Math 128 Precalculus and Trigonometry

Great Basin College Spring Semester 2011

Math 128 Precalculus & Trigonometry5 credits

Monday – Friday 8am – 8:50am

Room: EIT 208

Class Key: gbcnv 6259 2101

Catalog Description

Equations, relations, functions, graphing; polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and circular functions with applications; coordinate geometry of lines and conics; analytic trigonometry; matrices, determinants; binomial theorem. Prerequisite: Math 096 within two years, sufficient placement test, or SAT/ACT score.

Course Description

This course serves as the bridge from algebra to calculus. We will cover all of the topics in our textbook, PreCalculus, 4th ed by J. Douglas Faires. The method of instruction is primarily lecture, though questions and discussions of topics are encouraged.


Find the distance between two points / Formative
Solve linear inequalities / Formative
Write the solution to inequalities in interval notation / Quiz 1
Solve nonlinear polynomial inequalities / Quizzes 1& 4, Ch 1 3 Exams, Final
Solve inequalities that contain rational expressions / Quiz 1
Solve absolute value equations and inequalities / Quiz 1, Ch 1 Exam, Final
Find the center and radius of a circle given the equation of the circle in standard form. / Ch 1 Exam
Find the equation of a circle given the center and the radius / Formative
Write the equation of a circle in standard form / Quiz 2, Ch 1 Exam
Find the equation of a circle given the center and a point on the circle / Formative
Sketch the graph of a circle given the center and radius / Formative
Sketch the graph of a circle given the center and a point on the circle / Formative
Sketch a region in the xy-plane bounded by a given inequality or inequalities / Formative
Identify equations whose graphs contain symmetry with respect to the y-axis, x-axis, or origin / Quiz 2
Find the x- and y-intercepts of a given equation / Quiz 2
State the definition of a function / Quiz 2,Ch 1 Exam, Final
Find the domain and range of a given function / Quiz 2, Ch 1 Exam, Final
Classify a function as even, odd, or neither given the graph of the function / Ch 1 Exam
Find the difference quotient (average rate of change) of a given function / Quiz 2, Ch 1 Exam
Find the instantaneous rate of change of a given function / Quiz 2, Ch 1 Exam, Final
Find the equation of a line that passes through
a given point and is parallel/perpendicular to a given line / Ch 1 Exam
Find the equation of a line given a point and the slope of the line or the slope and the y-intercept / Ch 1 Exam
Solve application problems in which the quantities are linearly related / Ch 1 Exam
Write the equation of a parabola in standard form / Ch 1 Exam
Find the vertex given the equation of a parabola / Ch 1 Exam
Find the maximum/minimum value of quadratic function / Ch 1 Exam
Solve applications that are modeled by quadratic functions / Ch 1 Exam
Graph basic functions including , , , , , / Quiz 3, Ch 1 Exam (for y = x2), Ch 2 Exam, Final
Given the graph of y = f(x), find the graph of
y =f(x+c), y =f(x)+c, y =cf(x), y =f(cx), y =-f(x), and y =f(-x) / Quiz 3, Ch 1 Exam (for y = x2), Ch 2 Exam, Final
Find the x-intercepts of a quadratic function by using the quadratic formula / Ch 1 Exam
Find the equation of a parabola given a vertex and a point on the parabola / Ch 1 Exam
Given two functions, find the sum/difference/product/quotient of the functions / Quiz 3, Ch 2 Exam
Given two functions, find the domain of the sum/difference/product/quotient of those functions / Quiz 3, Ch 2 Exam
Given the function , graph its reciprocal / Quiz 3, Ch 2 Exam
Given two functions find the composition of those functions / Ch 2 Exam, Final
Given two functions find the domain of the composite function formed by those two functions / Ch 2 Exam, Final
Prove a function is one-to-one by showing implies , the horizontal line test, or by stating the functions are increasing/decreasing / Ch 2 Exam
Find the inverse of a one-to-one function / Ch 2 Exam, Final
Given a function that is not one-to-one determine a subset of the domain of the function for which it is one-to-one / Formative
