Academic Technology Committee (ATC)


April 4, 2003

Attendees: Alana Angel, Francis Baylen, Lyn Clemons, Susie Dever, Joe Georges, Tom Jackson, Bob Lewis, Jim Noyes, Donna Post, John Ruggirello, Louis Sinopoli, Howard Story; Evelyn Uyemura

Next Meeting: Friday, May 2, 2003 – 9:30AM - 11:00AM

Administration 127

The Minutes of the March 28, 2003 meeting were approved as written.

Joe Georges reported that he had given the Council of Deans an account of why the ATC is compiling a list of critical instructional equipment and software needs.

Susie Dever shared her website address with committee members, so they can access ATC information. It is Click on the link to the Academic Technology Committee.

The timetable for the Technology Plan revision by the College Technology Committee has been pushed back since it will be impossible to finish the revision by the end of April. It will take at least until the end of May to finalize it. In the meantime, some strategies have been changed because either they were no longer needed or else could be merged with others. In our review of the draft we need to keep in mind that items probably need to be added as well.

Goals 1 and 2 were reviewed in depth:

Goal 1 (Access)

1.1  Modified to add a provision for online adds/drops and electronic signature.

1.2  Modified to provide for:

§  Updates

§  Accessibility

§  Operating hours costs

1.3  Modified to include compliance with all Access mandates.

1.4  Modified to increase level of non-permanent staff.

1.5  Modified to include “planning and review.”

1.6  Added to provide electronic counseling scheduling and electronic grade submission.

Goal 2 (Communication)

2.3  Modified to include a provision for connectivity between kiosk systems.

2.9  Added to provide for collaborative decision-making.

Howard Story, as chair of the Distance Education Advisory Committee, said that both Blackboard and WebCT course management programs cost the college $7,000.00 a year. Faculty members use both programs and also show some interest in the Etudes course management software. Since these costs are so high, it may become necessary to have only one CMS available on campus. DEAC wants to get input from all faculty members to ascertain which one of the three programs is most used.

It was noted that De Anza College has weblogs for use in creating faculty websites. It was also commented that when using wireless Internet connectivity, there is a need to make connections secure.