City of Lewisburg

Planning Commission

Meeting Minutes

April 7, 2016

Paul R. Cooley Council Chambers

942 Washington Street, West, Lewisburg, WV

PRESENT: Commission Chair Mark Etten; Commission members Dylan Boone, Tony Hinkle, Mike Dotson, Mayor John Manchester; Zoning Officer Chuck Smith, Planning & Zoning Clerk Cheryl Yates.

ABSENT: Commission members Lydia Hicks, Jim Simpson, Jeff Vickers, and Michael Adelman.

VISITORS: Maria Schleiff, Tom Manshiem, Paula McLaughlin, and Kristen McClung.

CALL TO ORDER: Commission Chair Mark Etten called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Philip & Paula McLaughlin, Conditional Use Permit, 307 North Jefferson Street

Paula McLaughlin stated that she wanted a conditional use permit to erect a duplex in the location where the current home resides. She has completed all the necessary requirements to acquire a demolition permit for the home currently on this property. Zoning Officer Chuck Smith stated that Mrs. McLaughlin has completed the necessary steps for a conditional use permit which include;

1375.10(a)The Planning Commission shall conduct a public hearing on the Conditional Use Permit request. The applicant shall have the burden of presenting evidence that the requested permit will not:

(1)Endanger the public health and safety; or

(2)Injure the value of adjoining or abutting property; or

(3)Be out of harmony with the area in which it is to be located; or

(4)Be out of conformity with the official community plan.

Commission Chair Mark Etten opened the public hearing for comments from the public. Hearing no comments, the public hearing was then closed. Zoning Officer Chuck Smith stated this application is in conformity to the City of Lewisburg’s Comprehensive Plan. Commission member Dylan Boone made a motion to approve and recommend to City Council. Commission member Tony Hinkle seconded the motion. With five (5) in favor and four (4) absent, the motion carried.

Colin Rose/Asylum, Site Plan, 393 Randolph Street, East

Kristen McClung an Engineer with Terradon presented the site plan. The plans included proposed 5 foot sidewalks and 24 inch curb and gutter as well as drainage. McClung stated the 24 inch curb and gutter will help direct storm water into the inlets .McClung recommended replacing old pipe and inlet located between the Asylum property and the Historical Society’s property. Maria Schleiff of Greenbrier Valley Restoration Project stated that the Historical Society and Montwell Park have been in communication to work on a quit claim deed. She stated that it has been approved but the details are still being worked out. She also stated that she felt confident that Montwell Park has the money for the proposed sidewalks and will complete the one on Lafayette Street first and the Randolph Street sidewalks will be dependent upon the outcome of contractor bids. She stated she would be in communication with Brian Dodd to determine the amount of money needed for the proposed sidewalks.

Kristen McClung discussed drainage issues. She stated once the plans were approved, then bids can be gathered. Commission Chair Mark Etten voiced his concern about approving a site plan when the cost share has not been officially approved. McClung agreed to put together a probable construction cost analysis to be submitted to the Planning Commission for review. Zoning officer Chuck Smith stated once the plans are approved there is a twelve (12) month window in which to complete the project so all factors need to be in place before any approvals are complete. McClung communicated to the Planning Commission that to fix the drainage problems, the parking on Lafayette Street would have to be sacrificed. Mayor John Manchester stated that he feels the adjoining property owners should be notified of these possible changes before a plan can be officially approved by this board. Commission member Dylan Boone said that he felt it should be a group effort to notify all the surrounding property owners so they can attend a meeting and hear the proposal and voice any concerns they may have. Commission member Tony Hinkle asks if the City could add the proposed parking space removal to the agenda to give the community the opportunity to weigh in. Everyone was in agreement that the sidewalk and drainage needs to be done but all the items need to be discussed completely and include all the involved parties which include adjoining land owners as well as the general surrounding community.

Mayor John Manchester stated that before any decisions can be made, a cost estimate must be completed and all involved parties must come together. He said this item needs to be on the Public Works agenda for discussion of the parking space removal. He agreed that the City would contact all the adjoining property owners and notify them of the upcoming Public Works meeting so they have an opportunity to voice their concerns if any. The mayor also stated that the City negotiates with property owners regarding sidewalks and those sidewalks need to meet City specs.

Commission Chair Mark Etten opened the public hearing at 8:25PM for comments from the public. Hearing no comments, the public hearing was then closed. Mayor John Manchester made a motion to table the consideration of the site plan at 393 Randolph Street, East, until the May Planning Commission meeting to allow time for all interested parties to be notified and to allow discussion of this matter at the Public Works meeting, and to allow Terradon to complete a cost estimate before any decisions can be made. The motion was seconded by Commission member Tony Hinkle. With five (5) in favor and four (4) absent, the motion carried.

Zoning Officer Chuck Smith Updates

Zoning Officer Chuck Smith updated the Commissioners on the retaining wall and concrete pad that has leveled the parking lot at Montwell Park. He stated that these improvements do not affect the storm water. He discussed the adding of a set of steps at Montwell Park which also does not affect the storm water drainage calculations. He stated that he felt Nick Lacasse, Executive Director at Greenbrier Historical Society, should be invited to the upcoming Public Works meeting as well as the May Planning Commission meeting to further discuss the Asylum site plan.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 4, 2016

The minutes of February 4, 2016 were approved with corrections in a motion by Commission member Dylan Boone and seconded by Mayor John Manchester. With five (5) in favor and four (4) absent, the motion carried.


Commission Chair Mark Etten asked the members if the Wednesday night working sessions pose a scheduling conflict with anyone, due to the lack of attendance in recent meetings. The members stated that Wednesday night is acceptable.

ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. in a motion by Mayor John Manchester and seconded by Commission member Tony Hinkle.

Planning Commission Minutes

Respectfully Submitted By Cheryl YatesPage 1