Given a polynomial function, find all x such that f(x) > 0 and all x such that f(x) < 0. / Quiz 4, Ch 3 Exam, Final
Discuss the end behavior of a given function
Sketch the graph of the polynomial function by finding the axis intercepts and the intervals where f(x) > 0 and f(x) < 0 / Quiz 4, Ch 3 Exam, Final
Use long division to divide polynomials / Quiz 4, Ch 3 Exam
Use synthetic division to divide polynomials by the factor x - c / Quiz 4, Ch 3 exam
Use the remainder theorem to determine when the linear expression x – c is a factor of a given polynomial / Formative
Use the Rational Zero Test to determine all of the possible rational zeros of a given polynomial function / Quiz 4, Ch 3 Exam
Find the vertical asymptotes of algebraic functions (including rational functions). / Ch 3 Exam
Find the horizontal asymptote(s) of algebraic functions / Ch 3 Exam
Sketch the graph of a rational function by finding zeros, asymptotes, and using a sign chart. / Ch 3 Exam, Final
Sketch the graph of an algebraic function by finding zeros, asymptotes, and using a sign chart / Ch 3 Exam
Find a polynomial when given the zeros of the polynomial and a point on the graph of the polynomial / Ch 3 Exam
Add/Subtract/Multiply/Divide complex numbers / Ch 3 Exam
Find the conjugate of a complex number / Ch 3 Exam
Find the radian measure of a given angle / Quiz 5
Find the reference angle of a given angle / Quiz 5
Use trigonometry to solve applied problems involving right triangles / Quiz 5, Ch 3 Exam
Find the values of the six trigonometric functions for the special angles and the multiples of these angles / Quiz 5 (sine and cosine only, no multiples of angles), Quiz 6(sine and cosine only) Quiz 7, Ch 3 Exam, Final
Find the reference number for a given real number / Quiz 6
Solve equations with sine and cosine. / Quiz 6
Sketch the graphs of the six basic trigonometric functions and these graphs with horizontal/vertical shifts, stretches/compressions, and reflections / Quiz 6 (for sine and cosine), Quiz 7, Ch 4 Exam, Final
Use the Pythagorean Identities in solving equations / Quiz 7
Use the sum and difference formulas for sine, cosine, and tangent / Quiz 7, Ch 4 Exam
Use the half-angle and double-angle formulas / Quiz 7, Ch 4 Exam
Find the exact value of expressions involving the inverse trig functions / Quiz 7, Ch 4 Exam
Solve triangles using the Law of Sines / Ch 4 Exam
Solve triangles using the Law of Cosines / Ch 4 Exam
Sketch the graph of an exponential function / Ch 5 Exam, Final
Find the future value using the compound interest formula / Ch 5 Exam
Find the future value using the continuously compounding interest formula / Ch 5 Exam
Sketch the graph of a logarithmic function / Ch 5 Exam, Final
Use the arithmetic properties of logarithms to rewrite logarithmic expressions as a single log. / Ch 5 Exam
Use the arithmetic properties of logarithms to simplify logarithmic expressions / Ch 5 Exam
Solve exponential equations / Ch 5 Exam
Solve logarithmic equations / Ch 5 Exam
Use the exponential function to model population growth/decay / Ch 5 Exam, Final
Identify and sketch the graph of a conic section given the equation of a standard position conic section and label the vertex and foci of the conic section / Quiz 8, Final
Convert polar coordinates to rectangular coordinates / Final
Convert rectangular coordinates to polar coordinates / Final
Convert polar equations to rectangular equations / Final
Convert rectangular equations to polar equations / Final
Sketch the graph of a given polar equations / Final
Sketch the graph of the conic section given by or / Final
Find the equation of a conic section in polar coordinates given the eccentricity and the equation of the directrix. / Final
Rewrite parametric equations as rectangular equations / Final
Rewrite rectangular equations as parametric equations / Final
Sketch the curve described by parametric equations indicating where and the direction of increasing values of . / Final
Demonstrate the appropriate mathematical format and notation in solving problems. / All quizzes and exams


