E911 Emergency Services Board Meeting

January 14, 2013- 12:30 P.M.

Attendees- Chairman Schiliro, Secretary Sills, Arthur Lewis, Lewis Briggs, Michael Vincent, Jamie Turner and Mark Grubb.

Staff- DAG Thomas Ellis, Matthew Laick and Terry Whitham.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Schiliro at 12:30. There were no minutes to approve so the first agenda item was called upon.

Introduction of Newly Appointed E911 Board Member-

Chairman Schiliro introduced Mark Grubb as the newest member of the E911 Emergency Services Board. Mr. Grubb was appointed by Governor Markell and confirmed by the legislature. Mr. Grubb will occupy the seat recently vacated by Michael Metcalf.

9-1-1 Phone Systems Maintenance Contracts-

Chairman Schiliro recognized Terry Whitham. Mr. Whitham explained that the current phone maintenance contracts for 9-1-1 equipment housed in Seaford, Rehoboth Beach, Wilmington and Newark have expired. These systems were purchased with only a 36 month maintenance agreement. The following prices were submitted by Verizon to extend maintenance by another year:

Newark- $ 46,200.52 Rehoboth Beach- $ 29,108.82

Seaford- $ 93,025.79 Wilmington- $ 85,086.01

Discussion centered on the 36 vs. 60 month maintenance contracts. The most recent leases of New Castle and Sussex Counties systems included the 60 month maintenance agreement. All the other existing systems were only obtained with the 36 month agreement. There was a motion by Secretary Sills, 2nd by Lewis Briggs to proceed with extending the maintenance period at a cost of $ 253,421.14. Motion passed with Arthur Lewis abstaining.

Executive Session-

Motion by Lewis Briggs, 2nd by Mark Grubb for the board to go into Executive Session pursuant to 29 Del. C 1004 (b) (9) for personnel matters. Motion passed unanimously. Time- 1:05 P.M.

Secretary Schiliro called the E911 Board meeting back to order at 2:20 P.M. With no other business before the board there was a motion by Lewis Briggs, 2nd by Michael Vincent to adjourn. Motion passed.

The business meeting was adjourned at 2:25 P.M. .

Respectfully Submitted,

Terry M. Whitham

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