Summary of No. 2/2007

MARŠA, Jan. Surveyor as a Contingent Commander. Vojenský geografický obzor. 2007, no. 2, p. 4–11.

The paper describes the experiences and feelings of military surveyor who is suddenly responsible for general preparation

of two military contingents designated for the foreign missions. There is a brief introduction of Czech Contingent

tasks in PRT-ISAF mission in Afghanistan and Czech mission in Iraqi MNF Forces.

JAROŠOVA‑DOLEŽALOVA, Zdeňka. From Cartographer’s Diary on KFOR Mission. Vojenský geografický obzor. 2007,

no. 2, p. 12–17.

By brief description of selected events and tasks the author presents seven months (October 2005 to April 2008) mission

on the position of KFOR headquarters Geographic Department deputy commander. Database administrator’s as

well as personal points of view.

SKLADOWSKI, Jiří. Geographic Officer’s Work in KFOR Mission. Vojenský geografický obzor. 2007, no. 2, p. 18–22.

The author worked from September 2006 for half a year at the KFOR mission headquarters as geographic officer. He

recognised the difference of professional requirements of his previous work as geodesy department commander compared

to the geographic officer’s mission operations. In the article he describes experiences of his work in the mission.

KOVAŘÍK, Vladimír. Geospatial Support in the European Union Military Staff. Vojenský geografický obzor. 2007, no. 2,

p. 23–26.

The European Union Military Staff, based in Brussels, is the only permanent military structure of the EU providing

in-house military expertise for the Secretary-General of the General Secretariat of the Council of the EU. Within its

structure there is a geographic team responsible for geospatial support of the secretariat. The article deals with the mission

and organisation of the EUMS, introduces the geographic team and its tasks, and also describes the GIS System

architecture and its use for the daily work of the EUMS.

RÉPAL, Vladimír. Forecasting of Icing Formation on the Earth Surface. Vojenský geografický obzor. 2007, no. 2, p. 27–34.

“The Road Meteorology” is a branch of an applied meteorology, which deals with the meteorological elements and

phenomena in the light of their influence over running of communication namely the major roads and motorways on

a given territory. Road meteorology tries to solve the theoretic problems pair with the meteorological support of the

road maintenance.

SPURNÝ, Pavel. Bolide (fireball) Photographing on the Czech Republic Territory in the frame of European Fireball

Network International Program. Vojenský geografický obzor. 2007, no. 2, p. 35–39.

Systematic photographing of traces of bright fireballs (bolides) is one of observation activities of the Polom observatory

in Orlické hory – Eagle Mountains (VGHMÚř Dobruška detached department), from the end of June 2005. It is carried

out in the frame of European Fireball Network. The author mentions fireballs EN280506 and EN300706 of May 5 and

July 30, 2006. Polom happened to be the closest observatory to their atmospheric trace and that is why data from this

observatory were the most important for calculation all parameters of fireball traces.

ROZHOŇ, Vladimír. Emil Holub’s Exploring Activities on the Central Part of Zambezi River in the View of his Maps.

Vojenský geografický obzor. 2007, no. 2, p. 40–46.

The explorer MUDr. Emil Holub (October 7, 1847 – February 24, 1902) experienced eleven years in southern Africa.

His first journey he started in May 1872 (1881 travel book Seven Years in South Africa), the second trip in November

1883 (1890 he published The Second Trip to Southern Africa. From Cape Town to the Land of Maschulumbe). During

three weeks spent around Victoria Falls he created a detailed topographic chart. The map printed in the scale 1:7,000 is

the attachment to the 2nd part of his travel book Seven Years in South Africa.

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