Annex 2

Erasmus+ / Application Form Call: 2016
KA3 – Support to Policy Reform
Support to the implementation of EHEA reforms 2016-2018
Deadline: 9/09/2016


(To be attached to the eForm)

1. Project summary

For successful applications, this section will be published, as presented below, in the websites of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency and the European Commission. Please therefore ensure that it gives a concrete overview of the work to be undertaken including:

- The rationale for the project

- Concise description of the expected results

- The target groups

- The impact envisaged

Maximum 30 lines

2. project characteristics

In this section, you should describe your project in particular with regard to the award criteria defined in the Restricted Call for proposals EACEA/28/2016 as follow:

Relevance of the proposal to the challenges identified in the Bologna Implementation Report and the priorities identified in the Yerevan Communiqué (maximum 30 points) / ·  The project is relevant to the objectives of the Action.
·  The extent to which:
-  the proposal is based on a genuine and adequate needs analysis based on the challenges identified in the Bologna implementation report 2015
-  the objectives are clearly defined, realistic and address relevant issues in line with the priorities identified in the Yerevan Communiqué
·  The proposal is innovative and/or complementary to other initiatives already carried out by organisations in the field.
Quality of the project and its work plan (maximum 20 points) / ·  The clarity, completeness and quality of the work programme including appropriate phases for preparation, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and dissemination.
·  The consistency between identified needs, project objectives, and activities proposed.
·  The existence and relevance of quality control measures to ensure that the project implementation is of high quality, completed in time and on budget.
·  The extent to which these activities are appropriate to the project aims and involve the appropriate number of participants.
·  The budget proposed respects the principles of sound financial management.
Quality of the project team (maximum 20 points) / ·  The proposal clearly shows the fields of expertise of the involved staff/experts and how they are complementary and of added value for the implementation of the project.
·  The distribution of responsibilities and tasks demonstrates the commitment and active contribution of staff/experts.
Impact and dissemination (maximum 30 points) / ·  The quality of measures for evaluating the outcomes of the project (including the use of quantitative and qualitative indicators)
·  The potential impact of the project to respond to the challenges identified in the Bologna Implementation Report 2015 and the priorities identified in the Yerevan Communiqué
·  The quality of the dissemination plan: the appropriateness and quality of measures aimed at sharing the outcomes of the project
·  The quality of the plans for ensuring the sustainability of the project

2.1 Rationale & needs/ problems/ challenges

Please outline the rationale for the project, clearly identifying the specific needs or problems/challenges which it intends to solve, based on the challenges identified in the Bologna implementation report 2015.

Maximum 20 lines

2.2 Solutions, objectives and priority themes

Describe the solutions proposed and how these will address the problems and challenges identified in section 2.1.

Define the project concrete objectives and priority themes, bearing in mind the priorities identified in the Yerevan Communiqué.

Maximum 20 lines

2.3 Complementarity with other actions and innovation

Explain how this proposal seeks to build on the results of past activities carried out in the field (in particular in the framework of the previous Restricted Call for Support to the implementation of EHEA reforms and the National team of Bologna experts) focusing on what the project is offering that is new and different. Explain also how the project is complementary to other activities carried out by other organisations.

Maximum 20 lines

2.4 Target groups

Please describe the target groups and how they will be reached.

Maximum 20 lines

2.5 Methodology

Please define the methodology proposed for achieving the objectives with high quality, in time and on budget (including project monitoring, i.e. major milestones, measurable indicators, etc...)

Maximum 20 lines

2.6 Overall project management

Please describe what are the project management arrangements foreseen in order to implement the project successfully.

If the National Authority wishes to include in the application an organisation designated by them, such as their Erasmus+ National Agency, to assist them with the project implementation either as an affiliated entity or as an associated partner participating on a no cost basis, its specific role and responsibilities in the project must be explained in this section. In addition, this entity must be included in the Eform as a partner.

Maximum 20 lines

2.7 Professional profile, skills and expertise of key staff – from the National authority and affiliated entity - involved in the implementation of the project

Please complete the table below (add lines as necessary).

Name of key staff / Professional profile, skills and expertise in relation with EHEA reforms

2.8 Experts to support implementation of the work plan

Explain if a national team of experts in higher education will be nominated by the National Authority to support implementation of the work plan or whether the applicant wishes to call on the open Europe-wide platform of experts in higher education and the Bologna Process.

In both cases, please describe the specific expertise and experience of each proposed expert in relation with higher education and the Bologna Process.

The experts must have the professional and technical capacity to support the implementation of the objectives described in this call, as follows:

·  Qualification: A level of education which corresponds to a higher education Bachelor degree.

·  Professional experience: At least 4 years of proven experience in higher education and the Bologna Process. For experts in ECTS, learning outcomes and student-centred learning: summary of prior activities in this area.

·  Other skills: ability to work in English (minimum B2 level)[1], as well as excellent drafting/presentation skills.

Please also complete the table at the end of this form and copy/paste the expert CVs afterwards (focusing on expertise and experience in higher education and the Bologna Process).

Maximum 20 lines

2.9 Quality assurance and evaluation

Please define the specific quality measures to be put in place, as well as indicators (quantitative and qualitative) foreseen to verify the outcomes of the project. Explain which mechanisms will be used to ensure the evaluation of the project results.

Maximum 20 lines

2.10 Expected impact

Please describe the expected impact of the project, in particular in relation with the challenges identified in the Bologna implementation report 2015 and the priorities identified in the Yerevan Communiqué.

Maximum 20 lines

2.11 Project results: target groups; impact; indicators

Please complete the table below (add lines as necessary).

Project result / Target groups (and other potential beneficiaries) / Expected impact / Quantitative indicators / Qualitative indicators

2.12 Dissemination and exploitation activities

How will the dissemination be organised and how will exploitation activities ensure optimal use of the results? How will the results be mainstreamed and multiplied at national and European levels?

Maximum 20 lines

2.13 Sustainability

How will the activities be sustained beyond the project lifetime? Explain which results of the project will be maintained after EU funding, and how you intend to maintain them (e.g. financial and human resources, etc.).

Maximum 20 lines

2.14 Work packages

Please complete the table below to describe the project activities and deliverables (including appropriate phases for preparation, management, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and dissemination/exploitation of results). Create as many tables as work package by copy/pasting the table below.

Bear in mind that the following type of activities are eligible:

·  Voluntary Peer Learning Activity on Bologna process priorities (including clusters of countries facing similar challenges) which have been identified by the Bologna Follow-up Group work plan and included in the mandates for the advisory groups and working groups.

·  Peer Review Activity involving several countries.

·  National, bilateral, regional or international conferences, seminars or workshops on priorities in the Yerevan Communiqué.

·  Analyses such as studies and dissemination material on a priority.

Work package n° and title:
Work package type / Preparation
Dissemination and Exploitation of results
Month number / End
Month number / Duration in number of months
Distribution of tasks (included estimated person/days needed to complete the activity)

Title of the project / Acronym

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Annex 2

Country / Gender / Surname / First name / Job Title / Institution / Address / e-mail / Phone number / AREA OF EXPERTISE
Address1 / Zip code / City

Annex. List of experts in higher education and the Bologna Process

Title of the project / Acronym

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·  [1] Europass type curriculum vitae typology: