Friend of the Family Award
The VAFCS Friend of the Family Award is presented to an individual or organization that has affected policies for families. The award recipient will be presented with an engraved plaque at the VAFCS Annual Meeting.
An individual or organization involved at the local, state, national, or international level in the policy-making process whose work over time has made significant contributions that affect the well-being of families.
Current VAFCS members and staff are not eligible for nomination. Former recipients of the VAFCS Friend of the Family Award are not eligible to receive the award. Congressional candidates are not eligible for the award during a year when they are standing for election.
The award will be presented when a recipient is ranked as qualified by the jury of reviewers and approved by the VAFCS Board of Directors. No more than one award will be presented per year.
Nomination Package:
A nomination must be made by a member of VAFCS to theVice President, Recognition.
Award nominations must be postmarked by February 15, 2016
Review Process:
Nominations will be reviewed by the Awards Committee of VAFCS under the leadership of the Vice President, Recognition. A recommendation will be made to the VAFCS Board of Directors for final approval. All nominations shall be kept confidential until approved by the Board of Directors. Nominee will not be notified until board approval has been granted.
Evaluation Criteria:
- Specific examples of how and when the nominee has been involved in local, state, national, or international public policy that has significantly and positively affected families.
- Length of time nominee has been involved in addressing public policyissues related to
- Impact of the nominee's work in affecting public policy for families.
2016 VAFCS Friend of the Family Award
I. Nominee contact information:
Professional title (President, Executive Director, etc.):
Mailing address:
Name of group, organization, or company being nominated:
Address line 1:
Address line 2:
Address line 3:
City, State, and Zip:
Daytime telephone:
FAX (if known):
E-mail address (if known):
II. Please provide brief answers to the following:
- Describe the nominee's work in addressing local, state, national, or international policy that has
significantlyand positively affected families.
B. How long the nominee has been involved in this effort.
C. Describe the impact of the nominee's work in affecting public policy for families.
III. Supporting documentation:
- Letter of transmittal from the nominator.
- Supporting materials (may include biographical information, references to newspaper or magazine articles, and other relevant supporting documentation.
IV. Nominator’s contact information:
Note: VAFCS will correspond with the nominee only. Please do not notify nominee.
Professional title (President, Executive Director, etc.):
Name of group, organization, or company:
Address line 1:
Address line 2:
Address line 3:
City, State, and Zip:
Daytime telephone:
E-mail address:
Application deadline: postmarked by February 15, 2016
Contact for questions and submission of application:
Sylvia W. Mullen CFCS-HNFS, NBCT
Richmond Technical Center-North
2015 Seddon Way
Richmond, VA 23230
(804) 780-6272
(804) 780-6188
Friend of the Family Award 2016