Conference „Professional Issues and Challenges in Physiotherapy“

31 March 2017 – 01 April 2017, Zagreb, Croatia


Presentation should be in PowerPoint file which should be pre-uploaded at the Conference Office before the session. Oral presentation time will be 15 to 20 minutes. Submissions (abstracts or full papers) can be in the form of review papers and original research papers. All papers will be published in the Proceedings Book. All content of the abstract/full paper is in the sole responsibility of the author(s) of the paper.

The deadline for the submission of abstracts and full papers is 1st March 2017. The notice of acceptance will be sent to the corresponding author no later than 10th March 2017. The surname of the presenting author must be underlined.

Technical instructions

Abstracts and full papers should be written in English or Croatian language. Abstracts are restricted up to 300 words, and full papers up to 5000 words. Abstract can be followed by a full paper. Abstracts may not contain any tables and figures. Please include 3-5 key words. Abstract, in case of original research, should be structured and include following: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion. If submitted paper is a review paper abstract should be unstructured, and full paper should be divided into several adequately named chapters.

The title of the manuscript should be written in UPPER CASE letters. The title of the manuscript should be written in font Verdana, font size 12pts, bold. The rest of the manuscript should be written in font Verdana, font size 10pts, single-spaced with no indentations, alignment left.

List of authors should include last name, and initials of the first and middle names. After the authors' list please include authors' institutions in order: Institution, City, Country. Below the list of institutions, state the name, address and e-mail address of the corresponding author. Notice of the acceptance of the paper will be sent to the corresponding author.

Figures and tables should be adequately numbered, and title and legends of the figure and/or table explained below the figure and/or table. Please, include figures and tables at the end of the manuscript, after the references. Total number of figures and tables is restricted to 5.

References in the text should be cited according to APA reference style (APA Publication manual, 6th Edition).

Please, send your abstract and full paper in MS Word file format. Abstracts and full papers should be sent to the following e-mail adress: with „conference submission“ in the subject of the e-mail.