Inuvialuit House

September 27, 2010

I have created five test worlds that run with the Virtools plugin, ( On our website, we can make it easy to load for the user. In the interim here is the link. If you are running Mozilla, it should find the link and ask if you want to load the plugin. Here is the url for the plugin:

All three worlds have the same navigation. To access help type H key on your keyboard. The Help will stay up for 20 secs. If you want to close hit the esc key.

Here are some helpful hints:


1)  Use the Forward/and Backward Arrow for basic navigation.

2)  You may want to combine the Arrow keys with Left/Right arrow keys. This will allow you to turn while you move forward and back.

3)  If you want to go sideways use the Q and W keys

4)  To go faster stop and hit the space bar. You will see the speed change in the lower right corner. There are three speeds you can cycle through. If you slow your speed down, it is easier to get closer to an object.

5)  To have a wider view hit the number 1. This will give you the equivalent of a 20 mm lens. The Number 2 will give you a 28 mm lens and 3 a 50 mm lens. By getting close to an artifact you can merely shift lenses by hitting 1,2,3 on the keyboard.

General Instructions:

6)  )You have in a virtual sense two hands. The left hand gives you the direction of movement (attached to the avatar – it moves with your keyboard).

7)  The right hand is controlled by the mouse. You can click on an of the hedras (that are green). They float above or under an object. Clicking on these will result in playing an audio clip. The text box will appear at the top of the screen. When the clip is playing, the drum appears and replaces the right hand icon.

8)  Once the audio clue stops (there is only one clip in this world) move on to the next clue.

Loading files

1) You may load the files by clicking on the link given below for each world. If you prefer you can also go to the link on the webdisk and download all the files associated with these five worlds. To activate any of the worlds click on the htm file. If you have any questions please contact Prof. Levy at .

Virtual Worlds:

There are five worlds to visit:

1)  Inside an Inuvialuit house: Learning mode – In this virtual world use your right hand to click on artifacts in view. After you have found all the artifacts in the house go outside to view the aurora borealis.



Inside Learning Mode

2)  Inside an Inuvialuit house: Discovery mode - In this version you are in a dark house, with limited light. Use your lamp to find the objects in the house. Click on the objects with your right hand. . After you have found all the artifacts in the house go outside to view the aurora borealis.



3)  Constructing an Inuvialuit House – In this version you will discover the tools that were used to construct a typical Inuvialuit house. If you look carefully you will see the house being constructed around you. A new piece of the house will appear every 12 seconds.



Franklin House: Interior – In this virtual world a 3D reconstruction of Inuvialuit house has been created based on the drawings of a George Back, a British naval officer.

4)  Franklin House: Exterior – In this virtual world a 3D reconstruction of an Inuvialuit house has been created based on the drawings of George Back of 1828. You may go inside the house and look around. You have to go in through the entrance to gain access.