU choose to have a bad grade! I will not feel sorry for you when you lose senior privileges due to grades either...
**Good writing provides evidence of your understanding! Always write your best, not your minimal; your grade will depend on it in this class!
* Students should strive for better than “just passing” or making D’s. Doing poorly on tests/exams could cause a student who is “just passing” to “just miss it”!