I-Search Notebooks

Keeping a notebook for a large project like the I-Search paper is key to staying organized and managing your paper load. You are expected to keep an I-Search project notebook, which will be periodically checked throughout the project, and turn it in the day you complete your final presentation.

Below I am listing all the materials you should have in your notebook to ensure you understand what you need to have in your I-Search notebook.

Notebook Organization & Tabs:

~Cover Sheet: Your notebook should have a clear, creative cover sheet (which can be used later for your final paper cover sheet) that includes the title, class, my name, your name & due date of the paper. Your cover can also include a graphic or picture.

~Calendar: You should print the class Calendar and keep it in your notebook, so you have a copy of all due dates and class assignments. Behind the calendar should be your white I-Search paper assignment sheet and any other pink assignment sheets used for the individual components of the paper. After the assignment sheets, you should have your class notes from classes that covered topics about the I-Search paper.

~Outline: You should have a topic outline, and 2 versions of your paragraph outline. The first paragraph outline was the one due on 11/19/08. The second paragraph outline would be the one that was due after your 1st draft was turned in.

~Drafts: This section should include your lead, your interview write up, your site visit write up and all the drafts that you do for this paper.

~Research: ALL of the research that you print or copy should be in this section. You can also include your interview notes and site visit notes in this section as well.

~Works Cited: You should have an in-progress Works Cited page in this section that is kept up to date with all of the research you are doing.

I-Search Notes:

The following dates list the class periods where we discussed topics to help support the writing of your I-search paper. You should have notes from these discussions or if you were absent, you should have made up the notes from the missed class.

11/16/09:Notes from How to Use Quotes: When to Use Quotes, When to Paraphrase

11/30/09:Notes from They Say, I Say Ch 1 & 2

I-Search Paper Getting Started Worksheet

12/01/09:Notes from RR: Avoiding Plagarism & Using Attributive Tags

12/09/09:Notes from RR: Strategies for Writing a First Draft

12/17/09:Notes from RR: Strategies for Evaluating / Peer Response.

1/05/10:Notes from RR: Strategies for Editing & Polishing Your Final Draft**

**May or may not be assigned due to class progress.