University of Strathclyde, Estates Management


ID: ADM038

Procedure: Complaints


Author: AMO

Estates Services Department

Feedback/Complaints Procedure


The Estates Services Departmentis committed to providing a timely, competent and high quality service to all its customers. We strive to deal with our service users with efficiency, courtesy and fairness and within the spirit of the University’s Equal Opportunities policy. However the Department recognises that despite our best efforts things can go wrong and there will be rare occasions where a customer feels that their expectations of the service have not been met. Likewise there will be occasions where a customer feels that their expectations have been exceeded.

We therefore welcomecomplaints, to enable us to examine an issue, correct mistakes where we are at fault and learn how to improve our service in the future. We will monitor complaints and use the information to help develop policies to protect the future interests of all building occupants and users.

With this in mind we have a simple, easy-to-use complaints procedure designed to resolve your complaints quickly and effectively.

What is a Complaint?

A complaint is a grievance about a perceived failure in service delivery. It concerns situations such as:

  • The department failing to properly record or react to a Maintenance or Service request, failing to be proactive in dealing with a potential problem or doing something it should not have done i.e. carrying out the wrong repair,
  • Staff failing to behave according to good practice, or failing to provide satisfactory responses to enquiries, or providing inaccurate advice in response to an enquiry,
  • Charging for works in excess of an estimated price or above what is felt is a reasonable charge for the works carried out.

Complaints Procedure

Complaints can be made:

  • Using the online form, at the Estates Services web front page at
  • In person at our Helpdesk at 181 St James Road
  • By telephoning the Helpdesk on extension 2164
  • By email to the (in relation to complaints regarding charges for works), or to the Works Manager (in relation to complaints regarding the quality of work, failure to carry out a work request etc.)

All of the above (informal and formal) methods of complaining are treated equally.


If for any reason you have difficulty putting your complaint in writing - for example, if you have a visual impairment, we will be happy to provide you with the additional support required to enable you to do so.

What happens when you complain?

Stage One

Complaints received at this stage will be handled by the relevant Section Head, Trade Supervisor or by the Helpdesk. We will aim to acknowledge your complaint on the day of receipt and where possible we will tell you who is dealing with the complaint. We will always try to sort out any mistake or misunderstanding straight away, however where a complaint requires investigation it may take longer. We would ask that you provide as much information as possible in order to enable us to investigate your complaint thoroughly and promptly. We aim to respond as quickly as possible and certainly within 10 working days or 2 weeks.

Stage Two

If a complaint is not resolved at Stage One it is then referred to the Assistant Director or to the relevant Section Head. We aim to respond as quickly as possible from the time of referral to the Assistant Director or Section Head and certainly within 10 working days or 2 weeks.

Stage Three

If a complaint is not resolved at Stage Two, it is then referred to the Director of Estates Services. We aim to respond as quickly as possible from the time of referral to the Director and certainly within 10 working days or 2 weeks.

What you can expect from the process

  • Your complaint will be taken seriously and will be used to assist in the process of ongoing improvementsto our service.
  • Your contact with the department will be treated in a courteous and respectful manner at all times. In return we would expect all customers making complaints to be courteous and respectful to Estates Services staff.
  • You should be kept informed as to the progress of a complaint and even in cases where your complaint is investigated and deemed to be unfounded you should be informed as to the reasoningbehind that outcome.

Our staff work extremely hard to look after the estate and to resolve any difficulties staff or students are experiencing with their environment. Should you wish to highlight any exceptional serviceyou receive, we would welcome any positive feedback. If you wish to do so please call the Helpdesk on 2164 or email . Alternatively you can write to theWorks Manager (in relation to the Works section) or the Administration Services Manager (in relation to the Helpdesk.)