The Industrial Revolution: The Winners and the Losers

While the Industrial Revolution was a time of inventiveness and increasing wealth for many, it had negative effects on many other members of society. In this activity, you'll think about who the "winners" and the "losers" of the Industrial Revolution were, and you'll read some accounts of what it was like for the working classes during this time period. You'll then compare the situations of these workers to some current issues.

1. Overview of the Industrial Revolution

Use information from the following Web sites to answer the questions below:

  • Modern History Sourcebook: Andrew Ure--The Philosophy of the Manufacturers, 1835:
  • Modern History Sourcebook: Tables Illustrating the Spread of Industrialization:
  • Child Labor:
  • Modern History Sourcebook: Leeds Woollen Workers Petition, 1786:
  • Chadwick's Report on Sanitary Conditions:

a) What were the benefits of the Industrial Revolution?

b) Who benefited?

c) What were the benefits of factories, according to the manufacturers?

d) By how much did the pig iron industry in the United Kingdom multiply between 1781 and 1914? (hint: look at the table)

e) By how much did the cotton industry in the United Kingdom multiply between 1834 and 1913?

f) By how much did the railroads system multiply in the United Kingdom between 1840 and 1900?

g) What were the negative effects of the Industrial Revolution?

h) What products do we use today that were developed during the Industrial Revolution or that evolved from products developed during this time?

i) Who benefits from these products? Everyone in the United States?Everyone in the world?

j) Are there people in the country or the world today who are not reaping the benefits of industry and technology? Provide some examples.

3. Does the Legacy Continue Today?

Do similar situations exist today? Are there winners and losers in today's global economic system? Look at the websites below and write an essay comparing the situation in the US with the ones you read about above, during the Industrial Revolution. In your essay, discuss who the winners and losers are and explain the similarities and differences to the cases you've read about in the previous section of this activity. Your essay should be 5 paragraphs and cite specific evidence from the websites below and those you have already investigated. Your thesis should answer the question above (Do similar situations exist today?).