New York State Student Learning Objective Template
All SLOs MUST include the following basic components:Population / These are the students assigned to the course section(s) in this SLO - all students who are assigned to the course section(s) must be included in the SLO. (Full class rosters of all students must be provided for all included course sections.)
Mr. Example’s Living Environment - Regents Level, four sections, all students
Learning Content / What is being taught over the instructional period covered? Common Core/National/State standards? Will this goal apply to all standards applicable to a course or just to specific priority standards?
NYS Commencement Level Science Standards: Standard 1, Key Ideas 1-3; Standard 4, Key Ideas 1-7
Interval of Instructional Time / What is the instructional period covered (if not a year, rationale for semester/quarter/etc)?
2012-13 Academic Year
Evidence / What specific assessment(s) will be used to measure this goal? The assessment must align to the learning content of the course.
Previous State Assessment: NYS Grade 8 Science Assessment, June 2012
Course Baseline Assessment: District-developed pre-assessment given after first unit of instruction, September 2012
Course Summative Assessment: NYS Living Environment Regents Exam, June 2013
Baseline / What is the starting level of students’ knowledge of the learning content at the beginning of the instructional period?
NYS Grade 8 Science Assessment: 16% of students scored 85 or higher (L4); 58% of students scored 65-84 (L3); 19% of students scored 55-64 (L2)
Course Pre-assessment: Scores ranged from 8% to 27% on course pre-assessment
Target(s) / What is the expected outcome (target) of students’ level of knowledge of the learning content at the end of the instructional period?
90% of students will maintain or improve their proficiency level as follows:
§ Students who previously scored Level 1 will score Level 2 or higher (55-100).
§ Students who previously scored Level 2 will score Level 3 or higher (65-100).
§ Students who previously scored Level 3 will score Level 3 or higher (65-100).
§ Students who previously scored Level 4 will maintain this level (85-100).
§ Students without a previous NYS Grade 8 Science Assessment score will achieve a Level 3 or higher on the Living Environment Regents exam.
HEDI Scoring / How will evaluators determine what range of student performance “meets” the goal (effective) versus “well-below” (ineffective), “below” (developing), and “well-above” (highly effective)?
Highly Effective: 95% of students maintain or improve their proficiency level.
Effective: 86-94% of students maintain or improve their proficiency level.
Developing: 70-85% of students maintain or improve their proficiency level.
Ineffective: 0-69% or fewer maintain or improve their proficiency level.
20 / 19 / 18 / 17 / 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0
99%+ / 97-98% / 95-96% / 94% / 93% / 92% / 91% / 90% / 89% / 88% / 87% / 86% / 83-85% / 81-83% / 78-80% / 75-77% / 73-74% / 70-72% / 60-69% / 50-59% / 0-49%
Rationale / Describe the reasoning behind the choices regarding learning content, evidence, and target and how they will be used together to prepare students for future growth and development in subsequent grades/courses, as well as college and career readiness.
The NYS Regents Exam in Living Environment meets the graduation assessment requirement for science, and is a comprehensive assessment of the NYS Science Standards. As this assessment is not yet aligned to the Common Core Learning Standards for Literacy in Science, these standards will be addressed through instruction but are not able to be assessed with the required exam.
Data from the NYS Grade 8 Science Assessment indicates that 74% of students met or exceeded a proficient score. The target of 90% supports the expectation that students who previously scored below proficient standard will improve their achievement in science.