Charlie’s Story

Charlie Brown came into my life through the Kindness and Compassion of Others. Those Others being Beverly, Cindy, Mike and Donna, a.k.a. Underground Dog Rescue Heroes. At the time, I was working a full-time job and making my dreams come true. I was also doing a lot of soul-searching and healing. A work task I oversaw was the Adoption Window. I kept the summaries and photos of dogs available for adoption up to date. My dog Murray did not want to live with me in the hustle and bustle of downtown. While he was with my parents, I felt very empty, very alone. I started to take in dogs here and there, but always found them homes. I would have kept one of those fosters, but all the pieces did not fit despite my efforts.

And then there was Charlie Brown.

I honestly got ‘tired’ of putting up his photo on the Adoption board every week. I knew that he needed me to, at the very least, take him in, give him a stable environment with attention, nutrition, exercise, and, of course, Love.

One morning I gave in. I called Beverly and told her to give me Charlie. That I was his best chance for finding a Forever Home. He would have lots of exposure through me and I felt confident that if any one could help him Live, it would be me. Beverly was so excited at my offer that we quickly moved forward with the foster process.

I was separated from my long-time boyfriend, Bob, at the time. However, I did still speak with him. I asked him if he would like to go meet a dog for ‘something to do.’ Of course Bob said yes. We went on a Tuesday night to meet Charlie. Little did Bob and I know just how much our lives would change.

I was approved by UDR as a Foster Mom. They were all so excited for Charlie to be in a home. He moved right in. I was initially unprepared and caught way off guard for Charlie’s Exuberance with Life. He would proceed with saying ‘Thanks!’ by shredding my apartment into a bomb crime scene. But that was okay. Charlie would bite my butt a lot to get my attention or initiate play. And that was okay. Charlie would smother Bob with Love whenever he came over for a visit. And that too, was okay.

I knew I needed to rescue/adopt a dog into my life. I actually had my eye on another UDR dog named Smokey. I have always wanted a malamute or husky dog and Smokey was just that. But I already committed to giving Charlie a safe-haven. And that was okay.

It didn’t take long for me to realize that I needed Charlie just as much as Charlie needed me. We had everything in common. So I surprised Beverly with a call one day to tell her that I wanted to keep him all to myself. That no one else would ever be able to watch out for Charlie like me, provide for Charlie like me, protect Charlie like me. UDR was thrilled! Their toughest case yet gets a happy ending.

And so Time would start to go by. Charlie would bring Bob and I together again and make us a family. Bob and Charlie would spend more and more time together to the point that you wouldn’t know where one ended and the other began. They were inseparable. Bob was Charlie’s Daddy and Charlie was Bob’s Buddy. At times I would be very jealous of the connection they had. But that was okay. Charlie was safe. That’s all that mattered to me.

We had three fun-filled, wonderful and adventurous years with Charlie. He traveled a lot. He really enjoyed this place called DeepCreekLake out in Garrett County, MD. We took him there twice. He also traveled to VA to Pond Oaks Farm where he would play, fish, rest in the afternoon sunshine, and eat spectacular food. Charlie enjoyed the daily routine of hiking through Woodlawn Preserve or local parks. He ate homemade breakfasts and dinners and would eventually inspire a signature cookie for a homemade treat line. Charlie went for car rides when he could. He would catch the wind on his face and let his tongue lop in the air. He made people smile at stop lights and loved going to Highland Orchards, a local farm, to pick up fresh eggs, veggies and fruit.

Charlie kept me grounded. He helped me stay focused on the important things in life—Family, God, Learning, Loving, Giving. He made me comfortable with myself. I felt Charlie brought me a Peace with who I am and that being me, is okay. That making excuses for this and that is a waste of time. That being efficient and really trying to live in the moment is where the Magic happens -- where the Dreams come true.

Despite setbacks I have experienced throughout life, my view of the world has shifted because I knew Charlie Brown. The largest Gift Charlie let me ‘open’ every day was the Gift of Awareness. To always be friendly and offer of yourself. But, in doing so, be wise as to who you trust. As to whom you share your gifts, your dreams, your abilities. Be friends with everybody, but don’t feel obligated—feel Purposeful.

I have a hole in my heart now. This hole will be filled with giving another dog a chance. And in time, the hole will fill in with love, fun, and adventure. Will it ever be ‘the same?’ Of course not. As unique as a paw-print, dogs like Charlie Brown come around once-in-a-lifetime.

I can’t wait to run the hills with you again Charlie—

Love mom