This Week
Vicar: Revd. Dave Thomson, The Vicarage, Ainsworth Hall Road, Ainsworth, BL2 5RY; Tel: 01204 398567; email:Dave Thomson @vicar_dave Christ Church Ainsworth
OLM: Revd Elaine Larkin, 1 Greenside, Ainsworth, Bolton BL2 5SE; Tel: 01204 388762; email
Churchwardens: Lillian Haworth 0161 761 6187 & Alison Hartley 07952 709041
News Sheet: Polly Ryder, The Vicarage, Ainsworth Hall Road, Ainsworth, BL2 5 5RY; Tel: 01204 398567; email:
Child Protection & Safeguarding: Rosie McMullen 0161 317 2050
Church and Community Hall Bookings Geoff Hampson 07910 817577
Web site:
June18th– The First Sunday After Trinity
A very warm welcome to everyone joining in worship here today.
Large print versions of the Order of Service are available at the back of church
A loop system is provided for the benefit of hearing aid users. Please switch it to ‘T’. Please switch off mobile phones.
Parents with young children: don’t worry if your child makes a noise during the service – we don’t mind!
If it helps, there are some books, toys and ‘busy bags’ suitable for young children at the back of church.
18th JuneThe First Sunday
After Trinity / 8:00am / Holy Communion. Readings (p156)1 John 4.7-end; Luke 16.19-end (JW)
10:30am / Family Communion. (Lord’s Prayer: Hymn No 264) Prayers GW
Communion Hymns: 139, 133
Readings: Exodus 19.2-8a (PH); Romans 5.1-8 (JE); Matthew 9.35 - 10.8
12noon / Baptism of James Thomas Lloyd
6:30pm / Evening Prayer: Psalms 43. (pg 399)
Readings (p156): 1 John 4.7-end; Luke 16.19-end(AH)
Wednesday / 2:30pm / Church open for personal prayercancelled
Friday / 2:30pm / Funeral of Alan Bonnarat Radcliffe Crematorium
25th June
The Second Sunday
After Trinity / 8:00am / Holy Communion. Readings (p158)1 John 3.13-end; Luke 14.16-24(AC)
10:30am / Family Communion. (Lord’s Prayer: Hymn No 264) Prayers PH
Communion Hymns: 226, 246
Readings: Jeremiah 20.7-13(GW); Romans 6.1b-11(BS); Matthew 10.24-39
Followed by Tea and Coffee in church
2:00pm / Messy Church (In ‘New Room’, Church & Community Hall)
6:30pm / Evening Prayer: Psalms 46. (pg 403)
Readings (p158): 1 John 3.13-end; Luke 14.16-24(PH)
FOR OUR PRAYERS this week we pray for:
The Church: Our Bishops (David, Mark and Mark), Archdeacon David, Area Dean Alison, our ministry team, our PCC, our Churchwardens (Lillian and Alison), Debra as her ordination draws near. That others from within our fellowship will answer God’s call to Ordained, ALM or Reader ministry. That all of us might deepen our relationship with Jesus Christ.The recently confirmed: Ben Allen, Hannah Butler, Daniel & Molly Payne, Ruby Skehan,and Abby Taylor.
Mission:We pray for those who have yet to encounter the love of God in Jesus Christ, that theywill respond to his call to follow him. We pray that we will grow numerically, in faith and in discipleship, that all of us might be good witnesses to the love of Christ in our day-to-day lives,that we will have confidence to share the good news of Jesus Christand that our footprint in the community might grow. We pray for our uniformed organisations, ABC, and Sunday School and their leaders. We pray that ‘Coffee & Conversation’ will be successful and Messy Church will grow. We ask for discernment as we revisit our Mission Action Plan.
Our finances:That someone will step forward to be our new Treasurer. That we will have sufficient to cover the cost of ministry within this parish and to support the cost of mission within the Diocese generally through the Parish Share. That we can afford to pay for future building work.
Our families, friends and local community:Those facing financial or other difficulties. Those who are lonely or homeless. Those struggling with addiction. Those who care for the frail and sick. Residents ofClaydon Drive.
Our nation & the world: The Queen, her Ministers and our councillors. Our MP (Ivan Lewis). Those affected by the Manchester bombing,the London terrorist attacks and the tragedy at Grenfell Tower in London: the injured, the bereaved, medics, police and security services.
Those in need: Those being cared for in local hospitals, hospices and nursing homes. The sick, especially for Pippa Dodd, Simon Lilywhite, Francis Crompton and Louise Singleton.
The bereaved: All who have lost a loved one, especially the family and friends of Alan Bonnar. Trusting in God, may they find healing, peace, strength and courage to face the future.
