University of New Mexico: Psychology Department Research Experiment Web Advertising Form

1. Date: 2. Researcher’s Name, Title:

3. Researcher’s Telephone #: 4. Researcher’s UNM E-mail:

5. Faculty Sponsor / Principal Investigator:

Dr. ______, Ph.D.

UNM Psychology Department, 277-____, Logan Hall room ___

6. Study Name:

(If the title to be displayed on the website differs from above, list display title here):

7. Brief Abstract (245 characters max):

8. Recruitment Message: Detailed Description of Experiment (Use the exact wording that you want to include on the web-system):

Instructions: Include brief paragraph here to describe and advertise your experiment; this is your “recruitment message” for students. If you already have a campus IRB approval for an advertisement flier for recruiting, you must duplicate that advertisement information here. If you do not, you will need to create a recruitment message to be placed here. This addition needs to be separately approved as a modification to an existing protocol. Your message must contain sufficient information for the participant to have a reasonable understanding of the topic of the experiment, and what they should expect if they choose to participate. This does not necessarily need to be at the same level of detail as your intended consent form.

The following MUST BE INCLUDED at the end of your online recruitment message.

"Other options of obtaining course credit are available. Information about these options can be provided by your course instructor"

9. Eligibility Requirements (If your subject population is adults, include the restriction “Must be 18 years of age or older”):

(example: males only; must not be color-blind; must wear corrective lenses if needed, etc.)

(example: participants must: be / have / need / etc.)

(example: Participant must not have participated in study X/ must be enrolled in psych 105 etc.)

10. Duration (in minutes): 11. Credits or other payment to be awarded:

12. List any preparation the participant must complete prior to their timeslot:

(example: Participant must not eat for 3 hours before scheduled timeslot)

13. Where to Report for Experiment:

(example: Logan Hall, north hallway lobby)

As the faculty sponsor for this research experiment, I certify that this information and recruitment message (item 8 above) is part of an approved experimental protocol (UNM IRB protocol # ______, IRB Expiration date______):


Faculty Sponsor for Experiment (signature) Date

UNM Psychology Department (Sign after approval)


Department IRB Chair (signature) Date

UNM Psychology Department (Sign after approval)

Note: A copy of this form will be kept in a department file of currently active experiments. Revised on 1/20/10.