Instructor:Lynne OwensAddress:Great Basin College

Office:MCML 1361500 College Pkwy

Phone:(775) 753-2152Elko, NV 89801

Fax:(775) 738-8771

E-mail:(preferred method of contact)

Office hours:M 11:00a – 12:30p, T 9a – 10:30a, MW 2:30 – 3:30


Textbook: Precalculus 5th ed., by J. Douglas Faires, ISBN: 978-1-11-149584-8

Scientific calculator

Internet access

Graph paper



Grades will be based on one pretest (20 points) 32 assignments (2 points per assignment), 7 weekly quizzes (10 points each), four exams (100 points each), and a final exam (200 points). Note that there are 8 quizzes and 5 exams, but your lowest quiz score and lowest exam score (not the final) will be dropped. There are a total of 754points possible in this course. Grades are distributed as follows:

90 –100%A

80 – 89%B

70 – 79%C

60 – 869%D

Below 60F

Withdrawing from class

If you decide that you need to drop or withdraw from this class, make sure you fill out the required paperwork. Friday, April 29, 2011 is the last day you can withdraw from this class. If you fail to turn in your paperwork on or before that date, you will receive the grade you are earning in the class. This bears repeating. You are responsible for withdrawing yourself from this class. I will not assign grades of W; if you simply stop attending class without turning in your drop/withdraw form to Admissions and Records, you will get the grade you have earned at the end of the semester. Please consult the Great Basin College catalogue for further information on "I" and "W" grades.


You will have weekly computer assignments due. To access your homework go to click on “I have a class key.” You will see three boxes. In the first box put gbcnv, in the second box put 6259, and in the third box 2101. You have three attempts to pass your homework with a minimum score of 65%. Homework is due on Saturdays at 11:50pm. Late homework is not accepted. At the first sign of technical difficulties, contact the tech support at Webassign; I cannot assist you with website issues. Please note that Webassign is not WebCampus.


Quizzes and exams are graded for both form and content. It is not only the answer that is important, but also the journey you take to get there. Missing an exam is a big deal; don’t do it. If you find yourself in the unfortunate position of missing an exam and having to take it late, you will be penalized 5 points for every day that your exam is late. You have 5 business days to make up an exam. Quizzes cannot be made up, but your two lowest quiz scores will be dropped. The first exam that you miss will be the exam that you drop.

In order to grade your work, I must be able to read your work. Therefore, all quizzes and exams must be legible. Use a straightedge for graphs.

If you believe I have made a grading error or if you wish to contest a grade, you have until the following class after the quiz/exam was returned to address this issue. There is a timeliness to grading; in order for me to fairly reassess your work, I need to see it as soon as possible after I have issued a given exam/quiz score.


Great Basin College is committed to providing equal educational opportunities to qualified students with disabilities in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations, including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. A qualified student must furnish current verification of disability. The Director of Services for Students with Disabilities will assist qualified students with disabilities in securing the appropriate and reasonable accommodations, auxiliary aids, and services. For more information or further assistance, please call 775.753.2271


The University and Community College System of Nevada expressly forbids all forms of academic dishonesty, including (but not limited to) all forms of cheating, copying, and plagiarism. Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s word, ideas or data as one’s own. When a student submits work that includes the words, ideas, or data of others, the source of that information must be acknowledged through complete, accurate, and specific references; and if verbatim statements are included, through quotation marks as well. In academically honest writing or speaking, the students will acknowledge the source whenever:

  • Another person’s actual words are quoted
  • Another person’s idea, opinion or theory is used, even if it is completely paraphrased in the student’s own words
  • Facts, statistics, or other illustrative materials are borrowed, unless the information is common knowledge.