“The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective.” (James 5:16)
Christ Church Ainsworth
‘Celebrating, encouraging, proclaiming and supporting faith, hope and love
in Jesus Christ our Lord...’
NOTICES –18thJune 2017
Borough Dean: Bishop Markwill be licensing Revd Dave as the new Borough Dean for Bury here at Christ Church, at 7.30pm on Thursday 29th June. At the same time, Dave will be instituted and inducted as Vicar for this parish (he is currently Priest in Charge).Everyone is welcome to come along. Volunteers needed to brew up after the serviceand if any sidemen can attend, can you please sign the sheet at the back of church
Refreshments after services: There will be refreshments after the 10:30 service next Sunday. If you can bake half a dozen small cakes, then that would be greatly appreciated.
Church Yard – this Saturday: there will be the additional monthly gardening session in the church yard on Saturday (24th) from 9:30 to 12 noon. Please come along to help if you can
Walk of Witness: Thanks to all who helped to make last Sunday's walk a success - those involved with organising and marshalling the walk; preparing the hall and serving the refreshments afterwards. Also to the band whose playing was excellent.
Mothers' Unionwill be having a talk from Peter Charnock about the work of the RNLI at their meeting on Tuesday (20th) at 7.30pm in the Church Hall. All are welcome.
Church Treasurer:we are still seeking to fill this important vacancy. Simple numeracy is all you need to fulfil this role. Speak to the Vicar or one of the Churchwardens if you would like to help your Church in this very important way.
Spring Fayre:some folk put aside various purchases for safe keeping but forgot to take them with them at the end of the Fayre. These are at the Vicarage awaiting collection.
Bolton Cancer Voices,the North West's first dedicated Choir for cancer patients and cancer survivors is celebratingits milestone 5thBirthday, with a gala concert -‘Melodies ofStage & Screen’, thisSaturday(24th), 7.15pm, in the Victoria Hall, Bolton.Tickets £10-00 (£5-00 for under 19s) from the Ticket Secretary on 01204 883977 or from the Victoria Hall Box Office.
Busy Bags are available at the back of Church for the benefit of young children. Enjoy! There are also some larger toys by the font. Don’t worry if your youngsters get a bit noisy during the service or get restless and wander about a bit (providing they’re supervised). Nobody minds, that’s what young children do!
Cockey Moor Craft Group meets each Wednesday from 10:00 to 12:00, in the New Room of the Church and Community Hall. Everyone welcome. (There is a small charge to cover costs)
Churchyard Team (Wednesdays) and Pew Polishers (Thursdays): If you have a bit of time to spare and would like to help your Church in a practical way then join either the Churchyard Team (contact Roy Turner 0161 764 1484) or the Pew Polishers (contact Jane Lord, 0161 764 1551) or both.
Communion Hymns: please join the choir in singing the communion hymns.
Choir: if you enjoy singing, why not join our choir. New members, including juniors, always welcome. No audition necessary. Further details from Jean Clifford or Beryl Sixsmith
The Pastoral Visiting Team visits the frail and housebound and Revd Elaine is happy to visit anyone in hospital or who would like home communion. Please inform Revd Elaine if you know of anyone in any of these situations who would like a visit.
The Prayer Chain: Prayer requests may be submitted to June Hayes (0161 797 8114) or if she is unavailable, to Jennifer White (0161 723 5537). Please note that, unless renewed, prayer requests will be removed after three months.
Prayer: One way of praying is to write a short prayer and hang it on the Prayer Tree (next to the pulpit). The Holy Spirit knows exactly what is on your heart so these do not need to be masterpieces of prose! Cryptic prayers will do! Please date them and we will remove them after two months (simply re-date your prayer before the end of two months if you want it to stay up longer).
The Church and Community Hall is available for private bookings at very reasonable rates. Please ring Geoff Hampson on 07910 817577 or see for details.
To receive the Pew Sheet by e-mail, send an e-mail to with ‘send pew sheet’ in the subject
Otherwise download from
CollectsCommon Worship
God of truth,
help us to keep your law of love
and to walk in ways of wisdom,
that we may find true life
in Jesus Christ your Son. Amen / Book of Common Prayer
OGOD, the strength of all them that put their trust in thee, mercifully accept our prayers; and because through the weakness of our mortal nature we can do no good thing without thee, grant us the help of thy grace, that in keeping of thy commandments we may please thee, both in will and deed; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
If you pay tax, please Gift Aid your offering(s). Thisenables us to claim back the tax paid on offerings and in 2015 this boosted our funds by £ 8608. Envelopes for occasional givers are in the pews and forms for regular givers are in the porch. The only details that need to be given, are your full name, address and post code and an acknowledgement that you pay tax to the value of the amount to be claimed. Bank Standing Order forms are also available in the Church porch. Completed forms can be put on the collection plate with your offering.