LLM’s (Reader’s) with Permission to Officiate Annual Return

Statement of Activities

LLMs (Readers) over the age of 70 with Permission to Officiate are requested to fill in as much of this return as is relevant and email it to the Wardenof LLMs, Mrs Gertrud as soon as convenient after the end of 2011. The return is not compulsory, but it is very helpful in giving a complete picture of LLM ministry in the diocese. If email is not convenient, please print and post to Gertrud Sollars, 6 Overbrook, Godalming Surrey GU7 1LX. Thank you.

NameDate of birth



Parish/BeneficePTO expires

If your PTO expires in 2012, do you expect to seek renewal?

Your Ministry

Please enter the number of times (approximate if necessary) you undertook the following:

Activity / Own Parish/Benefice / Another Parish/Benefice
Led Sunday service
Led weekday service
Assisted with Eucharist:
- led part of service / Please indicatefrequentsometimesnone / Please indicatefrequentsometimesnone
- distributed bread or wine / Please indicatefrequentsometimesnone / Please indicatefrequentsometimesnone
Home Communions
Burial of Ashes

Your Ministry (cont.)

Please indicate which other areas of ministry you are involved in by checking all relevant boxes

Leading small groups

Leading ministry in parish

Deanery/diocesan Synod


Church School governor

Other kind of community work – please specify

Anything else not mentioned above – please specify

Continuing Ministerial Development

Please indicate the kinds of CMD you have attended by checking all relevant boxes

Diocesan CMD

Continued theological training (e.g. LMP:G)

Other Conferences/courses

Personal reading

Other area of study – please specify

Have you any suggestions/requests for training that would benefit your ministry as an LLM and which is not currently available?

If your PTO expires in 2012 and want to continue as an LLM, please discuss this with your Incumbent before the expiry of your existing PTO and arrange for a resolution to be put to your PCC along these lines: “The PCC of [your parish/benefice] supports the Rector/vicar, the Revd [A] in his/her request that [B] be given Permission to Officiate to continue with his/her ministry as a Licensed Lay Minster (Reader)”, and ask the PCC secretary to send notification of this to the Registrar.

Signature (if hard copy)Date

By returning this statement, you agree to this information being held by the Warden and Registrar of LLMs.