Students who are discovered cheating will be subject to discipline as outlined in the Great Basin College catalog.


Class will run more smoothly if you avoid the following behaviors:

  • Talking to classmates while I’m talking or other students are trying to listen or ask questions.
  • Walking out of class—if you’re not interested, don’t come. (If you need to leave class early, please give me a heads up.)
  • Working on homework or doing work from other classes during class--if you’re that bored or that busy don’t come to class or find another class that suits your temperament or schedule.
  • Using your cell phone or text messaging during class—the current research indicates that using a cell phone while driving is as bad as driving under the influence. This is a testimony to the level of distraction these activities cause. When we are in class our time will be devoted to math SOLELY. Simply put, the classroom is neither the time nor place to conduct personal business. If you are caught texting, you will be asked to leave the class. You may return to class only after you have had a discussion with the Dean of Student Services. If it happens again you will be permanently removed from the class.
  • Leaving your cell phone on when you come to my office. Consider my office a cell phone –free zone, and rest assured that I have neither the interest nor the time to bear witness to your personal conversations.
  • Bringing children to class—this is a liability issue for the college.

Do be prepared when you come to class or visit my office. In class we will be working several problems during each class period, so bring your textbook, a calculator, some graph paper, and a straightedge. When you stop by my office for assistance, have a list of problems/concepts you wish to discuss during our visit. Contact me if you need to cancel an appointment.


After the first week of class, I do not take roll. If you choose to attend class then behave accordingly. If you choose not to attend class, I will still expect you to meet the requirements of the class, i.e., do not expect to be able to turn in late homework or take exams and quizzes at your convenience.

Please note that the syllabus is just a guide. Although every effort will be maintained to follow the syllabus, you may find that we get a day or two ahead or behind. This in turn may affect the due date for homework or the date for a given exam or quiz. If you should miss class, it is your responsibility to find out what was covered and if a date was changed.

Schedule of Events

Dates / Sections
Monday, January 24, 2011 / Pretest
Tues. Jan 25 / Pretest
Wed. Jan. 26 / 1.1 – 1.2 Introduction; Real Number Line
Thurs. Jan. 27 / 1.2 The Real Number Line
Fri. Jan. 28 / 1.3 The Coordinate Plane
Mon. Jan. 31 / 1.3 The Coordinate PlaneQuiz 1 (1.2)
Tues. Feb. 1 / 1.4 Equations and Graphs
Wed. Feb. 2 / 1.4 Equations and Graphs
Thurs. Feb. 3 / 1.6 Functions
Fri. Feb. 4 / 1.6 Functions
Mon. Feb. 7 / 1.7 Linear FunctionsQuiz 2 (1.3 – 1.6)
Tues. Feb. 8 / 1.7 Linear Functions
Wed. Feb. 9 / 1.8 Quadratic Functions
Thurs. Feb. 10 / 1.8 Quadratic Functions
Fri. Feb. 11 / 2.1 – 2.2 Introduction; Other Common Functions
Mon. Feb. 14 / President’s Day Holiday
Tues. Feb. 15 / Chapter 1 Exam
Wed. Feb. 16 / 2.2 Other Common Functions
Thurs. Feb. 17 / 2.3 Arithmetic Combinations of Functions
Fri. Feb. 18 / 2.3 Arithmetic Combinations of Functions
Mon. Feb. 21 / 2.4 Composition of FunctionsQuiz 3 (2.2 – 2.3)
Tues. Feb. 22 / 2.4 Composition of Functions
Wed. Feb. 23 / 2.5 Inverse Functions
Thurs. Feb. 25 / 2.5 Inverse Functions
Fri. Feb. 25 / 3.1 – 3.2 Introduction; Polynomial Functions
Mon. Feb. 28 / Chapter 2 Exam
Tues. Mar. 1 / 3.2 Polynomial Functions
Wed. Mar. 2 / 3.3 Finding Factors and Zeros of Polys
Thurs. Mar. 3 / 3.3 Finding Factors and Zeros of Polys
Fri. Mar. 4 / 3.4 Rational Functions
Mon. Mar. 7 / 3.4 Rational Functions Quiz 4 (3.2 – 3.3)
Tues. Mar. 8 / 3.5 Other Algebraic Functions
Wed. Mar. 9 / 3.5 Other Algebraic Functions
Thurs. Mar. 10 / 3.6 Complex Roots of Polynomials
Fri. Mar. 11 / 3.6 Complex Roots of Polynomials
Mon. Mar. 14 / Chapter 3 Exam
Tues. Mar. 15 / 4.1 – 4.2 Introduction; Measuring Angles
Wed. Mar. 16 / 4.2 Measuring Angles
Thurs. Mar. 17 / 4.3 Right-Triangle Trigonometry
Fri. Mar. 18 / 4.3 Right-Triangle Trigonometry
Mar. 21 – 25 / Spring Recess
Mon. Mar. 28 / 4.4 The Sine and Cosine Functions Quiz 5 (4.1 – 4.3)
Tues. Mar. 29 / 4.4 The Sine and Cosine Functions
Wed. Mar. 30 / 4.5 Graphs of Sine and Cosine
Thurs. Mar. 31 / 4.5 Graphs of Sine and Cosine
Fri. Apr. 1 / 4.6 Other Trigonometric Functions
Mon. Apr. 4 / 4.6 Other Trigonometric FunctionsQuiz 6 (4.4 – 4.5)
Tues. Apr. 5 / 4.7 Trigonometric Identities
Wed. Apr. 6 / 4.7 Trigonometric Identities
Thurs. Apr. 7 / 4.8 Inverse Trig Functions
Fri. Apr. 8 / 4.8 Inverse Trig Functions
Mon. Apr. 11 / 4.9 Applications of Trig Functions Quiz 7 (4.6 – 4.8)
Tues. Apr. 12 / 4.9 Applications of Trig Functions
Wed. Apr. 13 / 5.1-5.2 Intro; Natural Exponential Function
Thurs. Apr. 14 / 5.2 Natural Exponential Function
Fri. Apr. 15 / 5.3 Logarithm Functions
Mon. Apr. 18 / Chapter 4 Exam
Tues. Apr. 19 / 5.3 Logarithm Functions
Wed. Apr. 20 / 5.4 Exponential Growth and Decay
Thurs. Apr. 21 / 5.4 Exponential Decay
Fri. Apr. 22 / 6.1 – 6.2 Introduction; Parabolas
Mon. Apr. 25 / Chapter 5 Exam
Tues. Apr. 26 / 6.2 Parabolas
Wed. Apr. 27 / 6.3 Ellipses
Thurs. Apr. 28 / 6.3 Ellipses
Fri. Apr. 29 / 6.4 Hyperbolas(Official Course Drop Deadline)
Mon. May 2 / 6.4 Hyperbolas Quiz 8 (6.2 – 6.3)
Tues. May 3 / 6.5 Polar Coordinates
Wed. May 4 / 6.5 Polar Coordinates
Thurs. May 5 / 6.6 Conic Sections in Polar Coordinates
Fri. May 6 / 6.6 Conic Sections in Polar Coordinates
Mon. May 9 / 6.7 Parametric Equations
Tues. May 10 / 6.7 Parametric Equations
Wed. May 11 / Systems of Equations
Thurs. May 12 / Binomial Theorem
Fri. May 13 / Review
Mon. May 16 / Final Exam Chapters 1 - 3
Tues. May 17 / Final Exam Chapters 4 - 6

Please note that the syllabus is just a guide. Depending on classroom circumstances, we may get ahead or fall behind. You are responsible for knowing about changed due dates.