NDTA Annual Meeting

CapitolCity Gun Club – July 24, 2011

President Jeff Zwarych called the Annual meeting of the North Dakota Trapshooting Association to order at 12:30 PM in the clubhouse.

President Zwarych thanked the Capitol City Gun Club for hosting an excellent State Shoot.

The minutes of the last Annual meeting were read. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Norman Howard and seconded by JoMarie Knutson, motion carried.

Dean Rohrich gave a brief treasurer’s report indicating a balance on hand after paying the costs for trophies and added money for the 2011 State Shoot of $11797.39. Dean noted that the Grants, Gifts and Memorials fund of $1541.00 was included in the association’s checking account. It was also noted that the target fee increase had generated an additional $862.00 to date. Norman Howard moved to approve the treasurers report, seconded by Bill Gauslow, motion carried.

Jeff Wagner, ATA Delegate, commented on his roll as acting president of the ATA. Jeff noted the ATA is operating off of its interest income and that the ATA will be staying in Sparta, IL through 2026.

A logo for ND was displayed by Jeff Wagner which would be put on a shade shelter in Sparta, IL.

Jeff said he would pay to sponsor a shade shelter for North Dakota which would cost $2000.00 of which $1000.00 would be from his delegate stipend and $1000.00 from Jeff personally.

Chet Nelson made a motion to approve the ND logo, seconded by Stan Petz, motion carried.

Mike Kempel suggested the possibility of registering the logo. After some discussion it was agreed to allow the NDTA to use the logo for promoting ND Trap Shooting.

President Jeff Zwarych called for Old Business.

Louis Kuster asked for feed back on switching the Double Program to Friday Morning. After some discussion, most thought it was positive.

There being no further Old Business, President Zwarych called for New Business.

A letter was received from the Minot Gun Club requesting the 2012 State Shoot. Louis Kuster moved to award the state shoot to the Minot Gun Club, seconded by Gerald Wendel, motion carried.

Greg Vaage thanked the Capitol City Gun Club for hosting the 2011 State Shoot due the flooding that Minot was experiencing.

JoMarie Knutson commented on how well the trap help did on such short notice.

It was noted that the Capitol City Gun Club is looking at the possibility of not holding the Sharp Tail shoot due to having the State and Central Zone shoot back to back and then two weeks later the Sharp Tail shoot with a decision to be made soon.

Dennis Powel commented on the ATA President not being able to attend 3 ND Clubs due to his duties and asked if we should exempt the 3 club rule for Jeff Wagner. After some discussion it was decided that the NDTA would decide whether or not to exempt Jeff Wagner if he was unable to attend 3 ND Clubs due to his duties.

Dean Rohrich presented the nomination committee report, nominating Greg Vaage from the NW, Bill Suda from the NE, Bike Kempel from the SE and Dean Rohrich from the SE all for a three year term, and Jeff Wagner as ATA Delegate, Mike Kempel as Alternate ATA Delegate and Louis Kuster as 2nd Alternate ATA Delegate. Bill Gauslow moved to close nominations and have the secretary cast a unanimous ballot for the nominees, second by Blaine Dukart, motion carried.

It was noted that Michelle did a great job of preparing the food for the State Shoot.

Gerald Wendel moved to adjourn, seconded by Stan Petz. Meeting adjourned at 1:04 PM.

Respectfully submitted.

Dean F. Rohrich

NDTA Sec/Trea