Human Trafficking Conference UWE 5 July 2012

Main Speakers’ Biographies

Lady Butler-Sloss

Emeritas Chancellor of UWE

The first woman appointed as a Lord Justice of Appeal, retired from the Bench as President of the Family Division in 2005. She works tirelessly on human trafficking issues in the House of Lords (most recently the legal aid bill) and is currently the co-chairman of the All-Party Group on the Trafficking of Women and Children.

Professor Ryszard Piotrowicz

Department of Law and Criminology, Aberystwyth University

Member of the European Commission's Group of Experts on Trafficking in Human Beings

Professor Piotrowicz specialises in refugee law with a particular interest in trafficking, in which he has extensive international experience. He has acted as a consultant on trafficking to several international organisations, giving legal advice and participating in training programmes, and has published extensively on the legal aspects of trafficking.

Bob Tooby (MPA, MA)Anti Human Trafficking Coordinator for Wales

Retired from South Wales Police as Chief Superintendent, and BCU Commander in charge of policing the Welsh capital April 2011. Appointed as Anti Human Trafficking Coordinator for Wales from April 2011. His new role necessitates assessing the current situation with victims and establishing the threat, risk and potential harm with Human Trafficking across Wales.

Ann Hamilton

Ann is a member of the EU Group of experts on Trafficking 2011-15. She is the General Manager of the Human Trafficking Foundation, an organization which has just been established to drive progress on trafficking policy, raise awareness of politicians and policy makers and forge links with NGOs working in this field adding value to their work. In 2003 Ann established the Glasgow Inter Agency Group on Trafficking and subsequently established and managed TARA.

Professor Jean Allain

Professor Jean Allain is a generalist in public international law with a specialisation in human rights and an expertise in issues of slavery and trafficking, in particular organ trafficking. He has written extensively on legal aspects of human trafficking, slavery and servitude.

Bernie Gravett

Bernie Gravett advises the Home Office, the Foreign & Commonwealth Office on trafficking of human beings and Romanian Organised Crime. He has presented at the International Crime Symposium in Cambridge University and at a number of NGO forums across the UK. He has developed training for law enforcement officers that has been delivered to the UK Serious Organised Crime Agency, UK Police forces, Europol, Interpol, Eurojust, the UNODC and TADOC.

Sarah Simons

Sarah was one of the writers of the UN Global Report on Trafficking in Persons 2009. She is a trained Crime Investigator, Researcher, Analyst and Lecturer specializing in Crime Victim Support and Witness Protection. Sarah is currently writing up her PhD in Cardiff University ‘Analysis of Maritime Piracy in Eastern Africa between 2000 and 2011 and its Impact on Seafarers’ Welfare”.

Louise Hooper

Barrister at Garden Court Chambers. Louise specializes in immigration and asylum as well as human trafficking cases. She regularly leads training on, inter alia, identification of human trafficking victims.

Dr Jessica Elliott

Dr Jessica Elliott has been a senior lecturer at UWE since September 2009. Jessica's research interests centre on international and domestic criminal law and human rights, particularly with respect to human trafficking, sexual exploitation and prostitution.

Dr Kieran McCartan

Kieran has a track record of public, academic and professional engagement on criminological issues, including sex offender aetiology, management and societal responses. He has developed a wide-ranging, multi-disciplinary network around sex offender management and reintegration. He is currently leading an ESRC Knowledge Exchange Network and a Ministry of Justice research project on sexual offender reintegration and working with Jessica Elliott on human trafficking and new technology.