Stop. Notice. And Note The Outsiders - Chapter 1 and 2

Chapter /Page Number / SNN Signpost Moment / Literary Device(s) / Anchor Question/Response
Chapter 1 – P.13 / Words of The Wiser – When Darry tells Pony he should think more. / Character development
Conflict / How might this affect the character?
Pony might start carrying a switchblade and using more common sense. Additionally, he does not like how Darry is treating him.
Chapter 1 – P. 16-17 / Tough Questions –
“Why did the Socs hate us so much?” / Potential Conflict
Character Development / What does this question make me wonder about?
This indicates a conflict that the Socs have with the Greasers
It could foreshadow a “rumble”
Pony could try to resolve the issue with the Soc’s
Chapter 2 – p. 24 / Contrast Contradiction
Johnny sticking up for Cherry and Marcia. He talks back to Dally, something that is unusual of Johnny’s character (“[Dally] He was in disbelief…Johnny couldn’t say boo to a ghost”). / Character Development / Why might the character act or feel this way?
Johnny might be acting this way because he doesn’t think that’s how someone should talk to a girl or a person that way (bullying connection). Or Johnny might be acting this way because he is feeling more confident.
Chapter 2 – P.26 / Words of The Wiser
Ponyboy is telling the audience, “You take up for your buddies no matter what they do.” He is referencing how Johnny still had Dally’s back when Cherry was implying that Dally was rude. / Potential Theme
Character development / What is the life lesson, and how might it affect the characters?
Ponyboy’s advice is to be there for your friends whenever they need to be.
This might affect the characters because it could put them in a situation (such as a Soc or a Greaser in a harmful, or hazardous, or bad situation).
Chapter 2 – P. 31 -34 / Memory Moment
Ponyboy, takes a time to talk about the memory of Johnny getting beat up by the Soc’s and how they were all piled in their blue mustang, one of which had rings on his fingers.
Furthermore, this memory is telling us more about Johnny’s background and how his parents are abusive to him, and how loyal he is to the greaser’s. / Character development
Conflict / Why might this memory be important?
Based off previous background knowledge when Johnny stood up for Cherry and Marcia to Dally, and this moment, this might foreshadow Johnny sticking up for himself when he see’s the Soc’s. (i.e. he is developing more confidence)
Chapter 2 –P.33 / Again and Again Moments
The Blue Mustang / Symbolism
Conflict / Why might the author bring this up again and again?
This is brought up again because it indicator of Soc’s. This is also indicates conflict because when it show’s up again again there is conflict with the greasers (Johnny).