World History – Mr. Cleland
Spring 2013
Room Hours - 7:30 – 8:15 AM
(I coach track so I am usually not available in the afternoons.)
School Phone # 704-799-8555 Ext. 2704
E-mail –
1st Block –Civics Honors
2nd Block – Civics Honors
3rd Block – World History Honors
4th Block – Planning
Class Description:
Welcome to World History. In this course, students will be given the opportunity to explore recurring themes of human experience common to civilizations around the globe from ancient to contemporary times. The themes of geography and an analysis of the cultural traits of civilizations will help students understand how people shape their world and how their world shapes them. As students examine the historical roots of significant events, ideas, and movements, they encounter the contributions and patterns of living in civilizations around the world. To become informed citizens, students require knowledge of the civilizations that have shaped the development of the United States.
In order to be successful in this class, you must complete assigned work, be active in class and keep up with all assigned reading and note taking. There is a lot of material to cover and your knowledge will be tested on Unit Tests throughout the semester. Along with that, there will be a Final Exam (made by the state) that will be worth 25% of your grade.
This class is demanding and covers a lot of information in a short amount of time. At the end of the semester, you will be astonished at the amount of material you have learned! Please be aware it will take much effort to succeed. If I see effort is being put into the class, I will also put every effort into helping those students achieve understanding of the topics and accomplish their goals for the class. Below I have outlined grading percentages, rules, expectations and other items that you need to be aware of to have a successful semester!
Everyday Requirements: (Students are responsible for their own materials.)
- 1’ 3-ring notebook/binder to keep notes
- Paper
- Pencil/Pen
- World History book
General Class Rules:
1.Be on time for class.
2.Be prepared for class. (Textbook, notebook, writing utensil, etc.)
3.Be respectful of others and their property.
4.Be attentive and willing to participate in all classroom activities.
5.Be responsible.
6.Be honest.
- Must have a complete heading in the upper right/left corner:
- Your full name/Block #
- Date
- Assignment name
- Must be handed in on the day the assignment is due. I will accept late work on occasion. If a student is consistently late with assignments a conference will be held with the student and the parents will be contacted. All late work accepted will result in a 10 point deduction from the grade given. Absences do not apply to the 10 point deduction rule unless the work is turned in past the given grace period.
- Students are responsible for obtaining any missed assignments. If a student is absent, he/she should obtain missed assignments on the day he/she returns to school. The time allotted for make-up work is displayed in the student handbook.
Hall Passes:
- Students may not leave the room unless they have permission from the teacher
- Each student must complete the appropriate information on the Lake Norman Sign Out before leaving the room.
- There can only be one person out at a time.
- Hall passes are a privilege and can be taken away.
Discipline and Tardies: Will be handled on a case-by-case basis according to school policy outlined in the student handbook. Follow Classroom RULES!!
Grading Scale:
Grading system:Average Breakdown:
A= 93-100Exams: 50%
B= 85-92Quizzes: 30%
C= 77-84Assignments: 20%
D= 70-76
F= 0-69
Cheating consists of copying someone else’s work, whether it is individual in class work, homework, quiz or test. I do not take cheating lightly. For you to truly understand this class and know how to apply the information you need to do your own work. Without this, passing the Final will be very difficult and my own gauge of your need for help in areas will be off. I will not tolerate cheating. If I find homework has been copied or you are cheating off of someone or helping someone to cheat I will immediately give two 90 minute ASDs and a write up which goes into your permanent file and parents will be contacted. This goes for the one who is copying and the one who is helping. This is school policy. Don’t put yourself in a position that may reflect a cheating circumstance.
The grade break down is shown above. Exams are any tests or other projects I designate as an exam grade. Be dutiful in studying for exams, using your notes and book as it will make up the majority of your grade. Quizzes will be given often on the assigned readings. Most quizzes will be announced and some assignments may also be taken as a quiz grade due to the in depth nature of them. Assignments are any in-class work and homework that is done on a regular basis. These can be for a percentage grade or returned with a check minus (80), check (90) or check plus (100).
I look forward to an exciting year. If we work together, work hard and participate fully, we will accomplish our classroom goal of 100% of students achieving an 85% or better on the Final.
Parents and Students,
Please sign below to indicate that you have read this general description of expectations and general class management and that you have also looked at Essential Learning Goals of World History. If you have any questions, please note them on this form along with a number or E-mail address where you can be reached or call me at school.
Chris Cleland – World History
* Must be signed by both student and parent to receive full credit for this assignment!!!*
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent/Guardian E-mail Address: ______
(Or you can E-mail me – – and I can save your E-mail.)
Questions, comments, criticisms, or concerns
Parents and Students,
Please sign below to indicate that you have read this general description of expectations and general class management and that you have also looked at Essential Learning Goals of World History. If you have any questions, please note them on this form along with a number or E-mail address where you can be reached or call me at school.
Chris Cleland – World History
* Must be signed by both student and parent to receive full credit for this assignment!!!*
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent/Guardian E-mail Address: ______
(Or you can E-mail me – – and I can save your E-mail.)
Questions, comments, criticisms, or concerns