Date: Thursday April 07, 2016

Time: 6:30 PM Location: School Library

Attendance: Khadija Mirza,, Dharini Selvanesan, Paulette Grant, Michelle Williams, Josette Meade, Nalini Devineni, Nira Kugan, Teresa Joblin, Gloria Westrik, Wayne Leavey, Robin Tohana, Rishie Kamal. 12 people were in attendance.

Minutes: The minutes of the March meeting were motioned for approval by Teresa and seconded by Khadija.

Treasurer’s Report: Currently, there is a balance of 1,039.66 in the SAC bank account which reflects deposits from the Winter Showcase and the 2 Movie Nights.

Principal’s Report:

·  Mrs. Hale and the ACL students have organized a BPA Free Water Bottle Sale. This will take place in the upcoming weeks. The school will also be receiving a water bottle filling station.

·  Acknowledgement of appreciation was given to Mrs. Westrik for organizing the Primary Theatre trip. SAC parents of Primary Students would be interested in the students taking part in the trip again next year. The 2016-17 performance would be Pigmania, based on the story 'The 3 Little Pigs'.

·  The Folk Dance Jamboree is scheduled to be on Tuesday, May, 3rd at Albert Campbell Square.

·  Alvin Curling hosted the East Regional Chess Tournament on Thursday, April 7th with over 170 attendees. Our Primary students placed 3rd, and the Intermediate students placed 4th overall.

·  Senior Kindergarten and Grade 8 students will have Grad Photo's taken on Friday, April 22nd.

·  There will be a Book Fair during Education Week, the first week of May. The school has received an additional 10% of earnings from the previous sales. These earnings go back to the school.

·  Thursday, May 5th is a Family Learning Open House. This will be a time for parents to visit the school between 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm.

·  Track and Field will begin in 2 weeks for grades 4 thru 8.

·  Ms. Montanaro and Mr. Lambert have started French Club which is being offered to the grades 3 and 4 students.

·  Beginner Yoga Club for grades 1 and 2 students has begun and is running on Wednesdays during the lunch hour.

·  The TDSB School Clean Up is taking place on Friday, April 22nd.

·  The 2016-17 Classroom Organization sheet was handed out. The sheet shows the breakdown of the student enrolment. There will be 4 Kindergarten classes, 8 split grades; two 1/2 with 20 students, two 3/4 with 23 students, one 4/5 with 27 students, two 5/6 with 26 students and one 7/8 with 33 students. Grades 1, 2 & 3 will have no more than 20 students in each class. There are 61 projected grade 1's. Grades 4-8 have no class size cap. Currently, there are 43 Kindergarten registrants with a make-up of 112 students.

·  The revised Health Curriculum was handed out and presented to the parents of the grade which their child would be entering for the next school year. Each grade has specific expectations within the curriculum, which the teacher will follow. The teacher will show respect for all students and families without details and specifics.


·  The older students have been asked to send in some song requests to Mr. Espeut. The pledge envelopes went home Thursday, April 7. The class with the largest percentage of funds raised per student will earn a pizza lunch. The ACL Council have helped with posters to hang around the school for the Dance-a-thon. They will be selling glow-sticks to help raise money for water wells in India.

Spring Fair

·  Josette was acknowledged for working with Samantha from Main Events to organize the Fair. The deposit payment has been paid. We will be having a raffle for Toronto Blue Jays tickets. There will also be 2 or 3 bouncy castles.

·  Rishie Kamal has joined the Spring Fair Committee, he has offered to run the BBQ and Music.

·  Nira will connect with Cineplex for popcorn.

·  The Spring Fair Committee will be having another meeting in 2 weeks, other council members are welcome to attend.

Junior Movie Night

·  Less the costs of pizza, the March Movie Night raised $287.60.

Assignments and Action Plans

·  Spring Fair Committee to meet on Thursday, April 21 at 6:00.

Next Meeting

·  Thursday, May 12, 2016, at 6:30 p.m.

Meeting adjourned: 8:17 p.m.

Minutes by Paulette Grant, Council Secretary